New England Psalm Book

Book Three

Psalms 73 through 89

Psalm 73

A Psalm of Asaph

Common Meter

1 Sure GOD is good to Israel,
to those in heart sincere:
2 But as for me, my feet had slipt,
and nigh to falling were.
3 For I was envious and griev'd,
the foolish ones to see;
And the ungodly, while they liv'd
in great prosperity.

4 When they seem'd free from bands of death;
their strength seem'd firm and sure;
5 No plagues had they, nor griefs, nor pains,
As other men endure.
6 With pride as with a chain of gold
encompassed they are;
And cloath'd with violence, the same
as a rich vest they wear.

7 Out of the fulness of their fat
extended are their eyes:
And they more prosp'rous state enjoy,
than what their hearts devise.
8 Corrupted are they, and by words
in malice out they break;
Oppression openly maintain,
and loftily they speak.

9 Against the heav'ns they set themselves,
with daring mouths they talk;
And with mischievous, lawless tongues,
throughout the earth they walk.

Part 2

10 From hence his people hither turn;
to this perplexing doubt;
When waters of full bitter cups
are to themselves wrung out.
11 And in their folly thus they say;
'How does God all things know?
'Does the most High look down and see,
'all things done here below?'

12 'Behold these the ungodly are,
'who live in ease and peace;
'And they who prosper in the world,
'whose riches still increase.
13 'Sure I have wash'd my heart and hands
'in innocence in vain:
14 For ev'ry day I plagu'd have been,
'each morning scourg'd with pain.

15 But if to speak at such a rate
I rashly should pretend,
Of thy dear children I the race
should grievously offend.
16 When this I thought to understand,
it was too hard for me;
17 Till to the house of God I went,
where I their end did see.

17 For sure on places slippery,
these men dispos'd Thou hast;
And down into destruction deep,
Thou dost them quickly cast.
19 How in a moment unawares
to ruin brought are they?
And how with terrors utterly
shall they consume away?

20 Like a vain dream when one awakes,
away their glory flies;
And when O Lord, Thou risest up,
Thou wilt their shade despise.

Part 3

21 So weak and troubled was my heart,
my reins were pierc'd in me;
22 So foolish I and ignorant,
ev'n as a beast with Thee.
23 Nevertheless continually,
before Thee yet I stand;
Thou hast me also stedfastly
upheld by my right hand.

24 Thou with thy constant counsel wilt
direction to me give;
Up afterward Thou wilt on high
to glory me receive.
25 In heav'n above but Thee alone,
who is it that I have?
And there is nothing on the earth
besides Thee that I crave.

26 My flesh and heart entirely fail,
but Thou wilt me restore;
For of my heart GOD is the strength,
my portion evermore.
26 But lo, they that are far from Thee,
shall utterly decay;
And all who faithless stray from Thee,
Thou wilt consume away.

27 Whereas for me, 'tis good that I
still near to GOD repair;
I on the Lord JEHOVAH trust,
thy works all to declare.

Psalm 74

Maschil of Asaph

Common Meter

1 Wherefore, O GOD, for evermore
hast Thou rejected us?
Why smoaks thy wrath against the sheep
of thine own pasture thus?
2 O mind thy flock Thou bought'st of old,
this heritage of thine,
By Thee redeem'd, and Zion-hill
where Thou didst dwell and shine.

3 O lift thy feet, and come and view
the utter ruins wrought;
And what the foe with wicked rage
hath on thy temple brought.
4 For where thy congregations met,
thy foes roar hideously;
And there for signs of triumph set
their ensigns up on high.

5 The man who fell'd thick trees to build
Thy temple, had renown;
6 But now thy foes in spite and rage
beat all the carvings down.
7 They cast thy holy house into
the fierce devouring flame,
And throwing to the ground, defile
the dwelling of thy name.

7 Yea, now said they, we'll break them all
with our restless hand;
And burn up all the synagogues
of God throughout the land.

Part 2

9 We see no more our wonted signs,
our prophets all are gone;
To tell us when these things shall end,
among us there is none.
10 How long shall these insulting foes
Thee mighty GOD defame?
Or shall they always be allow'd
thus to blaspheme thy name?

11 O wherefore thy right hand of pow'r
dost Thou from us restrain?
Out of thy bosom now for us,
draw forth the same again.
12 For GOD the mighty is my king,
ev'n from the time of old,
Working in midst of all the earth
salvations manifold.

13 Thou didst the mighty sea divide
by thy superiour pow'r;
And break the dragons dreadful heads,
who thro' the waters roar.
14 The heads of the leviathan
to pieces Thou didst break;
To those who in the desart dwelt,
for meat Thou didst him make.

15 Thou clay'st the fountain and the flood,
Thou bidst the streams to flow;
Thou dry'st the mighty rivers up,
to lead thy people through.
16 The cheerful day, the gloomy night,
Thou mak'st, and they are thine;
Thou hast prepar'd the beauteous light,
and made the sun to shine.

17 Thou all the borders of the earth
hast set by thy decree:
The summer and the winter both
are made and rul'd by Thee.

Part 3

17 O LORD, remember how the foe
does ev'n Thy self defame;
And how the foolish people dare
blaspheme thy sacred name.
19 O do not to this multitude
thy turtle's soul give o'er;
For ever do not Thou forget
th' assembly of the poor.

20 Thy sacred covenant regard:
for round about we see,
The earth's dark places filled with
the seats of cruelty.
21 O let not those who are oppress'd,
ever return with shame;
But let the destitute and poor,
for ever praise thy name.

22 Arise, O GOD, plead thine own cause:
and have in memory,
How day by day the foolish man
mocks and reproaches Thee.
23 Forget not Thou the voice of those
who are thine enemies:
Their noise and tumults daily grow,
who up against Thee rise.

Psalm 75

A Psalm or Song of Asaph

Common Meter

1 To Thee, O GOD, we render thanks,
to Thee with praise repair;
For, that thy blessed name is near,
thy wondrous works declare.
2 When I th' appointed season take,
which shall the fittest be;
Then judgment done to ev'ry one
in righteousness I'll see.

3 The earth would quickly all dissolve,
with all who dwell therein;
But I the trembling pillars stay,
and firmly them sustain. (Selah.)
4 I to the foolish people said,
deal not so foolishly;
And to the wicked and the proud,
lift not the horn on high.

5 Raise not your horn aloft, as if
ye dared the most High;
But bow your stiff'ned neck, and learn
to speak submissively.
6 For the promotion which ye seek
comes neither from the east,
Nor from the mountains nor the south,
the desart, nor the west.

7 But GOD alone is judge supreme,
and acts with equity;
His pleasure one man puts below,
and sets another high.
8 For in JEHOVAH's sovereign hand,
a mixed cup He hath;
The wine above is sparkling red,
below are dregs are wrath.

From thence He pours to all around,
to each as He does please;
But all the wicked wring the dregs,
and drink the bitter lees.
8 But I'll extol, and ever sing
The God of Jacob's praise:
10 The wicked's pow'r I will destroy,
the just to pow'r I'll raise.

Psalm 76

Common Meter

1 In Judah GOD is known: his name
is great in Israel:
2 In Salem his pavilion is:
in Zion He doth dwell:
3 There He the burning arrows brake,
the bow, shield, sword and war: (Selah.)
More glorious Thou than mounts of prey,
more excellent by far.

5 They that are stout of heart are spoil'd,
in sleep of death they fall:
The mighty could not find their hands
or pow'r to help at all.
6 O Thou of Jacob mighty God,
at thy rebuke and blast
The charioteers and horse also
the sleep of death are cast.

7 Thou, even Thou, art terrible,
whom all should greatly fear:
O who can stand before thy face,
if once thy wrath appear?
8 When Thou didst from the heav'ns on high
cause judgment to be heard;
The earth in awful silence stood,
exceedingly it fear'd;

9 When GOD his judgment to dispense
up as a judge arose,
The meek of all the earth to save
from all their mighty foes. (Selah.)
10 Assuredly the wrath of men
shall praises to Thee gain:
And the remainder of their wrath,
Thou surely wilt restrain.

11 Vow to the LORD your God, and pay
all ye that round Him are;
To Him who is most terrible,
your presents bring with fear.
12 The spirit that in princes is,
asunder cut will He:
And to the kings throughout the earth
He terrible will be.

Psalm 77

A Psalm of Asaph

Common Meter

1 I with my voice to GOD did cry;
ye with my voice aloud
I cry's to GOD; and graciously
to me his ear He bow'd.
2 In my distress I sought the Lord,
my sore ran in the night,
And ceased not; my soul refus'd,
all comfort and delight.

3 I thought on GOD and troubled was
yet more; without relief;
I meditated till my soul
was overwhelm'd with grief. (Selah.)
4 In ev'ry watch of tedious night,
Thou kepst my soul awake;
My trouble swell'd to such excess,
I groan'd, but could not speak.

5 I call'd to mind the days of old,
with signal mercies crown'd;
Those famous years of ancient time,
for wondrous works renown'd.
6 Yea, to my memory I recall'd
the songs by night I had;
I commun'd with my thoughtful heart,
strict search my spirit made.

Part 2

7 Alas! said I, what will the Lord,
cast off, and not restore?
And from henceforth will He afford,
no favour any more?
8 Is all his mercy ceas'd and gone?
must that no more avail?
The gracious promises He made,
shall they for ever fail?

9 Or is it true, that to be kind,
my God forgotten hath?
And that his tender mercies He
hath shut up in his wrath?
10 Then said I, this my weakness is,
who have no pow'r to stand;
But I'll remember the most High,
and years of his right hand.

11 The works of JAH I'll call to mind,
his actions manifold;
I'll surely to remembrance call
thy wondrous works of old.
12 On all thy works I'll meditate,
and of thy doings talk.
13 Thy way, O GOD, is Holiness,
where Thou dost ever walk.

Part 3

14 What God so great as our GOD is?
Thou God, hast wonders done:
Among the people Thou thy strength,
hast openly made known.
15 Thy people Thou from bondage hast
by thy strong arm set free;
Of Joseph and of Israel,
the vast posterity. (Selah.)

16 Thee did the waters see, O GOD,
Thee see with trembling fear:
The mighty deeps with all their waves,
in great commotion were.
17 The clouds their floods of water pour'd,
the skies sent forth a sound;
Thine arrows in thy storms of hail,
flew terribly around.

17 Thy dreadful voice from heaven above
in roaring thunders broke:
Thy light'nings blaz'd throughout the world,
the earth in horror shook.
19 Thy way was in the troubled sea,
a wondrous way was shown;
Thy paths thro' might waters were,
thy steps cannot be known.

20 By Moses and by Aaron's hand,
Thou, as thy people's head,
Thro' the vast desart, like a flock,
didst them in safety lead.

Psalm 78

Maschil of Asaph

Common Meter

1 Attend my people to my law,
incline your list'ning ear;
And the instruction of my mouth
with strict attention hear.
2 My mouth shall parables explain,
and sayings dark of old;
3 What we our selves have heard and known,
and what our fathers told.

4 Them from their children we'll not hide,
but to their race make known,
JEHOVAH's praises, and his strength,
and wonders he hath done.
5 This statute He in Jacobe set,
this law in Isr'el made,
And charg'd our fathers, they should be
from race to race convey'd:

6 That generations yet to come,
them happily may know;
And children to be born, and rise,
the same to their's may show.
7 That they on the same mighty GOD
Their confidence might set,
God's works and his commandments keep,
and never might forget.

7 And might not like their fathers be,
a stiff, rebellious race;
A race whose heart not right with God,
nor spirit stedfast was.

Part 2

9 The sons of Ephraim, tho' well arm'd
and carrying warlike bows,
Yet in the day of battle turn'd
their backs before their foes
10 GOD's covenant they neither kept,
nor in his law would go:
11 His works and wonders they forgot,
Which He to them did show.

12 Things marvellous which he perform'd
their fathers had behold;
Within the land of Egypt wrought,
and done in Zoan's field.
13 He cut the sea, and made them pass,
held back the pressing flood;
While up in heaps on either side,
the waters firmly stood.

14 He led them with a wondrous cloud,
compos'd of shade and light;
A shelt'ring shade it prov'd by day,
a light of fire by night.
15 While in the thirsty wilderness,
the solid rock He clave;
And thence, as from the boundless deeps.
abundant drink He gave.

16 Yea from the flinty rock He made
such streams to gush and flow,
That in full rivers down they ran,
and water'd all below.

Part 3

17 And yet for all, they more and more
against Him did transgress;
And more provoked the most High,
while in the wilderness.
18 First in their hearts they tempted God,
and did his pow'r distrust;
Then meat requir'd, nor urg'd by want,
but to indulge their lust.

19 Yea spake against the mighty GOD,
and insolently said,
'Can God in such a wilderness,
'for us a table spread?
20 'He smote the flinty rock indeed,
and gushing streams ensu'd;
'But can He bread and flesh provide,
for such a multitude?'

21 The LORD with indignation heard,
and kindled was a flame;
On Jacob, on his Israel,
the burning anger came.
22 Because their unbelieving hearts
would not in GOD confide,
Nor trust in his salvation, who
had them so oft supply'd.

Part 4

23 The clouds He order'd ev'ry night,
their cravings to relieve;
The doors of heav'n He op'ned wide,
the choicest food to give.
24 On them He manna rained down,
and round about them spread;
The corn of heav'n He gave to them,
ev'n for their daily bread.

25 So men the food of angels eat,
were fed and satisfy'd;
Yea of his bounty them with meat
He to the full supply'd.
26 He caus'd an east wind thro' the air
to blow at his command;
And then He bro't the south wind forth
by his almighty hand.

27 He rain'd upon them living flesh,
Like summer's dust for store;
And show'red down the feather'd fowls
as sand upon the shore.
28 Ev'n in their camp and round their tents
He let them gently fall.
29 They eat, were fill'd, and their desire
He fully gave to all.

Part 5

30 Yet were they not estranged from
their lust and murm'ring sin;
But while their dainty meat was yet
their loathing mouths within;
31 The wrath of GOD again arose,
in plagues upon them fell;
Which slew the fat ones, and smote down
the flow'r of Israel.

32 And yet for all, they sinned still;
his gracious soul they grieve:
And though his works most wond'rous were,
yet they would not believe.
33 Therefore their sinful days He made,
in vanity to spend;
Short'ned their years, and made them waste
in trouble to their end.

34 When He among them slaughters made,
They sought him speedily;
Yea they return'd, and after God
enquired earnestly.
35 For then they to remembrance call'd,
how GOD, their rock had been;
And how they had the most high God
their great redeemer seen.

36 But basely flatter'd with their mouths,
their tongues ev'n to Him lied.
37 Their heart was false, nor did they in
his covenant abide.
38 Yet full of mercy, He forgave,
nor would them wholly slay,
Nor all his anger raise; but oft
he turned his wrath away.

39 For He remember'd they were flesh
that could not long remain;
A wind that passes quick away,
and ne'r comes back again!

Part 6

40 How oft did they provoke Him there?
how oft his heart they griev'd,
In that same wilderness where He
their fainting souls reliev'd?
41 Yea they perversely turned back,
and tempted the most High;
And they to Isr'els holy One
set bounds, his pow'r to try.

42 They did not call to mind his hand,
and that most wondrous day,
When from oppressors He them freed
and brought them all away.
43 Nor all the signs in Egypt's land
He wrought before their eyes;
Nor wonders done in Zoan's field
upon their enemies.

44 Their springs and rivers turn'd to blood,
that they could drink no more;
45 Vast swarms of diverse flies and frogs
He sent, them to devour.
46 To caterpillars gave their fruit,
to locusts gave their toil:
47 With hail did He their vines destroy,
great hail! their fig-trees spoil.

47 To storms of hail their cattle gave,
which greatly them annoy'd,
And then to fiery thunder-bolts,
which terribly destroy'd.
49 He on them his hot anger, wrath,
and indignation cast,
By evil angels whom He sent,
to vex and lay them waste.

50 He for his further wrath made way:
their souls He did not save
From death: and to the murrain plague
their animals He gave.
51 Then in the land of Egypt He
did all the first-born smite;
And in the tents of cruel Ham
the chief of all their might.

52 But like a flock of sheep He made
His people forth to go;
And in the desart like a flock
with care He led them too.
53 He led them safely through the deeps;
no cause of fear they found:
But in the seas returning waves
their following foes were drown'd.

54 His people brought into the bounds
of this his sacred land;
This mountain which He purchas'd by
the work of his right hand.
55 Before them cast the nations out,
and did their lands divide;
And in their tents he plac'd the tribes
of Isr'el to reside.

Part 7

56 Yet still they tempted, still provok'd,
and griev'd the GOD most High,
His sacred testimomies they
would not keep faithfully:
57 But like their fathers turned back:
And faithlessness did show:
They turned quickly back just like
a bent deceitful bow.

57 For they with altars Him provok'd
set up in places high;
And with their graven images
inflam'd his jealousy.
59 GOD hearing this, was wroth, and loath'd
Isr'el with hatred great:
60 So Shiloh's tent He left, the tent
He had among men set.

61 Yea He gave up his ark of strength
into captivity;
His glory gave into the hand
of a vile enemy.
62 His people gave up to the sword,
to its devouring rage;
And was exceeding angry with
his chosen heritage.
63 The fire of war consum'd their youth,
their maids unmarried were:
64 Their priests were slaughter'd in the field,
no widows mourn'd them there.

65 But then the Lord arose as one
who rous'd from sleep awakes;
Yea as a giant rais'd by wine,
a mighty shouting makes.
66 And on the enemies behind
He made his strokes to fall;
And put them all to open shame,
a shame perpetual.

Part 8

67 The tents of Joseph He did then
and Ephraim's tribe refuse:
67 But Judah's tribe and Zion hill,
which He hath lov'd, did chuse.
69 And there his sanctuary built
like palaces on high;
Like to the earth He founded hath
to perpetuity.

70 Of David his young servant He
the choice did kindly make;
And from the foldings of the sheep
the royal Shepherd take.
71 From following the ewes with young,
He rais'd him up to feed
Isra'l his choice inheritance,
his people, Jacob's seed.

72 So them he as a shepherd fed;
and guided all the land,
In his integrity of heart,
and skilfulness of hand.

Psalm 79

A Psalm of Asaph

Common Meter

1 Behold, O GOD, how heathen foes
Thine heritage invade;
Defile thy holy house; in heaps
Jerusalem have laid.
2 Thy servants bodies lying dead,
they cast forth to be meat
To rav'nous fowls; and thy siants flesh
to savage beasts to eat.

3 Like water they pour'd out their blood
about Jerusalem;
Their mangled bodies lay abroad,
and none to bury them.
4 We are become a vile reproach
to all our neighbours near;
Yea a derision and a scoff
to all who round us are.

5 How long, O LORD? For evermore
shall thus thine anger last?
How long thy burning jealousy
like fire go on and waste?
6 Thy wrath on heathens Thou wilt pour,
who own Thee not at all;
And on the kingdoms round who on
thy name refuse to call.

7 For they have cruelly devour'd
thy servant Jacob's race;
And have with fire and sword laid waste
his pleasant dwelling place.

Part 2

7 Mind not against us former sins;
thy tender mercies show:
Let them prevent us speedily;
for we're brought very low.
8 Help, for the glory of thy Name,
our Saviour God, this day;
For thy Name sake deliver us,
and purge our sins away.

10 Why say the heathen, where's your GOD?
before us they shall see,
When thy dear servants blood they shed
shall be reveng'd by Thee.
11 O let the captives sighs ascend
before thy face on high;
And let thy mighty arm preserve
those who are doom'd to die.

12 But to our neighbour's bosom Thou
wilt seven-fold repay,
For their reproach wherewith, O Lord,
reproached Thee have they.
13 So we thy people and thy flock,
will ever bless thy name;
And from our grateful hearts thy praise
from age to age proclaim. 

Psalm 80

Common Meter

1 Thou who lead'st Joseph as a flock,
O Isra'l's Shepherd hear;
Who dwell'st between the cherubims,
shine forth in glory there.
2 Before Manasseh, Benjamin,
and Ephr'im: O do Thou,
Stir up thy strength and quickly come;
To us salvation show.

3 Turn us, O GOD, to Thee again,
And cause thy countenance
To shine forth upon us, and we
shall have deliverance.
4 LORD GOD of hosts, how long wilt Thou,
thus in thine anger smoke,
Against thy people and their pray'rs,
who Thee alone invoke.

5 Thou feedest them with flowing tears,
which soak the bread they eat;
And for their drink Thou giv'st them tears
in measure very great.
6 Thou mak'st us a strife among
our neighbours on each side;
Our foes with one another vie,
who shall us most deride.

7 Turn us again, O GOD of hosts,
And cause thy countenance
To shine forth upon us, and we
shall have deliverance.

Part 2

7 From Egypt Thou hast brought a vine,
the heathen out didst cast;
And in the land where once they spread,
The vine Thou planted hast.

9 Before it room Thou didst prepare
by thy subduing hand:
And causing it deep root to take,
it spread and fill'd the land.
10 The mountains high and all around,
were cover'd with her shade;
And like the cedar trees of God
her branches wee display'd.

11 Yea, she as far as to the sea
Her growing boughs did send;
And to the mighty River she
her branches did extend.
12 O why then hast Thou broken down,
its hedge, and laid it bare;
That all who pass along the way
her fruitful branches tear.

13 'Tis wasted by the savage boar,
that rushes from the wood;
And all the wild beasts of the field
devour it for food.
14 O GOD of hosts, we beg of Thee,
return again, to thine;
Look down from heav'n, behold and see,
and visit this thy vine,

15 The vineyard which with thy right hand
of pow'r Thou planted hast;
The very branch which for Thy self
Thou strongly didst set fast.
16 But now the vine with fire consumes,
her branches are cut down;
At thy rebuke they fade away,
and perish at thy frown.

17 O with the man of thy right hand,
let thy hand present be,
And with the son of man whom Thou
hast made so strong for Thee.
18 So by thy grace, we never will
revolt from Thee at all:
O quick'n us now, and on thy Name
we gratefully will call.

19 LORD GOD of hosts, turn us again,
and cause thy countenance
To shine forth upon us, and we
shall have deliverance.

Psalm 81

A Psalm of Asaph

Common Meter

1 O to the mighty GOD our strength
sing with a shouting voice;
O to the God of Jacob sing
and make a joyful noise.
2 Take up a Psalm, the timbrel bring,
and with your voices join;
The pleasant harp and psaltery,
in consort sweet combine.

3 At the new moon, let trumpets blow,
and joyful voices raise.
To celebrate th' appointed time,
the solemn day of praise.
4 For this to Israel of old
a sacred precept was,
And by the God of Jacob this
did for a statute pass.

5 This witness He in Joseph set,
when from th' Egyptian shore
They went, and heard a voice and speech,
they never heard before.
6 I from the heavy burthens took
their shoulders clear away;
And I their servile hands set free
from lab'ring in the clay.

7 When thou wast in great trouble, thou
To Me for aid dist call;
With pity your distress I saw,
and set you free from all.
From thunder clouds I answer'd thee,
my secret place on high,
And at the streams of Meribah,
I throughly did thee try.

Part 2

7 Hear, O my people, and my mind
I'll testify to thee;
To thee,O Isr'el, if thou wilt,
but hearken now to Me:
8 Then know, that a strange God in thee,
I never will allow;
Never to any other God,
shalt thou presume to bow.

10 I am the LORD thy God who thee
from land of Egypt led;
Open thy mouth, and thou by Me
with plenty shalt be fed.
11 My people yet would not give ear,
To the kind voice I spake;
And Israel would not in me,
Their full contentment take.
12 So to the bents of their own hearts,
I gave them up a prey;
And in their foolish counsels then
I let them go astray.
13 O that my people Me had heard,
and did my voice obey;
That Isr'el had obedient been,
and walked in my way;

14 I should within a little time,
have pulled down their foes;
And should have turn'd my hand upon,
such as against them rose.
15 The haters of the LORD had then
submission paid, tho' feign'd;
But his own people's happy time
should ever have remain'd.

16 Yea with the finest of the wheat,
Have nourish'd them should He;
With honey of the Rock I should
Have satisfied thee.

Psalm 82

A Psalm of Asaph

Common Meter

1 In the assembly of the great,
our mighty GOD doth stand,
As judge among our earthly GODS,
the Rulers of the land.
2 How long [says He] then will ye dare
wrong judgment to award?
The wicked person to accept,
or partially regard?

3 Defend the poor and fatherless,
oppress'd by worldly might;
Aid such as suffer injuries,
and see ye do them right.
4 The weak and poor deliver ye,
and needy of the land;
And rid them from the tyranny
of ev'ry wicked hand.

5 They know not, nor will understand,
in darkness they walk on:
All the foundations of the earth
out of their course are gone.
6 I call'd you GODS for your high place,
sons of the Highest all;
7 But ye shall die like common men,
like other princes fall.

7 Arise, O GOD, and judge the earth,
and bring oppressors down:
For Thou all nations shalt possess,
and rule them as thine own.

Psalm 83

A Song of Psalm of Asaph

Common Meter

1 No longer hold thy peace, O GOD,
no longer silent be;
O God no longer sit at rest,
and our destruction see!
2 For lo, thy num'rous enemies
rise up tumultuously;
And those who hate Thee boast themselves,
and lift their heads on high.

3 Against thy people they conspire,
and crafty councils join;
And to destroy thine hidden ones,
they lay their close design.
4 Come let us cut them off, said they,
their nation quite efface,
That no remembrance may remain,
of Isr'el or his race.

5 Yea they together with one heart,
in council have combin'd;
And diff'ring people close in league,
against Thy self have join'd.
6 The warlike tents of Edom's race,
and of the Ishma'lites,
The people of the Hagareens,
and of the Moabites.

7 Gebal and Ammon join'd, and they
with Amalek conspire;
With them the Philistines agree,
and those who dwell at Tyre.
8 Yea, mighty Ashur is combin'd
with them in amity:
And they have been an arm of strength
to Lot's posterity.

9 As once Thou didst to Midian,
so Thou wilt do to them;
Or Jabin's host, and Sisera
at Kishon's ancient stream.
10 Who near to Endor suddenly,
fell down and perished;
And all their carcasses as dung,
upon the earth were spread.

11 Like Oreb and like Zeeb, Thou
wilt make their nobles fall:
As Zeba and Zalmunnah fell,
so shall their princes all.
12 For thus presumptuously they said,
come on, and let us take
The houses of their GOD to us,
and our possession make.

13 But Thou wilt make them, O my GOD,
as rolling things around;
Or like the chaff blown all about,
when whirlwinds sweep the ground.
14 As raging fire the forest burns,
with flames the mountains blaze;
15 So shall thy tempest them pursue,
and them thy storm amaze.

16 Do Thou, O LORD, their faces fill
with an abasing shame,
That they may happily be brought
to seek thy blessed name.
17 Or they shall to confusion come,
and ever troubled be;
Be put to a perpetual shame,
and perish utterly.

17 That all may know that Thou alone,
whom we JEHOVAH call,
Art the most High in all the earth,
and rulest over all.

Psalm 84

A Psalm for the Sons of Korah

Common Meter

1 How amiable, LORD of hosts,
Thy tabernacles are!
[Wherein the glories of thy face,
with wondrous pow'r appear!]
2 My soul, within me longs, yea faints,
JEHOVAH's courts to see;
My heart and flesh cry out aloud,
O living God for Thee!

3 The sparrow finds her self an house;
the swallow builds her nest,
Where she may lay and feed her young,
and she and they may rest;
Ev'n near thy holy altars, where
they make their safe abode:
And why not I - O LORD of hosts,
my king, my only God!

4 But O how blessed then are they,
who all their happy days
Dwell in thy house, and see Thee there!
they will Thee ever praise.
5 Yea, O how greatly bless'd are they,
whose strength and stay Thou art;
Who to thy house do trace the way,
with pleasure in their heart!

6 Who passing Baca's thirsty vale,
they Thee their fountain make;
And from the pools fill'd with thy rain,
with cheerfulness they take.
7 So they go on from strength to strength,
and joyfully draw near,
Till they before the God of GODS,
In Zion all appear.

Part 2

7 O Thou JEHOVAH, GOD of hosts,
my humble pray'r now hear!
Who of thy Jacob art the God,
O give a bending ear!
8 O GOD, who art our only shield,
look graciously on me,
And with thy happy smiles the face
of thy MESSIAH see.

10 For in thy courts one single day,
'tis better to attend,
Than 'tis in any other place
a thousand days to spend.
In my God's house I rather would,
ev'n at the threshold sit,
Than dwell in grand pavillions with
the wicked and the great.

11 Because the LORD GOD is a sun,
He is a shield also:
JEHOVAH on his people grace,
and glory will bestow.
From them who walk in uprightness,
no good with-hold will He.
12 O LORD of hosts, the man is blest
That puts his trust in Thee.

Psalm 85

A Psalm for the Sons of Korah


Common Meter

1 Lord, Thou didst signal favours show,
to thine afflicted land;
Jacob's captivity Thou didst
bring back with mighty hand.
2 Yea Thou thy people didst forgive,
their great iniquities;
And all their aggravated sins
didst cover from thine eyes. (Selah)

3 Thou all thine anger didst withdraw,
which on them heavy lay;
And from the fierceness of thy wrath,
didst wholly turn away.
4 O God of our salvation, now
return us by thy grace;
And tow'rds us thy displeasure sore,
O cause Thou quite to cease.

5 Or shall thine anger thus endure,
against us without end?
And ev'n to generations all,
wilt thou thy wrath extend?
6 O wilt thou not return again,
and us revive, that we
Thy saved people greatly may
rejoice again in Thee?

7 O great JEHOVAH now to us,
thy tender mercy show;
And thy salvation as a gift
of grace, on us bestow.

Part 2

7 I'll hear what God the LORD will speak:
speak to his people peace,
And to his saints; but let not them
return to foolishness.
8 Sure, his salvation now is nigh,
to them who Him revere;
That glory may adorn our land,
and happily dwell here.

10 Mercy and truth have sweet access,
and with great pleasure meet;
And perfect righteousness and peace,
with mutual kisses greet.
11 Truth and uprightness on the earth,
out of men's hearts, shall spring;
And righteousness from heav'n look down,
descend and blessings bring,

12 Yea ev'ry good thing will the LORD
give to us bounteously;
And then our land shall her increase,
yield with a rich supply.
13 Before Him righteousness shall go,
and all his paths prepare;
And in the way his steps will guide,
and place with happy care.


Long Meter

1 Lord, Thou didst favour this thy land;
Of Jacob's sad captivity,
Thou didst return with mighty hand:
2 Yea, Thou forgav'st th' iniquity,
Of this thy flock in former times,
And Thou didst cover all their crimes. (Selah.)

3 Thou all thy wrath didst take away:
From thy hot wrath which flam'd abroad,
Thou turndst in that happy day.
4 Of our salvation, O Thou God!
Convert us now by the same grace,
And make thy wrath towards us cease.

5 Shall thy wrath on us always lie?
Wilt thou thy burning wrath extend,
From generation constantly,
To generation without end?
6 Wilt Thou not us revive, that we
Thy people may rejoice in Thee?

7 LORD, let thy mercy now appear;
And save us in thy boundless grace.
8 What God the LORD will speak, I'll hear;
For to his people He'll speak peace,
And to his saints; but they must then
Ne'er turn to foolishness again.

9 His saving work is nigh at hand,
Surely to all that Him revere;
That glory may dwell in our land,
10 Mercy and truth meet sweetly here,
Harmonious peace and righteousness
Embracing, one another kiss.

11 Truth springs out of the earth below,
And down from heav'n looks righteousness;
The LORD will ev'ry good bestow;
Our land shall yield her great increase.
Justice shall go before his face,
And in the way his steps shall place.

Psalm 86

A Prayer of David

Short Meter

1 O LORD, bow down thine ear,
and hearken to my cry;
For poor and wholly destitute
of other help am I.
2 Preserve my soul, for I
devoted am to Thee;
My God, thy servant save, who makes
his trust in Thee his plea.

3 O Lord be merciful
to me, I earnest pray;
Because I cry to Thee alone,
importunate all day.
4 Rejoyce thy servant's soul,
for I to Thee, O Lord,
Lift up my troubled soul, in hope
that Thou wilt help afford.

5 For Thou, O Lord, art good;
to pardon fully free;
Yea in thy mercy rich art Thou,
to all who call on Thee.
6 JEHOVAH to my cry
O give a gracious ear;
and to my supplications voice
attend, and kindly hear.

7 In days of my distress
I will to Thee complain;
Because I surely know that Thou,
wilt answer me again.
8 Among the GODS, O Lord,
not one is like to Thee;
Nor any works that to thy works,
may once compared be.

Part 2

9 The nations, all, O Lord,
whom thy great pow'r did frame,
Shall come before and bow to Thee,
and glorify thy name.
10 For Thou art high and great;
the things that Thou hast done,
Are truly marvellous, and show,
that Thou art GOD alone.

11 Teach me thy way of truth,
and I will walk the same;
And LORD, to Thee unite my heart,
that I may fear thy name.
12 O Lord my God, Thee praise,
with all my heart will I;
Yea constantly and evermore,
thy name will glorify.

13 Because thy mercy is
exceeding great to me;
And from the grave and lowest hell,
Thou hast my soul set free.

Part 3

14 O GOD, the violent
and proud in troops arise
Against me, and they seek my soul,
nor have Thee in their eyes.

15 But Lord, Thou art a God
compassionate and kind;
Long-suff'ring Thou, and in thy truth,
and mercy unconfin'd.
16 O turn to me thy face,
to me be mercy shown,
They strength, O, to thy servant give,
and save thine handmaid's son.

17 Shew me a sign for good,
and let my haters see
And be asham'd, because Thou LORD,
dost help and comfort me.

Psalm 87

A Psalm or Song for the Sons of Korah


Common Meter

1 The LORD his sacred house doth on
the holy mountains found;
2 The gates of Zion loves more than,
all Jacob's dwellings round.
3 Exceeding great and glorious things,
are spoken all abroad,
Concerning thee, O thou the seat,
the city of our GOD. (Selah)

4 In those who know me I will name
Tyre, Rahab, Babylon,
In Ethiopia, Palestine,
were born some of renown;
5 But this of Zion shall be said,
there many such are born;
And the most High himself will her,
establish and adorn.

6 Yea when the LORD enrolls their names
who His own people are,
To Zion's honour He will say,
7 Both those who sing and those who play
on musick there shall be:
Yea all my springs of life and grace
and comfort are in Thee.


Long Meter

1 His sacred dwelling he doth found
Upon the holy mountains there.
2 To all the tents of Jacob round
The LORD doth Zion's gates prefer.
3 Most glorious things are spoke abroad
Of thee, O city of our GOD. (Selah)

4 I'll Babylon, and Rahab name
Who know me, Ethiopia,
Philistia, Tyre: were born in them
Some justly famous in their day.
5 But ZION fam'd for bringing forth
Many renowned for their worth.

The highest will increase her fame,
Establish her and more adorn.
6 And as the LORD writes ev'ry name,
7 Musicians, singers there abound,
And all my springs in Thee are found.

Psalm 88

A Psalm or Song for the Sons of Korah: Maschil of Heman the Ezrahite

Long Meter

1 Lord God, my saviour, day and night
before Thee, loudly cry'd have I:
2 O let my pray'r before Thee come,
And bend thine ear now to my cry.
3 Because my soul's with trouble fill'd,
My life approaches to the grave:
4 Counted with thine who to the pit,
Are hastning, and no strength I have.

5 Yea as one free among the dead,
Like to the slain in graves I lie;
Whom by thy hand Thou hast cut off,
And hast no more in memory.
6 Thou lay'st me in the lowest pit,
In darkness as in deepest caves;
7 Thy wrath lies hard on me, and Thou
Afflictest me with all thy waves.

7 My friends thou hast put far from me,
And to them made me loathsom grow;
And I'm in prison shut so fast,
That forth from thence I cannot go.
8 Thro' my affliction great and long,
Mine eye with mourning pines away:
JEHOVAH, loud I call on Thee,
And stretch my hands to Thee all day.

Part 2

10 Shew wonders to the dead wilt Thou?
Shall the dead rise and Thee confess?
11 Or does the grave thy kindness show,
Destruction tell thy faithfulness?
12 In darkness are thy wonders known?
Or are thy acts of righteousness,
Remember'd or acknowleg'd in
The land of deep forgetfulness.

13 But LORD to Thee aloud I cry,
In early morning to Thee pray;
14 Why LORD dost cast my soul from Thee?
Why from me hide thy face away?
15 I'm poor, afflicted, and to die
Am ready from my youthful years:
Distracted and confus'd am I,
While I endure thy horrid fears.

16 Thy fiery wrath goes over me;
Thy terrors greatly me dismay;
17 As mighty floods encompass me,
And rise all round me ev'ry day.
18 My lovers and my choicest friends,
Thou hast from me removed far:
And into darkness put away
Those who my dear acquaintance were.

Psalm 89

Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite

Common Meter

1 The mercies of JEHOVAH sing
for evermore will I:
I'll with my mouth thy truth make known
to all posterity.
2 For I have said, Thy mercy shall
for ever built remain;
Thou in the heav'ns thy faithfulness
wilt steadfastly maintain.

3 For with the man whom I did chuse
a covenant I made,
And to my servant David sware,
to what I promised;
4 That I thy seed establish will
for ever to endure,
And will to generations all,
build up thy throne most sure.

5 And so the heav'ns thy wonders, LORD,
shall with thy praises ring;
While thine assembled saints on earth,
thy faithfulness shall sing.
6 For with JEHOVAH, who is he,
in heav'n we can compare?
Who like the LORD among the sons
of earthly GODS is there?

Part 2

7 God greatly in the church of saints,
is to be had in fear,
And to be reverenc'd of all
that round about Him are.
8 O LORD of hosts, O mighty JAH,
who like Thee can there be?
Thy faithfulness on ev'ry side,
does round encompass Thee.

9 Over the raging of the sea,
Thou dost dominion bear:
When as the waves thereof arise,
by Thee they stilled are.
10 Rahab Thou hast in pieces broke,
and like one slain she lies;
And with thy mighty arm hast Thou,
dispers'd thine enemies.

11 The heav'ns are thine, the earth is thine,
which Thou alone hast made;
The world with all it's fulness; Thou
hast it's foundations laid.
12 The north and south sides of the world,
Thou didst extend and frame.
Tabor and Hermon, mountains high,
shall triumph in thy name.

Part 3

13 Thou hast an arm of mighty pow'r,
thy hand in strength is great,
And that supreme right hand of thine
aloft on high is set.
14 Justice and judgment on thy throne,
have their sure dwelling place:
Mercy and truth join'd hand in hand,
shall go before thy face.

15 O blessed are the people who
the joyful sound do know;
LORD, in Thy countenance's light,
they up and down shall go.
16 They in thy name shall, all the day,
rejoice exceedingly;
And in thy righteousness shall they
Be lifted up on high.

17 Because the glory of their strength
they yield alone to Thee;
And in thy favour shall our horn
of pow'r exalted be.
18 Because JEHOVAH is our shield,
who safety gives alone;
And He who is our sov'reign King
is Isr'ls HOLY ONE.

Part 4

19 In vision then Thou to thy saints,
didst speak, 'I'll help impose,
'On One that's mighty, whom i rais'd,
'and from the people chose.
20 'Among them David I have found,
'a servant true to Me;
'And with my holy oil my King
'anointed him to be.

21 'With whom my hand shall firmly be,
'mine arm shall make him strong;
22 'On him the foe shall not exact,
'nor son of mischief wrong.
23 'And I'll beat down before his face
'all his malicious foes;
'And will them greatly plague who shall
'in hatred him oppose.

24 'But lo, my mercy and my truth
'with him shall be the same;
'His horn of pow'r shall be on high
'exalted in my name.
25 'His hand of pow'r shall reach afar;
'I'll set it on the sea:
'And on the rivers his right hand,
'extended wide shall be.

26 'To me, my father, God, and rock
'of safety, he shall cry:
27 'I'll place him my first born, above
'all kings in dignity.
28 'My mercy I will keep for him
'to times which eve last;
'Also my covenant with him,
'shall be establish'd fast.

29 'His offspring also will I make,
'ev'n to remain always;
And I establish will his throne,
'as heav'ns eternal days.
30 'But if his sons forsake my law,
'and from my judgments swerve;
31 'If they my statutes violate,
'my precepts not observe;

32 'Their bold transgressions with the rod,
'then visit sore will I,
'and I with scourges visit will
'their cross iniquity.
33 'My loving kindness yet from him
'I'll take not utterly,
'Nor suffer will in any wise
'my faithfulness to lie.

34 'The covenant I made with him
'by me shall not be broke:
'and what my lips have once pronounc'd,
'I never will revoke.
35 'Can I to David lie, when by
'my holiness I've sworn.
36 'Before me last his seed and throne,
'perpetual as the sun;

37 'And as the moon by my decree,
'on high establish'd fast,
'In heav'n a faithful witness set,
'for evermore to last. (Selah)

Part 5

37 But not Thou seem'st to cast me off,
and to abandon me;
And with thine own anointed one,
exceeding wroth to be.
39 Thou seem'st to null thy covenant
with him thy servant made:
His diadem Thou hast profan'd,
and in the dust hast laid.

40 His hedges all hast broken down,
his fortresses laid waste;
41 He's spoil'd by every passenger,
by neighbours round disgrac'd.
42 His foes right hand Thou hast advanc'd,
and made them all be glad;
43 Turn'd his sword's edge, and him to stand,
in battle hast not made.

44 His glory Thou hast made to cease,
his throne cast to the ground;
45 His youthful days made short to be,
with shame dost him confound.

Part 6

46 How long, LORD, wilt Thou hide thy self?
shall it for ever be?
How long like as a burning fire
shall we thine anger see?
47 O call to mind how short a time,
I shall on earth remain.
Wherefore hast Thou employ'd thy pow'r,
to make all men in vain?

47 What man is he that lives on earth,
who death shall never see?
Or from the graves prevailing pow'r,
what man his soul can free?
49 Thy former loving kindnesses,
Lord, where do they appear,
Which in thy truth and faithfulness,
to David Thou didst swear?

50 Remember Lord, with what reproach,
they servants treated are;
How all the mighty people's scoffs,
I in my bosom bear.
51 The scoffs wherewith thy foes, O LORD,
reproach have laid upon
the steps of thy MESSIAH dear,
thine own anointed one.

52 But bless'd forever be the LORD
who doth for ever reign;
And let the world with one accord
resound, AMEN, AMEN.Â