Bay Psalm Book

Book One 

Psalms 1-41

Psalme 1

1 O Blessed man, that in th’ advice
of wicked doeth not walk;
nor stand in sinners way, nor sit
In chayre of scornful folk.

2 But in the law of Jehovah,
is his longing delight:
and in his law doth meditate,
by day and eke by night.

And he shall be like to a tree
planted by water-rivers:
that in his season yields his fruit,
and his leaf never withers.

And all he doth, shall prosper well,
the wicked are not so:
but they are like unto the chaff,
which wind drives to and fro.

Therefore shall not ungodly men,
rise to stand in the doom,
nor shall the sinners with the just,
in their assembly come.

For of the righteous men, the Lord
acknowledgeth the way:
but the way of ungodly men,
shall utterly decay. 

Psalme 2 

1 Why rage the Heathen furiously?
muse vain things people do;
Kings of the earth do set themselves,
Princes consult also;

  with one consent against the Lord
and his anointed one.
Let us asunder break their bands,
their cords be from us thrown.

Who sits in heav’n shall laugh; the lord
will mock them; then will he
Speak to them in his ire, and wrath:
and vex them suddenly.

But I anointed have my King
upon my holy hill
of Zion: The established
counsel declare I will.

  God spake to me, thou art my Son:
this day I thee begot.
Ask thou of me, and I will give
the Heathen for thy lot:

  and of the earth thou shalt possess
the utmost coasts abroad.
thou shalt them break as Potter’s sherds
and crush with iron rod.

10  And now ye Kings be wise, be learn’d
ye judges of th’ earth (Hear.)
11  Serve ye the lord with reverence,
rejoice in him with fear.

12  Kiss ye the Son, lest he be wroth,
and ye fall in the way.
when his wrath quickly burns, O blessed
are all that on him stay. 

Psalme 3

A psalm of David when he fled from the face of Absalom his Son.

1 O Lord, how many are my foes?
how many up against me stand?
Many say to my soul no help
in God for him at any hand.

3 But thou Lord art my shield, my glory
and the-uplifter of my head,
with voice to God I cal’d, who from
his holy hill me answered.

I laid me down, I slept, I waked,
for Jehovah did me up bear:
People that set against me round,
ten thousand of them I’ll not fear.

Arise O Lord, save me my God,
for all mine en’mies thou hast stroke
upon the cheek-bone: & the teeth
of the ungodly thou hast broke.

This, and all such salvation,
belongeth unto Jehovah;
thy blessing is, and let it be
upon thine own people. Selah. 

Psalme 4 

To the cheife Musician on Neginoth, a psalme of David.

1 GOD of my justice, when I call
answer me: when distrest
thou hast inlarg'd me, shew me grace,
and heare thou my request.

2 Ye Sonnes of men, my glory turne
to shame how long will you?
how long will ye love vanity,
and still deceit pursue?

3 But know, the Lord doth for himselfe
set by his gracious saint:
the Lord will heare when I to him
doe poure out my complaint.

Be stirred up, but doe not sinne,
consider seriouslie:
within your heart upon your bed;
and wholly silent be.

5   The sacrifices of justice,
let sacrificed be,
and confidently put your trust
on Iehovah doe ye.

Many there be that say o who,
will cause us good to see:
the light, Lord, of thy countenance
let on us lifted be.

Thou hast put gladnesse in my heart,
more then the time wherein
their corne, and also their new wine,
have much increased bin.

8 In peace with him I will lye downe,
and take my sleepe will I:
For thou Lord mak'st me dwell alone
in confident safety. 

Psalme 5  

To the cheife Musician upon Nehiloth, a psalme of David.

1 Heare thou my words and understand
my meditation, Iehovah.
2 My King, my God, attend the voyce
of my cry: for to thee I pray.

At morn Iehovah, thou shalt heare
my voyce: to thee I will addresse
at morn, I will looke up. For thou
art not a God lov'st wickednesse

neither shall evil with thee dwell.
Vaine glorious fooles before thine eyes
shall never stand: for thou hatest
all them that worke iniquities.

Thou wilt bring to distruction
the speakers of lying-falshood,
the lord will make to be abhor'd
the man deceitfull, and of blood.

But I will come into thine house
in multitude of thy mercy:
and will in feare of thee bow downe,
in temple of thy sanctity.

Lead me forth in thy rightousnes,
because of mine observing spies,
O Iehovah doe thou thy wayes
make straight, and plaine, before mine eyes

For there no truth is in his mouth,
their inward part iniquities;
their throat an open sepulchre,
their tongue is bent to flatteries.

10  O God make thou them desolate
from their owne plots let them fall far,
cast them out in their heapes of sinnes,
for they against thee Rebells are.

11  And all that trust in thee shall joy,
and shout for joy eternallie,
and thou shalt them protect: & they
that love thy name shall jo in thee.

12  For thou Iehovah, wilt bestow
a blessing on the rightous one:
and wilt him crowne as with a shield,
with gracious acceptation.

Psalme 6 

To the chief Musician on Neginoth upon - Sheminith, a psalme of David.

1 LORD in thy wrath rebuke me not,
nor in thy hot wrath chasten me
Pitty me Lord, for I am weak,
Lord heale me, for my bones vext be.

Also my soule is troubled sore:
how long Lord wilt thou me forsake?
Returne o Lord, my soule release:
o save me for thy mercy sake.

In death no mem'ry is of thee
and who shall prayse thee in the grave?
I faint with groanes, all night my bed
swims, I with tears my couch wash have.

mine eye with grief is dimme and old:
because of all mine enimies.
8 But now depart away fom me,
all yee that work iniquities:

  for Iehovah ev'n now hath heard
the voyce of these my weeping teares.
9 Iehovah heare my humble suit,
Iehovah doth receive my prayers.

10  Let all mine enimies be asham'd
and greatly troubled let them be:
yea let them be returned back,
and be ashamed suddenlie. 

Psalme 7 

Shiggajon of David which he sāg to Iehovah upō the words of Cush the Benjamite.

1 O LORD my God in thee
I doe my trust repose,
save and deliver me from all
my persecuting foes.

2 Lest like a Lion hee
my soule in peeces teare:
rending asunder, while there is
not one deliverer.

Iehovah o my God
if this thing done have I:
if so there be within my hands
wrongfull iniquity

If I requited ill
the man with me at peace,
(yea I have him delivered
that was my foe causlesse:)

Let foe pursue my soule,
and take, and tread to clay
my life: and honor in the dust
there let him wholly lay

Arise Lord in thy wrath
for th' enimies fiercenesse:
be thou lift up, & wake to me,
judgement thou did'st expresse.

So thee encompasse round
shall peoples assembly;
and for the same doe thou returne,
vnto the place on high.

The Lord shall judge the folke;
Iehovah judge thou me.
according to my righteousnesse,
and mine integritie.

Let ill mens malice cease,
but doe the just confirme,
for thou who art the righteous God:
dost hearts and reins discerne.

10  For God my sheild, the right
in heart he saved hath.
11  The God that doth the rightous judge,
yet daily kindleth wrath.

12  If he doe not returne,
his sword he sharp will whet:
his bow he bended hath, and he
the same hath ready set.

13  For him he hath prepar'd
the instruments of death,
for them that hotly persecute,
his arrows he sharpneth.

14  Behold he travelleth
of vaine iniquity:
a toylesome mischeife he conceiv'd,
but shall bring forth a lye.

15  A pit he digged hath,
and delved deepe the same:
But fall'n he is into the ditch,
that he himselfe did frame.

16  His mischeivous labour
shall on his head turn downe
and his injurious violence
shall fall upon his crowne.

17  Iehovah I will prayse
for his just equity;
and I will sing unto the name
of Iehovah most high. 

Psalme 8

To the chief Musician upon Gittith, a psalm of David.

1 O Lord our God in all the earth
how’s thy name wondrous great?
who has thy glorious majesty
above the heavens set.

2 Out of the mouths of sucking babes,
thy strength thou didst ordain,
That thou mightst still the enemy,
and them that thee disdain.

3 When I thy fingers work, thy Heav’ns,
the moon and stars consider:
4 Which thou hast set. What’s wretched man
that thou dost him remember?

  Or what’s the Son of man, that thus
him visited thou hast?
5 For next to Angels, thou hast him
a little lower plac’t

And hast with glory crowned him,
and comley majesty.
6 And on thy works hast given him,
lordly authority.

7 All hast thou put under his feet;
all sheep and oxen, yea
8 And beasts of field. Fowls of the air,
and fishes of the sea;

  And all that pass through paths of seas.
9 O Jehovah our Lord,
How wondrously magnificent
Is thy name through all the world?