New England Psalm Book
Revelation 4
The Song of the FOUR glorious LIVING CREATURES before the Throne
8 O Holy! holy! holy LORD!
th' Almighty GOD alone!
Who was and is, and art to come:
who sittest on the throne:
And who for ever, ever liv'st!
we render thanks to Thee:
To Thee all honour, glory yield:
nor ever cease shall we.
The Responsive Song of the Twenty four Elders, casting down their Crowns before the Throne
11 LORD, Thou all honour, glory pow'r
art worthy to receive,
From ev'ry creature; for to all
Thou didst their Being give.
Yea all things thro' the Universe
at first created were
For thine own pleasure, and for this
they all continued are.
Revelation 5
To the LORD JESUS, the LAMB of GOD, the Song of the Universal Church
9 Thou worthy art to take the Book
from Him upon the throne,
And open all the seals thereof,
and none but Thou alone.
For Thou for guilty men wast slain,
hast bought us by thy blood;
From ev'ry people, nation, tongue,
redeem'd us all to GOD.
10 Yea Thou hast made and raised us
ev'n kings and priests to be,
To minister before our GOD;
and reign on earth shall we.
The Responsive Song of the Four Living Creatures, The Twenty four Elders, and Multitudes of Angels
The Lamb is worthy that was slain,
all might and wealth to have,
And wisdom, honour, glory, pow'r,
and praises to receive.
The closing Song of all the Creatures in Heaven, on Earth, under the Earth, and in the Sea, together
To Him who sits upon the throne,
and to the Lamb therefore,
Be blessing, honour, glory, pow'r,
ever and evermore.
Revelation 7
The grateful Song of the innumerable Multitudes of Saints before the Throne and the Lamb
To our most glorious GOD on high,
who sits upon the throne;
And to the Lamb, salvation, we
ascribe, as due, alone!
The Responsive Song of all the Angels, Elders, and the Living Creatures, together
Amen! pow'r, wisdom, might and thanks,
all blessing, honour, then
And glory, ever be ascrib'd
to our great GOD, AMEN.
Revelation 15
The Song of Moses & the LAMB
3 O LORD, Almighty GOD! thy works
both great and wondrous are:
Just king of saints, and true thy ways:
4 who shall not Thee revere!
And glorify thy name, O LORD!
who holy art alone:
For nations all shall worship Thee;
whose judgments now are known.
Revelation 19
The Song of the Multitudes in Heaven
1 O HALLELUJAH! honour, pow'r,
Salvation and all glory give,
Give to the LORD our GOD alone,
That all his dues he may receive.
2 For true and just his judments are:
On the great whore hath judgment wrought,
Who with her fornication had
On all the earth corruption brought.
Of all who serv'd Him to the death
The blood she shed aveng'd hath He;
Aveng'd on her, and crowned them,