Psalterium Americanum
Book One
Psalms 1 through 41
Psalm 1
1 O What the Blessings of the Man
who is not walking in
the counsel of the Men that are
set for impiety!
The Man who stands not in the way
of sinful wanderers:
The Man who sits not in the seat,
of scornful cavillers!
2 But his delight is in the Law
of the ETERNAL God;
and in his Law he meditates
both in the day and night.
3 Sure he shall be like to a tree
planted by streams of water;
which in its season yields its fruit:
its leaf too shall not fade:
and whatsoever it does bear
shall prosper very well.
4 Th'ungodly are not so; but like
Chaff which the wind does chase.
5 Therefore shall not ungodly ones
stand in the Judgment Day;
neither shall Sinners stand in the
Assembly of the just.
6 For the ETERNAL God regards
the way of righteous Men;
But the way of ungodly ones
shall perish utterly.
Psalm 2
1 THE Nations, why do they concur
with such tumultuous rage!
And why the People meditate
a thing that is but vain?
2 Kings of the Earth do set themselves,
and Rulers do consult,
against th' ETERNAL, and against
[CHRIST] His Anointed One.
3 What they say, is, Let us throw off
at once their curbing bands;
And let us cast away from us
the yokes they bind us to.
4 He who sits in the Heav'ns above
shall there but laugh at them.
Th' ETERNAL God shall them expose
unto contemptuous scorn.
5 At that time He shall speak with strokes
in anger unto them;
and fill them with perplexity
in His incensed wrath.
6 What He will say, is, I have set
Him I anoint my King
on Zion which is unto me
an hill of holiness!
7 I [who am He] proclaim the act;
Th' ETERNAL said to me,
Thou art my Son; this very day
have I begotten thee.
8 Ask me, and Nations will I give
for thy Inheritance;
And the remote ends of the Earth
for thy Possession.
9 Thou with a rod o' Iron shalt,
a Shepherd, govern them;
Like to a Potters vessel thou
shalt break them all to shreds.
10 And now be wise, ye Kings; be taught,
ye Judges of the Earth.
11 Serve ye the Lord with fear; and yet
with trembling still rejoyce.
12 Kiss ye the Son, lest He be wroth,
and you fail in vour way:
For His hot wrath will quickly flame.
Blest all that trust in Him.
Psalm 3
A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his Son
1 ETERNAL GOD, how they're increas'd
who greatly trouble me?
How many are the Men that stand
in triumph over me?
2 Many there be who ever are
saying unto my Soul,
There's no Salvation to be had
for him in God at all. Selah.
3 But now about me thou'rt a shield,
O thou ETERNAL God,
Thou art my Glory, and thou art
th'uplifter of my head.
4 Unto th' ETERNAL God, I cried,
with my extended voice,
And He gave answer unto me
out of His holy hill. Selah.
5 I laid me down, and took my sleep;
and then I did awake:
Because that the ETERNAL God
sustain'd me all along.
6 Tho' there should be ten thousands of
those people who do set
themselves against me round about;
I will not be afraid.
7 ETERNAL, rise; save me, my God;
For thou hast smitten all
my Foes on the cheek-bone; Thou hast
broken the wicked's teeth.
8 Salvation is what does belong
to the ETERNAL God;
On those that are thy People is
thy benediction still.
Psalm 4
To the chief Musician. On Neginoth. A Psalm David.
1 O Thou God of my righteousness,
hear me when I do call:
Thou hast enlarg'd me when I was
in trouble some Restraint.
O be thou gracious unto me,
and O hear thou my prayer.
2 Ye Sons of Men, how long shall my
Glory be turn'd to shame?
How long will you love vanity;
and how long seek a lie?
3 But know, th' ETERNAL sets apart
the pious for Himself.
Th' ETERNAL God will hear when I
do call to Him for help.
4 Be you much mov'd; but do you not
then any more offend.
Commune with your own heart upon
your bed, and so be still.
5 Offer the Sacrifices which
belong to righteousness:
And therewith place your confidence
on the ETERNAL God.
6 Many there be that say, O who
will show us what is good!
O thou ETERNAL God, do thou
signally over us,
like as a banner, lift the light
of thy bright countenance.
7 Thou hast bestow'd, in doing thus,
a joy upon my heart,
more than the time wherein their Corn
and their Wine did increase.
8 I will both lay me down in peace,
and I will take my sleep;
For, O ETERNAL, Thou alone
dost make me dwell secure.
Psalm 5
To the Chief Musician. Upon Nebiloth. A Psalm of David.
1 O Thou ETERNAL God, do thou
give eat unto my words.
Let the consideration weigh
what I do meditate.
2 O hearken thou unto the voice
of my lamenting cry;
Thou art my King; thou art my God;
and I will pray to thee.
3 O thou ETERNAL, thou shalt in
the morning hear my voice.
I in the morning will prepare
for thee, and will look up
4 For thou art not a God that hath
pleasure in wickedness:
nor shall a dwelling be with thee
for any evil thing.
5 None of them that are scornful fools
shall stand before thine eyes;
The worker of iniquity,
thou hatest all of them.
6 Thou shalt bring a perdition on
thee who do speak a lye;
Th' ETERNAL God will much abhor
the man of blood and guile.
7 But I in thy large mercy will
enter into thy house:
Towards thy holy Temple I
will worship in thy fear.
8 O thou ETERNAL do thou lead
me in thy righteousness;
For my observers sake, make plain
the way before my face.
9 Truth's in the mouth of none of them;
within they've grievous frauds;
their throat's an open Sepulchre:
they flatter with their tongue.
10 O God, condemn them; let them fall
from counsels of their own:
expel them in their many crimes;
for they've provoked thee.
11 But let all them that hope in thee,
joy; ever sing for joy.
Since thou hid'st them; let them that love
thy Name, rejoyce in thee.
12 For, O ETERNAL, thou dost use
to bless the righteous one:
with crowning favour as a shield
thou wilt encompass him.
Psalm 6
To the Chief Musician, On Neginoth. Upon Sheminith. A Psalm of David.
1 O Thou ETERNAL God, in thine anger rebuke me not.
And in thy fiercely burning wrath,
O do not chasten me.
2 Pity me, O ETERNAL God;
for I am languishing.
O Lord, restore me; for my bones
are greatly terrified.
3 Yea, more than this; my very Soul
is greatly terrified.
But, O thou, the ETERNAL God,
how long shall it be so?
4 Return, O thou ETERNAL God;
deliver thou my Soul.
O grant Salvation unto me,
for thy kind mercies sake.
5 For no commemoration can
be made of thee in death:
And who is there to celebrate,
thy praises in the Grave?
6 I'm with my groaning spent; all night
I make my bed to swim.
With my continual sweeping I
water my lodging place.
7 My eye is meerly worn away
thro' forrow of my mind;
It is becoming old because
of all my enemies.
8 All workers of iniquity,
Depart away from me!
Because that the ETERNAL One
hath heard my weeping voice.
9 Now the ETERNAL God, He hath
my supplication heard:
Th'ETERNAL will receive my prayer,
kindly approving it.
10 My Enemies be all asham'd
and greatly terrify'd;
Let them return, and suddenly
let them be put to shame.
Psalm 7
Shaggajon of David; which he Sang unto the LORD, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite.
O Thou ETERNAL God, my God;
in Thee I put my trust.
From all my persecutors save
me, and, Oh! Rescue me,
2 Least he to pieces tear my Soul,
like as a Lion tears;
To pieces rending it, while there
is no deliverer.
3 O Thou ETERNAL God, my God;
if I have done this thing
wherewith I'm charg'd; if in my hands
there be iniquity:
4 If I have rendred ill to him
that was at peace with me;
(yea, I have rescued him that was
my causeless enemy!)
5 The Enemy then pursue my Soul,
and overtake it too!
yea, tread my life to th' Earth, & lay
my honour in the dust. Selah.
6 LORD, in thine anger rise; lift up,
for the rage of my foes:
Wake for me; There's a Judgment which
thou givest Commandment for.
7 So shall the Congregation of
the People compass thee:
For their sakes therefore, O do thou
return unto the heighth.
8 The People shall th' ETERNAL Judge:
Me, O ETERNAL, Judge;
as is my righteousness, and as
my innocence in me.
9 The wickedness of wicked ones,
Oh let it have an end.
But fix the just; for the just God
does try the hearts & reins.
10 The Shield for my defence, it is
still to be sound with God;
who is a Saviour unto those
that are upright in heart.
11 God is a Judge on His behalf
that is a righteous Man;
And God is grievously provok'd
no less than every day.
12 Except he shall be turn'd about,
He'l sharply whet His Sword,
He hath already hent His Bow,
and hath prepared it
13 He also has prepar'd for him
the instruments of Death.
His arrows He hath wrought against
the persecuting ones.
14 Behold, he is in travail to
bring forth iniquity;
He has conceived mischief, and
he shall bring forth a lye.
15 He hath with digging made a pit,
and he hath hollow'd it:
but he hath fall'n into the ditch
which was his workmanship.
16 Upon his own head shall return
the mischief done by him;
upon his own crown from on high
his violence shall come down.
17 According to His righteousness
I'll Praise th' ETERNAL God;
and sing the Name of Him that is
th' ETERNAL, the most High.
Psalm 8
To the Chief Musician; upon Gittith. A Psalm of David.
1 O Thou ETERNAL God, our Lord!
Thy Name, how great is it
in all the Earth That thou hast set
thy Praise above the Heav'ns!
2 Out of the mouths of Infant Babes,
and them that suck the Breast,
a firm foundation thou hast laid
for an admired strength.
By reason of thine Enemies;
that thou may'st make to cease
the Adversary so, and him,
that does revenge himself.
3 When I do look upon the Heav'ns,
the work the singers made;
When I look on the Moon and Stars,
the which thou hast dispos'd,
4 I say, What is forgetful Man
that thou remembrest him?
And what the Son of Earthly Man,
that thou dost visit him?
5 For thou a little mad'st him be
lower Than Angels are;
Then thou hast crown'd him with a bright
Glory and Majesty.
6 Over the works of thy hands thou
hast given him to rule:
under his feet thou hast put them
into subjection all.
7 The Sheep and Beeves, ev'n all of them,
and the Beasts of the Fields.
8 Of Heav'ns the Fowls, of Seas the Fish
what passes the Seas paths.
9 O Thou ETERNAL God, thou art
our Lord on whom we lean;
how admirably glorious is
thy Name in all the Earth!
Psalm 9
To the Chief Musician, upon Muth-labben. A Psalm of David.
1 O Thou ETERNAL God, I will
praise thee with all my heart,
I'll give a full relation of
all of thy wondrous works.
2 I will be glad within, and will
rejoyce without in thee;
I will sing praise unto thy Name,
O thou that art most high.
3 When that my Adversaries be
returned back again,
they shall with stumbling fall, and shall
perish before thy face.
4 Because that thou hast done the right,
and what was judg'd for me;
Thou sattest down upon the Throne,
O Judge of righteousness.
5 Thou hast rebuk'd the heathen; Thou
destroy'st the wicked one:
their name thou hast quite blotted out
to all Eternity.
6 O Enemy, Destructions are
come to perpetual end:
and Cities which thou hast destroyed
their Name is lost with them.
7 But now JEHOVAH shall endure
to all Eternity:
For Judgment to proceed from thence,
He hath prepar'd His Throne.
8 He, even His own self will judge
the World in righteousness:
He'll judge the People with such things
as are forever right
9 And the ETERNAL God will be
a refuge for the poor;
a refuge in the proper times,
when trouble comes on him.
10 And they that know thy Name will place
their confidence in thee:
For thou forsak'st not them that seek
Thee, O ETERNAL God.
11 To the ETERNAL God, who dwells
in Zion, sing with praise:
Among the People tell abroad
the things which He has wrought.
12 When He inquireth after Blood,
He will remember them:
He's not unmindful of the cry
made by the humbled poor.
13 Have Mercy, O ETERNAL God
on me: behold my grief
from them that hare me; raising me
up from the gates of death.
14 For this, that I may utter all
thy praises in the gates
of Sions daughter; I'll rejoyce
in thy salvation still.
15 The Nations are sunk down into
the pit themselves have made;
their own foot's taken in the net
which they themselves have hid.
16 Known is th' ETERNAL God by this,
the Judgment He hath done!
The wicked is insnared in
the work of his own hands, Higgajon. Selah.
17 The wicked shall be turned back,
even down into the pit:
And all the Nations shall be so
that do forget a God.
18 For that the needy one shall not
for ever be forgot:
And the hope of the humbled poor
shall not for ever fail.
19 Rise, O ETERNAL God; let not
a wretched man prevail:
The Nations shall have Judgment done
on, them before thy face.
20 O thou ETERNAL God, strike thou
a terror into them:
And let the Nations understand
they are but sorry men. Selah.
Psalm 10
1 WHY, O ETERNAL God dost thou
stard so far off from us?
Why dost thou hide thy self in times
when we are in distress?
2 In the pride of the wicked one
the humbled poor's on fire:
May they be taken in the plots
the which they have devis'd.
3 The wicked one does glory much
upon his hearts desire;
and he does bless the covetous
th' ETERNAL doth abhor.
4 Thro' the pride of his angry look
the wicked won't enquire;
All of his thoughts do run on this,
That there is not a God.
5 His ways do always grieve; In's view
thy judgments are above:
For all His enemies, he thinks,
to blow them all away.
6 'Tis what he says within his heart,
I never shall be mov'd,
from age to age I never shall
be in adversity.
7 His mouth's of execration full,
and of deceits and frauds;
under his tongue there lies conceal'd
mischief and vanity.
8 He sits in lurking-holes of towns;
he in by-places kills
the innocent; his eyes are set
sliely against the poor.
9 Like a den'd lion close he lurks;
he lurks to catch the poor:
he seizes on the poor when he
draws him into his net.
10 He's broke to pieces; he's brought down;
and by his potent ones
there falls the congregation of
the miserable ones.
11 This he hath said within his heart,
God hath forgotten all;
He hath quite turn'd away his face;
He doth not ever see.
12 Arise, O thou ETERNAL God;
O God, lift up thy hand:
O be not thou forgetful of
the poor afflicted ones.
13 For what cause does the wicked one
cast such contempt on God!
'Tis what he says within his heart,
Thou'lt bring to no account.
14 Thou seest; thou look'st on Sin and spite
to take't into thy hand;
The poor leaves all to thee; thou dost
relieve the Fatherless.
17 To shivers break the arm of him
that is an impious man:
And looking then for wickedness,
thou'lt find no wicked one.
16 Now the ETERNAL One is King;
ever and ever so.
The Nations of the heathen are
perish'd out of His land.
17 O thou ETERNAL, Thou hast heard
the humbled ones desire;
Thou dost prepare the heart of such;
thou giv'st a listning ear.
18 For judging of the fatherless,
and small oppressed ones;
He'll then go on no more to break
frail man from off the Earth
Psalm 11
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
1 IN the ETERNAL God I have
repos'd my confidence:
How say ye to my Soul, flee thou
a Bird unto thy mount?
2 For lo, the wicked bend their bow,
fix their shaft on the string,
to shoot in darkness at the Men
that are upright in heart.
3 When that the firm foundations are,
all utterly destroy'd:
It may be ask't, The Righteous One
what is't he has to do?
4 Why? the ETERNAL One is in
His holy Temple still;
And the ETERNAL One has in
the Heav'ns above His Throne.
His eyes exactly do behold
all that is done below:
His eye-lids do discover well
the Sons of Earthly Man.
5 Th' ETERNAL God makes tryal of
him that's a righteous Man:
But his Soul hates a wicked man,
and him that loves to force.
6 Upon the wicked He shall rain,
snares fre and sulphur down;
a Spirit also full of storm's
the portion of their cup.
7 For the ETERNAL God who's just
loves the things that are just;
His favourable aspects are
upon the righteous Man.
Psalm 12
To the Chief Musician, Upon Sheminith. A Psalm of David.
1 HELP, O ETERNAL God, because
the pious Man doth cease:
the faithful are diminish'd from
among the Sons of Men.
2 Each one unto his neighbour doth
speak lying vanity;
with a most flattering lip they speak,
and with a double heart
3 Th' ETERNAL God will cut off all
lips full of flatteries;
the tongue that sets itself to speak
things of a mighty sound.
4 They say; We with this tongue of ours
will carry still the day;
Our lips we have them for our own;
who is a Lord to us?
5 For the spoil of the humbled ones,
for the cry of the poor,
Now, says th' ETERNAL God, I'll rise,
I'll save whom he ensnares.
6 The words of the ETERNAL God
are words exceeding pure;
Silver tried in an earthen forge,
purified seven times.
7 Thou, O ETERNAL God, wilt have
them in thy custody:
From this vile Generation, thou
wilt him forever keep.
8 When they whom once the sons of men
did basely vilify
shall be exalted, wicked men
walk sad on every side.
Psalm 13
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
1 O Thou ETERNAL God, How long
wilt thou forget me? Ever!
How long wilt thou with anger hide
thy face away from me?
2 How long consult I in my Soul?
Griefs daily in my heart.
And how long shall my Enemies be
exalted over me?
3 O thou ETERNAL God, my God,
look, listen unto me;
enlighten thou mine eyes, lest I
do fall asleep in death.
4 Lest that my adversary say,
against him I've prevail'd!
Lest that my troublers do reicyce
when I am staggering.
5 But I have plac'd my trust upon
thy kind benignity:
my heart in thy salvation shall
triumphing still rejoyce.
6 Now also with my voice I'll sing
to the ETERNAL God;
since in a recompencing way
thou hast dealt well with me.
Psalm 14
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
1 THE Fool hath said within his heart
That there is not a God.
Thus they corrupt; they do the thing
that is abominable.
There is not one among them all
who does the thing that's good.
2 From Heaven the ETERNAL God
looks on the sons of Men:
He looks to see if that there be
one who does mind at all
to understand, or, one who is,
a seeker after God.
3 They're every one declin'd; they are
together putrified;
There is not one doer of good,
no, not so much as one.
4 All that work evil, know they not?
They eat my people up,
as they eat Bread, they do not call
on the ETERNAL One.
5 Ev'n then and there with terror they
were greatly terrified;
for God is in the race of him
that is the righteous one.
6 The counsel of the humbled one,
you would put that to shame;
Because he does for refuge fly
to the ETERNAL God.
7 From Zion who gives Israel's health?
When the ETERNAL turns
His captiv'd people, Jacob will
joy, Israel will be glad
Psalm 15
A Psalm of David.
1 WHO is it, O ETERNAL God
shall sojourn in thy tent?
His dwelling who shall have in the
mount of thy holtness?
2 He that walks with integrity
and that works righteousness:
and he that speaks the very truth,
even what is in his heart.
3 He with his tongue backbiteth not,
nor doth his Neighbour harm:
And takes not up a culumny
against one near to him.
4 A despicable person is
despised in his eyes;
but he puts honour on the Men
that fear th' ETERNAL God.
He changes not when he hath sworn,
tho' it may do him hurt.
5 His Coin he does not put unto
a biting Usury.
Nor does he take a bribe to hurt
one that is innocent.
He that's a doer of these things
shall never be thrown down.
Psalm 16
Mictam of David.
1 O God, preserve thou me, because
I place my trust in thee.
2 My Soul, Thou to th' ETERNAL God
hast said, Thou art my God.
My goodness reaches not to thee.
3 'Tis to the Saints on Earth;
and to those glorious ones in whom
is all of my delight.
4 Their sorrows shall be multiply'd,
who hasten to another;
their blood-drink-offrining I'll not pour,
nor name them with my lips
5 Th' ETERNAL God's the portion which
is my inheritance.
And He's the cup that falls to me;
Thou dost maintain my lot.
6 The lines that fall to me are in
places of sweet delights;
yea, the Inheritance for me
it is how excellent!
7 I'll bless th' ETERNAL God; 'Tis He
who hath advised me:
yea, in the very nights, my reins
have well instructed me.
8 I have set the ETERNAL God
before me ever more;
Because He is at my right hand
I shall not be remov'd.
9 Therefore my heart is joyful, and
my glory does rejoyce;
yea, more than so, my very flesh
shall dwell in confidence.
10 For thou wilt not forsake my Soul,
when it is in the pit;
nor wilt permit thy gracious One
to see corruption there.
11 Thoul't make me know the path of lives,
joys enough are before
thy face; at thy Right hand there are
pleasures for evermore.
Psalm 17
A Prayer of David.
1 Hear, O ETERNAL God, the right
attend unto my cry;
Give ear unto my prayer, which is
not in deceitful lip
2 Let there come from before thy face
the sentence pass'd on me:
Let thine eyes favourably look
upon things that be right.
3 Thou h'st prov'd my heart; thou'st visited
by night; me hast thou try'd:
Thou shalt find nothing; I have thought,
My mouth shall not transgress.
4 For what concerns the works of Men,
by the word of thy lips,
I have observed well the paths
of him who does destroy.
5 My goings, O do thou uphold
in thy well-tending paths:
When thou hast done that thing for me
my footsteps have not slipt.
6 Upon thee I have call'd, because
thou hearest me, O God:
O do thou bow thine ear to me,
O hearken to my speech.
7 Thy wondrous favours shew, O thou
who dost deliver them
that hope for it, from those who do
rise against thy righthand.
8 O do thou keep me even as
the apple of thine Eye;
under the shadow of thy wings
O do thou cover me.
9 From the face of the impious ones,
such as have laid me waste;
The enemies who for my Soul
about encompass me.
10 In their own stupifying grease
they have enclos'd themselves:
They with their mouth have loudly spoke
in their exalted pride.
11 When we were going in our way
they have encompass'd us:
They set their eyes that they may spread
their Nets upon the Earth.
12 He's like unto a Lion which
is greedy of a prey;
and like to a young Lion which
does lie in lurking holes.
13 O thou ETERNAL God, arise,
defeat him, cast him down;
my Soul save from the wicked one,
us'd by thee as thy Sword.
14 By thy hand, O ETERNAL God,
save me from mortal Men;
From mortal Men of this World, who
in this life have their part:
And of thy hidden treasure thou
givist them a belly-full:
Their Sons are fill'd, and they unto
their Children leave the rest.
15 My portion's this; I shall behold
thy face in righteousness:
I shall be satisfy'd when that
thy Image shall awake.
Psalm 18
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David the Servant of the LORD, who spake unto the LORD, the words of this Song, in the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his Enemies, and from the hand of Saul.
1 O Thou ETERNAL God, I will
love Thee, my Fortitude.
2 Th'ETERNAL God my stone-defence;
my Tower too is He;
And He is my deliverer;
He is my mighty God;
He is my Rock; in Him I'll hope;
He is to me a Shield;
And He is that strong horn wherein
all my salvation lies:
He is that high Munition where
my whole protection lies.
3 I'll call on the ETERNAL God,
who's worthy to be prais'd;
So I shall rescued be from those
that are my Enemies.
4 The very grievous cords of Death
encompass'd me about;
and torrents of impiety
gave terrors unto me.
5 The very grievous cords Hell
about surrounded me;
snares of a deadly tendency
stop'd me on ev'ry side.
6 In my sad anguish I did call
on the ETERNAL God;
and with my voice I made a cry
to Him that is my God.
He from the Temple where He dwells
did hearken to my voice;
and my cry came before His Face;
it came into His Ears.
7 Then the Earth shook, and trembled fore;
and of the mountains then
were the foundations mov'd and shock'd;
because He was displeas'd.
8 Out of His nostrils went a smoke,
and fire out of His mouth,
this did devour; coals were by Him
kindled into a flame.
9 The Heavens also He bow'd down;
and He made His descent;
A cloudy darkness then there was
under His feet display'd.
10 Upon a Cherub then He rode,
and flew with wondrous wings;
yea, He flew swiftly on the wings
of the Spirituous Wind.
11 Darkness He made His secret place;
surrounding darkness was
His Tent; darkness of waters with
clouds which do cloath the skies.
12 Thro' the illustrious brightness which
there was before Him then,
His thick clouds pass'd away; there were
Hail-stones and Coals of fire.
13 And the ETERNAL God did in
the Heavens thunder forth;
And the most High utter'd His voice,
Hail-stones and Coals of fire.
14 Yea, He did send His Arrows forth;
and so He scatter'd them.
His Lightnings too He darted forth,
and did discomfit them.
15 The channels of the waters then
were evidently seen;
and the foundations of the World
plainly discovered.
Because of thy threatning rebuke
O thou ETERNAL God;
Because thy wrathful Nostrils did
cause a fierce wind to blow.
16 He from above did then send down;
He did lay hold on me;
He from the mighty waters then
did safely draw me out.
17 From my strong adversary He
did so deliver me;
and from my haters; for they were
too powerful for me.
18 They did prevent me in the day
of my calamity;
But the ETERNAL God was He
whom I did stay upon.
19 And He did bring me forth into
a place of large extent;
He did deliver me because
He took delight in me.
20 Th' ETERNAL God rewarded me,
after my right'ousness;
after the cleanness of my hands
He recompenced me.
21 For I did well observe the ways
of the ETERNAL God;
and I did not dea wickedly
with Him that was my God.
22 For all His Judgments these were what
I had before me still;
His Institutions also I
did not remove from me.
23 I was one of integrity
in all my walk with Him;
And carefully I kept my sell
from mine iniquity.
24 Th' ETERNAL now rewarded me
after my right'ousness;
after the cleanness of my hands,
which was before His Eyes.
25 Thou wilt with him that's merciful
shew thy self merciful;
with him that an upright one
Thou'lt shew thy self upright.
26 With one that is well purify'd
thou shew thy self as pure;
But with one the is obstinate,
thou'lt be inflexible.
27 Because to humbled people thou wilt a Salvation grant:
But those who have exalted eyes
are whom thou wilt abase.
28 Because my candle thou wilt make
with glory to shine forth;
Th' ETERNAL God, my God gives light,
in darkness unto me.
29 Because by Thee I have broke through
a troop of armed ones;
and by my God I swiftly have
leap'd over an high wall.
30 For God, perfect's His way; the Word
of the ETERNAL God
is a tried Word, He is a Shield
to all that hope in Him.
31 For who can be esteem'd a GOD,
but the ETERNAL One?
And who but He that is our GOD,
can be a Rock to us?
32 This GOD girds me with fortitude,
and perfect makes my way.
33 He makes my feet like those of Deer,
and makes me stand in heights.
34 He does instruct my hands unto
the management of War,
so that a Bow of hardned steel
is broken by my arms.
35 And thou of thy salvation hast
bestow'd on me the shield;
and thy right hand hath held me, and
thy meekness greatned me.
36 Thou hast vouchsaf'd enlargement to
my goings under me,
so that my footsteps in thy ways
weakly have not declin'd.
37 I have pursu'd my enemies,
and overtaken them;
neither did I return again
until they were consum'd.
38 I've wounded them, so that they were
not able to arise;
they prostrate fell under my feet,
which trod upon their necks.
39 For thou with mighty fortitude
hast girded me for War;
such as rose up against me thou
hast bow'd down under me.
40 And thou hast given me the necks
of these my enemies;
Those also who have hated me,
I have destroyed them.
42 Then I did beat them very small,
as dust before the wind;
I brought them low, like to the dirt
which lies about the streets.
43 Thou'st sav'd me from the peoples strifes,
plac'd me the nations head;
the people whom I have not known
shall be my servants now.
44 At hearing the report of me
they have obeyed me;
the children of the stranger have
dissembled unto me.
45 The children of the stranger have
quite withered away;
and they have with much trembling come
out of their hidden caves.
46 Th' ETERNAL is the living One;
and blessed be my Rock;
And now exalted let the God
of my salvation be.
47 It is the mighty God who grants
revenges unto me;
And it is He who doth subdue
the people under me.
48 He saves me from mine enemies;
from my invaders thou
dost also lift me, thou dost pluck
me from the violent Man.
49 Therefore I will give thanks unto
Thee, O ETERNAL God,
among the Nations, and I will
sing praises to thy Name.
50 Great makes He the salvation of
His King; and kindness shows
unto His CHRIST; to David and
his seed for evermore.
Psalm 19
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
1 The Heavens, they declare abroad
Majesty of God;
and the expanding Firmament
shews forth His Han work.
2 Day unto day most copiously
utters us a speech;
Night unto night insinuates
the things that we should know.
3 There is not any speech on Earth,
not words us'd any where,
where the loud voice utter'd by them
may not be plainly heard.
4 Their line is gone thro' all the Farth
and to the very end
of the whole habital World,
the words which they do speak In them He sets the Sun a Tent:
5 And he goes Bridogroom like
from Bride chamber, glad as one
strong for run a race.
6 He goes out from one end of Heaven
and rolls to t'other ends;
and there's any thing that is
hid from the heat there•
7 Perfect is the ETERNAL's Law
Converting of the Soul;
Th' ETERNAL's testimony's sure,
making the simple wise.
8 Right the ETERNAL's statutes are
rejoycing of the heart;
Pure the ETERNAL's Precept is
enlightning of the eyes.
9 The Fear of the ETERNAL's clean,
lasting perpetually;
Th' ETERNAL's Judgments are the truth,
all alike justify'd.
10 Defirable much more than Gold,
yea, than much solid Gold;
Than honey also sweeter much,
or dropping honey-comb.
11 Thy Servant he moreover is
admonished from them;
in the exact keeping of them
there is a great Reward.
His errors, who can understand?
cleanse me from secret sins.
13 Restrain thy Servant also from
what are presumptuous crimes:
Let them not over me prevail;
then shall I be compleat:
yea, I from much transgression shall
therein be purify'd.
14 The words proceeding from my mouth
in Worshipping of Thee,
yea, and the thought which in my heart
Thou seest I meditate;
Let these to good acceptance be
before thy Glorious Face,
O Thou ETERNAL God, my Rock,
and my Deliverer.
Psalm 20
To the Chief Musician, A Psalm of David.
1 MAY the ETERNAL in a Day
of Trouble answer thee;
The Name of Jacobs God, may that
then set thee up on high.
2 May He afford thy help to thee,
from the most holy place;
and with supports from Zion sent
may He now strengthen thee.
3 May He remember kindly all
th' oblations thou dost make:
May He declare that He accepts
of thy burnt Sacrifice. Selah.
4 May He give Blessings unto thee
according to thy heart:
And may He now accomplish for
thee all that thou wouldst have.
5 In thy Salvation we'll rejoyce
and in th' Name of our God
Banners we'll raise, All thy desires
may the ETERNAL grant.
6 Now know I the ETERNAL God
saves His Anointed One;
He'll hear him from His holy Heaven;
His Right hand saves with pow'rs.
7 In Chariots some confide, and some
in Horses; But for us,
we will remember that.
8 These are compelled for to stoup,
and they are fallen down:
But we are raised up again,
and we do stand upright.
9 O Thou ETERNAL One, Do thou
grant thy Salvation now.
Let the King hear us in the day
when ever we shall call.
Psalm 21
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
1 In thy strength, O ETERNAL God,
King does much rejoyce;
and He thy Salvation doth
triumph how glorious
2 Thou hast afforded unto him
what was his heart's desire;
and thou hast witheld from him
the utterance of lips. Selah.
3 For with the Blessings of the Good
Thou hast prevented him:
Thou hast posed on his head
a crown of solid God
4 He asked life of thee; thou didst
stow it upon him;
A length of days extended to
Ages that never end.
5 His Glory how magnificent
in Salvation 'tis!
Honour and Majesty what
thou hast upon him put.
6 Because to be Blessings thou hast
set him for evermore;
Thou hast made him for to rejoyce
with joy before thy face.
7 For that the King does place his hope
in the ETERNAL One;
and in the grace of the most High
he never shall be mov'd.
8 Thy hand shall apprehend all those
that are thine enemies;
thy right hand such shall apprehend
as haters are of thee.
9 Thoult make them as a fiery oven
in the times of thy wrath:
Th' ETERNAL in His great wrath will
swallow them wholly up.
And the fire that shall flame from thence
shall quite devour them all.
10 Their fruit from Earth thou'lt waste, and from
the sons of Men their seed.
11 Because against thee they have still
intended what is ill:
They have contrived a device;
but more than they could do.
12 Thou shalt set them all but as one
in turning of the back;
Arrows thou shalt sit on the strings
against the face of them.
13 O thou ETERNAL One, Do thou
exalt thy self on high
in thine own strength; so we will sing
and praise thy mighty pow'r.
Psalm 22
To the Chief Musician. Upon Ajeleth-Shahar A Psalm of David.
1 MY God, my God, O for what cause
hast thou forsaken me?
Why art thou so far from my help?
from the words of my cry?
2 By day I cry'd to thee, my God;
still thou hearest not,
Yea, in the night I cry again,
and do not hold my peace.
3 But thou art holy; still thou dost
Israel's praises dwell.
4 Our Fathers hop'd in thee; they hop'd
and thou didst rescue them.
5 They unto Thee did make their cry
and were delivered,
in Thee they did repose their hope,
& were not put to shame.
6 But I am treated as a Worm,
and not a Man of worth;
I'm the reproach of Men, and I
am still the peoples scorn.
7 All that do cast their eyes on me
do but laugh me to scorn;
they shoot out with a scoffing lip;
they shake the head with scoffs.
8 He lean'd on the ETERNAL One
for to deliver Him;
Let Him now rescue Him, because
He does delight in Him.
9 Because that thou art He who did
extract me from the Womb;
Thou didst cause me to hope, while I
hung on my Mother's Breasts.
10 Yea, even from the very Womb,
I upon Thee was cast;
E'er since my Mother went with me,
Thou art my mighty God.
11 O do not thou withdraw unto
a distance far from me;
for there's distressing trouble near;
for there is none to help.
12 Many Bulls compass me, the strong
of Bashan me surround.
13 They gap'd on me; a Lion so
rav'ning and roaring would.
14 Like water am I pour'd, and all
my Bones are out of joynt;
my Hearts like wax; in the midst of
my bowels 'tis dissolv'd.
15 My strength is like a potsherd dry'd,
and my tongue joins my jaws:
and thou hast brought me down into
the dust where lie the dead.
16 For dogs have compass'd me: a rout
of wicked me beset;
My hands they and my feet have dug,
ev'n as a lion would.
17 My bones I may tell all of them;
they look and stare on me.
18 My Cloaths they part among them selves,
and on my Robe throw lots.
19 But, O ETERNAL One, Be not
thou far estrang'd from me.
O thou that art my strength make haste
with succour unto me.
20 Save my Soul from the Sword; from the
Dogs paw my Only one.
21 From lions mouth save me, and hear
me from the Wild-Goats horns.
22 I will declare thy Name to those
that are my Bretheren;
I will thee in the middest of
the Congregation praise.
23 Who fear th' ETERNAL God, praist Him;
all you of Jacob's seed,
glorify Him; and fear Him all
you seed of Israel.
24 For He hath not despis'd, nor loath'd,
th' abasement of the poor;
nor hath He hid His face from him,
but heard his cry to Him,
25 In the Great Congregation now
from Thee shall be my praise;
Before such as do fear Him now
I will perform my Vows.
26 The poor shall eat, and have enough;
They'l praise th' ETERNAL God,
who seel for Him; your heart shall live
to all Eternity.
27 All the Worlds bounds remembring shall
turn to th' ETERNAL God;
and of the Nations all the Tribes,
how down before His face.
28 For unto the ETERNAL God
the Kingdom doth belong;
and He shall be the Governour
among the Nations all.
29 All the fat ones of Earth have eat,
and they have bowed down;
all who go down unto the dust
have bow'd before His face;
ev'n every one of them that can't
make his own Soul to live.
30 A seed shall serve Him, to the Lord
a Generation deem'd.
31 They shall come, and they shall declare
His right'ousness unto
a People that shall be begot,
that 'tis what He hath done.
Psalm 23
A Psalm of David.
1 My Shepherd is th' ETERNAL God
I shall not be in [any] want:
2 In pastures of a tender grass
he [ever] makes me to lie down:
To waters of tranquillities
He gently carries me, [along,]
3 My feeble and my wandring Soul
He [kindly] does fetch back again;
In the plain paths of righteousness
He does lead [and guide] me along,
because of the regard He has
[ever] unto His Glorious Name.
4 Yea, when I shall walk in the Vale
of the dark [dismal] shade of Death,
I'll of no evil be afraid,
because thou [ever] art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff, these are what
yield [constant] comfort unto me.
5 A Table thou dost furnish out
richly [for me] before my face.
'Tis in view of mine Enemies;
[And then] my head thou dost anoint
with fatning and perfuming Oil:
my cup it [ever] overflows.
6 Most certainly the thing that is
Good, with [most kind] Benignity,
This all the days that I do live
shall [still and] ever follow me;
Yea, I shall dwell, * and Sabbatize,
even to [unknown] length of days,
Lodg'd in the House which does belong
to [Him who's] the ETERNAL God.
Psalm 24
A Psalm of David.
1 To the ETERNAL God, the Earth
and what fills it belongs;
the habitable World, and all
that do inhabit it.
2 For the foundations of it He
hath laid upon the Seas;
and He hath firmly fixed it
against the rolling floods.
3 Who shall ascend into the Mount
of the ETERNAL God? And who is it shall
stand in the
place of His Holiness?
4 One that is clean in hands, but then
One that is pure in heart;
who don't receive his Soul in vain,
nor swear deceitfully:
5 This Man the Blessing shall receive
from the ETERNAL God;
and Righteousness shall from the God
of his Salvation have.
6 This is the Generation of
them that seek Him aright;
even of them that see thy face:
Jacob is such as these. Selah.
7 Lift up your heads, O Gates, and be
lift up, O lasting Doors;
and so the King of Glory will
now make His entry there.
8 Who is the King of Glory? 'Tis
JEHOVAH strong and great:
'Tis the ETERNAL God who is
in War a mighty one.
9 Lift up your Heads, O Gates, and be
lift up, O lasting Doors;
and so the King of Glory now
will make His entry there.
10 Who is the King of Glory? 'Tis
JEHOVAH Tzebaoth:
'Tis the ETERNAL Lord of Hosts,
the King of Glory's HE.
Psalm 25
Of David.
1 O Thou ETERNAL God, To Thee
I do lift up my Soul.
2 My God, I put my trust in thee;
let me not be asham'd.
Let not my Adversaries have
a triumph over me.
3 Yea, all of them that wait on thee,
let them not be asham'd.
Let be ashamed those who do
transgress without a cause.
4 O Thou ETERNAL God, shew me
thy ways, teach me thy paths.
5 Make thou me in thy truth to walk;
And teach me; for thou art
the God of my Salvation; I
wait on thee all the day.
6 Remember, O ETERNAL God,
what thy kind bowels are;
and what thy bounties are; for they
have ever been of old.
7 Sins of my youth remember not,
not my vile trespasses:
But, Oh! according to thy Grace
do thou remember me.
O thou ETERNAL God, Do this,
even for thy Goodness sake.
8 Th' ETERNAL's Good and Right therefore
Sinners He'll teach the way.
9 The humbled meek ones He will help
with judgment for to walk;
and He the humbled meek ones will
instruct what is His way.
10 All the paths of th' ETERNAL are
Mercy and Truth to those
who keep His Covenant, and mind
His Testimonies there.
11 For the sake of thy Glorious Name,
Pardon too mine iniquity;
because that it is great.
12 Who is the Man that has the fear
of the ETERNAL God?
He'l thoroughly instruct him in
the way that he should chuse.
13 His Soul shall spend the Night in rest,
with what is good Above;
and then his Seed shall take as heirs
the Earth he leaves to them.
14 The secret of th' ETERNAL is
with them that have His fear,
and 'tis His Covenant that He
will make them for to know.
15 Mine eyes continually are
to the ETERNAL God;
Because 'tis He that shall bring forth
my feet out of the snare.
16 O turn thou unto me, and have
thou mercy upon me;
for I am in a lonely case,
and an afflicted one.
17 The anguishes of my Heart have
greatly enlarg'd themselves;
O do thou bring me out of all
my sore vexatious grief's
18 On my affliction, O look down,
and on my labouring pain;
and let thy pardoning mercy reach
to all my trespasses.
19 Look down upon my Enemies
for they are multiply'd;
and 'tis with hatred full of rage
that they have hated me.
20 Into thy keeping take my Soul,
and Oh! Deliver me;
Let me not be asham'd, for I
have put my trust in thee.
21 Let an entire Integrity
and exact Rectitude,
be my preserver; for that I
am waiting still on thee.
22 O GOD who art the Judge of all,
Do thou redemption give
unto thine Israel from all
the Troubles now on him.
Psalm 26
Of David.
1 ETERNAL, Judge me, for I've walk'd
in my integrity;
and on th' ETERNAL God I've hop'd;
I shall not stagger now.
2 O thou ETERNAL God, Do thou
throughly examine me;
and make a tryal of me; try
my reins, and try my heart.
3 Because thy loving kindness is
always before mine eyes;
and I have carried on my walk
in thy directing truth.
4 I have not chose my seat with Men
of vain temerity;
nor have I entred councils with
Men that put on a mask.
5 Th' Assembly of malignant Men
is that which I do hate;
and I will never sit with such
as are ungodly ones.
6 My hands I will be sure to wash
in a clean innocence;
Thine Altar so I'll walk about,
O thou ETERNAL God,
7 That I may make for to be heard
with a thanksgiving voice,
and that I may declare abroad
all of thy wondrous works.
8 O thou ETERNAL, I have lov'd
the dwelling of thy House;
and the place where thy Glory has
its Habitation chose.
9 O gather not my Soul with such
as wander on in Sin;
Nor take away my life with such,
as are the Men of Blood.
10 With such Men as have in their hands
mischievous wickedness;
and their right hands replenished
with a corrupting gift.
11 But as for me, my walk shall be
in mine integrity;
O do thou now redeem me, and
be merciful to me.
12 My foot hath still persisted in
a constant rectitude;
I in the Congregations will
bless the ETERNAL God.
Psalm 27
Of David.
1 HE who to me a Glorious Light,
and my Salvation gives,
is the ETERNAL God; and now
who is it I shall fear.
The strength from whence my Life's maintain'd,
is the ETERNAL God;
And now what one is there by whom
I need be terrify'd?
2 When evil ones, my troublers, who
were enemies to me
drew near on me, to waste my flesh,
they stumbled & fell down
3 Against me let an host encamp,
my heart shall have no fear;
against me let a War arise,
in this I am secure.
4 There is one thing I have desir'd
of the ETERNAL God;
This is the thing that I will seek,
that I may ever have
my dwelling, * and my Sabbath too
assign'd me, in the House
of the ETERNAL all the days
my life shall be prolong'd:
That so I may enjoy the view
of the sweet Beauty in
th' ETERNAL God, and to enquire,
in His high Temple still.
5 For in the time of trouble He
shall hide me in His Tent;
In's Tabernacle's covered part;
There shall He cover me.
He shall exalt me where I shall
be set upon a Rock.
6 And now my head's lift up above
all my surrounding foes.
So Sacrifices with a shout
I'll offer in His Tent;
I'll sing, yea, I will praises sing
to the ETERNAL God.
7 Hear, O ETERNAL God, my voice
with which I cry to thee:
Have mercy also upon me,
and hearken unto me.
8 Seek ye my face; On hearing this,
my heart did speak to thee;
Thy face, O thou ETERNAL God,
Thy face now, I will seek.
9 Hide not away from me thy face,
nor suffer to decline,
in * or to anger him that is
a servant unto Thee.
Thou hast afforded help to me;
O do not leave me now;
not yet forsake me, O thou God
whence my Salvation comes.
10 My Father and my Mother, when
they have forsaken me,
Then O ETERNAL God, thou dost
take me into thy care.
11 O thou ETERNAL God; do thou
teach me what is thy way;
And lead me in the path of Right,
for my observers sake.
12 Give me not up unto the will
of my foes; for there rise
false witnesses against me, and
one who breaths violence.
13 Nevertheless, I do believe
for the enjoyment of
the Good of the ETERNAL in
the land of living ones.
14 Look for th' ETERNAL God, and so
strengthen thy self in Him;
He shall confirm thy heart; Again
look for th' ETERNAL God.
Psalm 28
Of David.
1 TO Thee, O thou ETERNAL God,
I will send forth a cry;
O be not silent, Thou my Rock,
in a withdraw from me.
Lest that if thou dost hold thy peace,
witholding Help from me,
I should be like to them who do
go down into the pit.
2 Hear what my Supplications speak,
when I do cry to thee;
when I lift up my hands towards
thy holy Oracle.
3 Drag me not with ill Men, not with
workers of vanity;
who speak peace to their Neighbours, but
mischief is in their hearts.
3 Give them according to their deeds,
and as they've ill design'd:
Give them what their own hands have wrought;
render them their desert.
4 Because they don't regard the deeds
of the ETERNAL God,
nor the work of His Hands; He'l them
destroy, and not build up.
6 Blessed be the ETERNAL God,
for this, because that He
hath kindly hearken'd to the voice
my supplications had.
7 'Tis the ETERNAL One, who is
my strength, and is my shield.
On Him my heart has plac'd its hope,
and I am helped so.
And for this very cause my heart
does mightily rejoyce;
Now with my Song His Praises I
will gladly celebrate.
8 Yea, the ETERNAL God to them
is their true fortitude;
and of Salvation He's the strength
of His Anointed one.
9 O save thy People, and O bless
thou thine Inheritance;
Be thou a Shepherd unto them,
and lift them up for ever.
Psalm 29
A Psalm of David.
1 Ascribe to the ETERNAL God,
O Sons of mighty ones,
Ascribe to the ETERNAL God
Glory and Fortitude.
2 Ascribe to the ETERNAL God
the Honour of His Name;