New England Psalm Book
Jonah 2
The Song of Jonah upon his great Deliverance
2 I to the LORD in my distress
Cry'd earnestly, and He gave ear;
Out from hell's belly then I cry'd,
And He my voice did kindly hear.
3 For down into the hideous deeps,
And midst of seas, Thou didst me cast;
The floods encompass'd me, and all
Thy waves and billows o'er me pass'd.
4 I then said, I was cast away
Quite from the sight of thy blest eyes,
Yet tow'rds thy temple i will look,
And to Thee there direct my cries.
5 The waters to my sinking soul
Pierc'd and encompaas'd me around;
That depths all round enclosed me,
The weeds about my head were bound.
6 To mountains bottoms I went down,
Earth's bars for ever me beset;
Yet LORD my God, Thou hast my life
Brought up out of the horrid pit.
7 When my sunk soul fainted in me,
JEHOVAH then remember'd I;
And then my pray'r rose up to Thee,
Into thy holy place on high.
7 They their own mercies sadly leave,
who look to lying vanities;
But with the voice of giving thanks,
To Thee I'll praises sacrifice.
8 Whatever I in trouble vow;d,
To pay I readily accord;
For all salvation ever comes
From the most kind and sov'reign LORD.Â