New England Psalm Book
Book Four
Psalms 90 through 106
Psalm 90
A Prayer of Moses, the Man of GOD
Common Meter1 Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place,
our refuge and defence,
In all the generations past,
and still our confidence.
2 Before the mountains Thou didst form,
or earth, and world abroad,
Thou ev'n from everlasting art
to everlasting, God.
3 Thou to destruction dost reduce
frail, miserable men;
And to all Adam's sons Thou say'st,
return ye back again.
4 For ev'n a thousand years appear
no more before thy sight,
Than yesterday that now is past,
or than a watch by night.
5 Thou dost them bear away as with
a flood that overflows:
Like sheep they are; and as the grass,
which in the morning grows;
6 Which in the morning flourishes,
but soon its beauty flies;
When evening comes 'tis all cut down,
and withers up and dies.
7 For by thy fiery anger we
consumed are away;
And troubled by thy burning wrath,
we hastily decay.
8 Thou dost our open trespasses,
before thy presence place;
And ev'n our secret sins before
the brightness of thy face.
9 For in thine anger all our days
away are quickly roll'd;
And all our years we waste away,
like a short tale soon told.
10 For therefore years and ten the days
of our short life may be:
Or if by reason of more strength,
we fourscore years may see;
Yet is this lengthning out but sin,
toil, grief and vanity;
And then 'tis speedily cut off,
and swift away we fly.
11 O who is he that fully knows
what power thine anger hath?
Or who can fully comprehend
the terror of thy wrath?
12 O teach Thou us effectually,
to number so our days,
As that our hearts we may apply
to walk in wisdom's ways.
13 JEHOVAH, turn thy self again;
how long yet shall it be?
E're thou repent and comfort them
who servants are to Thee?
14 O satisfy us early with
thy free benignity;
That so thro' all our days we may
joy and make melody.
15 According to the days wherein,
affliction we have had;
And years of evil we have seen,
now do thou make us glad.
16 O to thy servants, let thy work,
thy glorious work appear;
And show thy glory forth to those
who their dear children are.
17 The kindness of the LORD our God,
let on us ever shine;
Confirm our handy work for us,
establish it by thine.
Psalm 91
Common Meter1 He that does in the secret place
of the most High reside,
He under the Almighty's shade,
securely shall abide.
2 Of this JEHOVAH, I will say,
He is my refuge high,
My strong munition and my God,
on Him I will rely.
3 Because He from the fowler's snare,
will safely keep thee free;
And from the mortal pestilence,
will He deliver thee.
4 He with his feathers will thee hide;
his wings thy trust shall be;
His truth shall be a certain shield
and buckler safe to thee.
5 Thou shalt not be with fear dismay'd,
for terrors in the night;
Nor for the arrow that by day,
shoots with the swiftest flight.
6 Nor for th' infection of the plague,
that does in darkness stray:
Nor for the slaughter raging on,
and wasting at noon-day.
7 Tho' at thy side a thousand fall,
and at thy right hand lie
Ten thousand dead; yet none of them
to touch thee shall come nigh.
8 Only, this awful thing thine eyes
shall with attention see,
How they who now live wickedly,
shall then rewarded be.
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9 Because thou hast JEHOVAH made
thy dwelling place to be;
Ev'n the most High, who always was
a refuge safe to me;
10 Therefore no final injury
shall ever thee befall,
Nor any kind of penal plague
come near thy dwelling shall.
11 For He'll his angles strictly charge,
thee ever to attend,
That safely thee in all thy ways
they ever should defend.
12 They with their hands shall bear thee up,
least, if thou be alone,
At unawares thou dash thy foot,
against a hurtful stone.
13 The lion and the adder fierce
thou shalt securely tread;
Young lions tread beneath thy feet,
and crush the dragon's head.
14 'Because he sets his love on Me,
'deliver him will I:
'Because he knows and owns my name,
'I will exalt him high.
15 'He shall most freely call on Me,
'and I will answer him:
'I will with him in trouble be;
'him honour and redeem.
16 'As best shall be, with length of days,
'I will him satisfy:
'And my salvation I will make
'him see with joyful eye.'
Psalm 92
A Psalm or Song for the Sabbath-Day
Common Meter1 To Thee, JEHOVAH, thanks to give,
It is a comely thing;
And to thy name, O Thou most High,
loud hymns of praise to sing.
2 Thy loving-kindness forth to show
in early morning light,
And to declare thy faithfulness
with pleasure ev'ry night.
3 Upon the ten string'd instrment,
and pleasant psaltery;
Upon the harp with solemn sound,
and high rais'd melody.
4 For Thou JEHOVAH thro' thy work
Hast made me to rejoice;
And in thy handy work will I
triumph with joyful voice.
5 How wondrous are thy works, O LORD!
how deep are thy decrees!
6 The stupid understand not this,
nor foolish sinner sees;
7 When sinners spring as grass, and those
who work iniquity
Do flourish; 'tis that they may be
destroy'd eternally.
7 But Thou, O LORD, as sov'reign Judge,
for ever shalt remain;
And Thou, most high, ev'n over all
For evermore shalt reign.
8 For lo thy many foes, O LORD,
thy foes shall quite decay;
And all who work iniquity
shall be dispers'd away.
10 My horn of pow'r, as unicorns,
Thou wilt exalt on high;
And with fresh oil, from time to time,
anointed be shall I.
11 The downfall of my spiteful foes,
mine eyes shall see: mine ear
Of ill men who against me rise,
the fall shall also hear.
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12 But like the palm tree flourishing,
shall be the righteous one;
He shall be like the cedar tree
that grows on Lebanon.
13 They that within JEHOVAH's house
happily planted are,
Within the court-yards of our God
shall greatly flourish there.
14 Their fruit they shall when they are grey,
continue forth to bring;
They shall in fatness grow, and they
shall still be flourishing.
15 To show JEHOVAH upright is;
He is a rock to me;
And that He from unrighteousness
is altogether free.
Psalm 93
Common Meter1 JEHOVAH reigns: and clothed is
with lofty majesty:
JEHOVAH cloaths and girds Himself
with mighty pow'r on high:
The world is so established,
none move it can but He:
Thy throne is fix'd of old; and Thou
art from eternity.
The floods, O LORD, have lifted up,
the floods lift up their voice,
The floods have lifted up their waves,
and make a dashing noise.
4 The LORD on high is mightier far
than many waters noise:
Yea mightier than the raging seas,
when all their billows rise.
5 Thy testimonies, LORD, are sure:
and holiness always
Becomes thy house, and all who there
assemble for thy praise.
Psalm 94
Common Meter1 Lord God to whom alone pertains
the recompence of wrongs,
O mighty God, shine clearly forth,
to whom revenge belongs.
2 Thou Judge of th' earth wilt rise,
the proud their wages pay.
3 How long, O LORD, shall wicked men,
how long triumph shall they?
4 How long shall they break out and say,
things very hard to bear?
How long shall all such boast themselves,
who wicked workers are?
5 LORD, they thy people grind to dust,
thine heritage oppress;
6 The widow and the stranger slay,
And kill the fatherless.
7 And yet they insolently say;
JAH, this shall never see,
Nor by the God of Jacob shall,
these things regarded be.
8 But O ye stupid people, will
ye never learn to know?
Ye foolish in your hearts and ways,
wise will ye never grow?
9 He planted ev'ry hearing ear;
and hear then shall not He?
Who formed ev'ry seeing eye,
shall He not clearly see?
10 He who the nations doth chastize,
shall he not chasten you?
He teaches knowledge to all men:
and shall not He them know?
11 JEHOVAH always clearly sees
what thoughts men entertain;
He judges and He tries them all,
and knows they all are vain.
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12 O JAH, how bless'd is he whom Thou
dost fatherly chastise;
And out of thy most perfect law,
Thou teachest to be wise?
13 That Thou may'st give him quietness
till evil times are past;
Until the pit be digg'd wherein,
the wicked shall be cast.
14 For sure the LORD will not cast off
His people utterly;
Nor his inheritance forsake
to perpetuity.
15 But judgment shall to righteousness,
clearly return and reign;
And all who are of upright heart,
shall follow in her train.
16 Against the evil doers, who
will up for me arise?
Who stand up for me against those
that work iniquities?
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17 Unless the LORD had been my help,
none other could me save;
My soul had quickly dwelt within
the silence of the grave.
18 And when I said, my moving foot
is ready just to slide;
Thy mercies LORD, then held me up,
and made me firm abide.
19 Amidst the multitude of thoughts,
tumultuous in my mind;
Still from thy consolations sweet
my soul delight doth find.
20 What shall the throne of wickedness
Have fellowship with Thee;
Which frameth mischief by a law
and acts it by decree?
21 They run in crouds against the souls
of men both just and good;
And they condemn to punishment,
those of most harmless blood.
22 But yet the LORD has always been
a refuge high to me;
and of my confidence the rock,
my God shall always be.
23 The LORD our God their mischief will
on their own heads repay;
In their own malice cut the down,
yea will them surely slay.
Psalm 95
Common Meter1 O come, and let us to the LORD,
lift up a joyful voice;
And to our rock of safety shout,
and make triumphant noise.
2 Before Him let us early come
with thankfulness and praise;
And with the joyful noise of hymns
aloud our voices raise.
3 Because this God JEHOVAH is,
exceeding great and high;
And a great King above all GODS,
in power and majesty.
4 All the deep caverns in the earth,
are in his mighty hand;
The mountains high in all their strength
are his, and by Him stand.
5 To Him the spacious sea belongs,
because He made the same;
And all the land abroad is his,
for it his hand did frame.
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6 O come, and let us all adore,
bow down, and on Him call;
Come, let us kneel before the LORD,
the maker of us all.
7 Because He is our, God, and we
his pasture's people are;
And of his hand the sheep, if ye
to day his voice will hear;
7 'O let not, as at Meribah,
'hardness your hearts possess,
'As in the day of Massah they
'did in the wilderness.
8 'Where your presumptuous ancestors,
'too boldly tempted Me;
'Where they me prov'd, and where my works
'their wondring eyes did see.
10 'Forty years long I grieved was
'with that rebellious race;
'And said, this people err in heart,
'and will not know my ways.
11 'So that to them I sware in wrath,
'then kindling in my breast;
'That they should never enter in
'my happy place of rest.
Psalm 96
Common Meter1 O sing ye loudly to the LORD
new songs of sacred mirth;
O sing ye praises to the LORD,
all people through the earth.
2 O cheerfully sing to the LORD,
and bless his sacred name;
And his salvation ev'ry day
to all the world proclaim.
3 His glory in Himself and works,
among the nations show;
His works that are most marvellous
let all the people know.
4 For great, JEHOVAH is indeed,
and greatly prais'd to be;
Above all GODS to be ador'd,
and to be fear'd is He.
5 For of the heathen ail the Gods
vain and base idols are;
But by the LORD, whom we adore,
the heav'ns created were.
6 Glory and comely majesty
appear before his face,
Excelling pow'r with beauty join'd
within his holy place.
7 O to the LORD ye people yield,
and all of ev'ry tribe;
All glory to JEHOVAH yield,
and mighty pow'r ascribe.
8 The glory to JEHOVAH give,
that to his name is due;
Come ye into his courts, and bring
an offering with you.
9 Worship the LORD in his abode,
his beauteous, holy place;
And let the universal earth
tremble before his face.
10 Thro' nations say, JEHOVAH reigns,
the world confirm'd shall be;
It shall not move, but righteously
the people judge will He.
11 O let the heav'ns be glad,
and let the earth rejoice;
The sea and fulness of the same
with roaring make a noise.
12 O let the fields and all therein
with joyful triumph sing;
Then all the trees throughout the woods
with shouts of joy shall ring.
13 Before the LORD; for lo He comes,
He comes the earth to try;
He'll judge his people with his truth,
the world with equity.
Psalm 97
Common Meter1 JEHOVAH reigns! O let the earth
exult with joyful voice:
And all the multitude of isles,
exceedingly rejoice.
2 Thick clouds and darkness round Him spread;
and yet the world must own,
That righteousness and judgment sit
for ever on his throne.
3 Fire goes before Him; and it burns
His foes up ev'ry where:
4 His light'nings lighten thro' the world;
earth sees and shakes for fear.
5 Before JEHOVAH's face, behold
the mountains melting down;
Like wax before the Lord, who all
the earth doth rule and own.
6 The heav'ns on high his righteousness
to all abroad declare;
And to all people through the earth
his glory doth appear.
7 All who serve graven images,
shall now confounded be;
And all who of their idols boast:
all GODS HIM worship ye!
Mount Zion hears and sees with joy;
all Judah's daughters are
Exceeding glad; because O LORD,
thy judgments now appear.
8 For over all the earth abroad,
JEHOVAH, Thou art high;
Supreme above all other GODS
exalted wondrously.
10 All ye who truly love the LORD,
all evil hate: for He,
The souls of all his saints will keep,
and from the wicked free.
11 For such as righteous are, is sown
a seed of shining light,
And of immortal joy for those
who are in heart upright.
12 Rejoice ye righteous in the LORD,
your joy in Him express;
And give Him thanks in mem'ry of
his glorious holiness.
148th Meter ( JEHOVAH reigns! the earth
O let hereat rejoice,
The num'rous isles with mirth
Lift up on high their voice.
2 About Him round
Dark clouds there went;
Right and judgment
His throne do sound.
3 Fire goes before his sight,
Burns up his foes about:
4 The world is fill'd with light.
By light'nings He sends out.
The earth doth fear,
And greatly shake;
5 The mountains quake,
And melting are,
As wax before the LORD,
Before the Lord, who is
O'er all the earth ador'd.
6 That righteousness of his
The heav'ns high shew ;
That all may know,
On earth below
His glory view.
7 Who graven images
Adore, on them abide
Shall utter shamefulness,
Who in their idols pride:
But worship HIM;
Down to HIM bow,
Ev'n all of you,
Whom GODS they name.
7 Zion heard and was glad,
Glad Judah's daughters were;
This cause O LORD, they had,
Thy judgments did appear.
8 For LORD Thou high
All earth art o'er,
All GODS before
In dignity.
10 All ye who love the LORD,
All evil hate do ye:
To his saints souls afford
Protection safe does He;
Yea He'll command,
And timely see
They shall be free
From wicked hand.
11 For those who righteous are,
Is sown a shining light,
And gladness for their share,
Who are in heart upright.
12 Joy in the LORD;
With thankfulness
His holiness
Ye just, record.
Psalm 98
Common Meter1 O sing a new song to the LORD;
for wonders he hath done,
His right hand and his holy arm,
the victory have won.
2 His great salvation to the world,
JEHOVAH hath made known;
And to the nations all abroad,
his righteousness hath shown.
3 His mercy to his Isra'ls house
and truth, remembers He;
And now the ends of all the earth
Our God's salvation see.
4 O, to JEHOVAH all the earth,
make ye a joyful noise;
With raised voices shout aloud,
sing praises and rejoice.
5 With tuneful harps, and hymns of praise,
now to JEHOVAH sing.
6 With trumpets and loud cornets shout,
before the LORD the King.
7 Let the sea rise, and roar for joy,
and all that is therein;
The world and all who therein dwell,
let them be joyful seen.
7 Let the floods clap their lifted hands,
their waves to praise employ;
And let the mountains spring aloft,
as leaping all for joy;
8 Before the LORD: for lo he comes
the earth, as judge to try;
With justice He'll the people judge,
the world with equity.
Psalm 99
Common Meter1 JEHOVAH reigns as King supreme;
let all the nations quake:
He sits enthron'd on cherubims,
let all the earth then shake.
2 JEHOVAH great in Zion is,
above all people high.
3 Thy great and dreadful name let them
praise for its sanctity.
4 This mighty King does judgment love,
and equity ordain:
Both judgment Thou and righteousness
in Jacob dost maintain.
5 Do ye the LORD our God exalt;
and bowing worship ye
Before the footstool of his throne:
the HOLY ONE is He.
6 When Moses, Aaron, with his priests,
and Samuel with all
Who sought his name, cry'd to the LORD,
He kindly heard their call!
7 He from the cloudy pillar spake,
and shew'd to them his will:
The laws and statutes He them gave
they labour'd to fulfil.
7 Thou didft them hear O LORD our God;
a sparing God Thou wast;
Tho' for their bold inventions Thou
didst vengeance take at last.
8 Exalt the LORD our God; and in
his holy mount adore,
Because the LORD, who is our God,
is holy evermore.
Psalm 100
A Psalm of Praise
Long Meter1 Shout to JEHOVAH all the earth:
2 With joyfulness the LORD serve ye:
Before his presence come with mirth,
And with exulting melody.
3 Know ye, the LORD is GOD alone;
Without our aid He did us make;
We are the people He does own,
And for his pasture-sheep does take.
4 O enter then his gates with praise;
And in his courts aloud proclaim
Your thankfulness to Him always,
And ever bless his holy name.
5 Because the LORD is ever good;
His mercy is for ever sure;
His truth has through all ages stood,
And will eternally endure.
Common Meter1 O to the LORD a joyful noise,
now make ye, all the earth;
2 With joyfulness JEHOVAH serve;
before Him come with mirth.
3 Know that the LORD is GOD; and He
made us without our aid:
His people and the sheep are we
in his rich pasture fed.
4 O enter then his gates with praise;
and in his courts proclaim
Your thankfulness to Him always,
and ever bless his name.
5 Because the LORD is ever good,
His mercy ever sure;
His truth has thro' all ages stood
and ever will endure.
Psalm 101
A Psalm of David
Common Meter1 Of mercy and of judgment I
will tune my voice to sing:
To Thee JEHOVAH both are due,
to Thee the praise I'll bring.
2 I shall the perfect way discern,
when Thou wilt come to me;
And I'll in uprightness of heart
walk in my house with Thee.
3 No wicked thing before mine eyes
will I endure to have:
I hate their work who turn aside;
to me it shall not cleave.
4 The stubborn and the froward heart
away from me shall go:
I'll make no friendship with the bad,
nor intimately know.
5 I'll cut him off whose lies defame,
his neighbour secretly:
I will not hear the proud of heart,
nor him whose looks are high.
6 I'll eye the faithful of the land,
that they may dwell with me:
And who walk in an upright way,
shall my attendants be.
7 But he who acts deceitfully,
in my house shall not dwell;
Nor shall he stay before my eyes,
who lies allows to tell.
8 Yea all the wicked of the land,
early suppress will I;
From the LORD's city cut off all
who will do wickedly
Psalm 102
A Prayer of the Afflicted, when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his Complaint before the Lord
Long Meter1 O LORD, now hear my mournful pray'r,
And let my cry come up to Thee!
2 In this the day of my distress,
Hide not thy face away from me:
Thine ear to me, O do Thou bend,
In this my time of pressing need,
Wherein I cry aloud to Thee:
O hear and answer me with speed!
3 For as the smoke my days consume,
My bones burnt like an hearth decay;
4 My heart with sorrow smitten is
And with'red like the grass away.
So swallow'd up with grief am I,
That I my bread forget to taste.
5 By reason of my groaning voice
My bones ev'n to my skin cleave fast.
6 I'm like a mourning pelican,
In the sad wilderness alone;
Or bittern in a desart place,
Who nightly makes a dismal moan.
7 I keep awake all night and am
Like to a sparrow all alone,
That on the house-top watching sits,
And for her company hath none.
7 All day my foe reproaches me,
And mad with rage, against me swears;
8 That for my bread I ashes eat,
And mix my drink with streaming tears.
10 Thine anger is the cause of all,
Thy wrath which on me dreadful frown'd;
For Thou didst raise me up aloft,
And now hast cast me to the ground.
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11 Like shadows are my days declin'd;
And like the wither'd grass I fall:
12 But LORD, Thou ever dost abide,
Thy memory to ages all.
13 Thou wilt arise; to Zion dear
Wilt now thy tender mercy show;
For now 'tis time to favour her.
Yea the appointed time is Now.
14 For in the very stones thereof
Thy servants take a great delight,
And even her despised dust
Is ever precious in their sight.
15 So all the heathen nations round,
Shall fear JEBOVAH's holy name;
And all the Kings on earth shall see
Thy glory, and revere the same.
16 For when the LORD shall Zion build,
He in his glory will appear;
17 The poor's petition He'll regard,
And He will not despise their pray'r.
18 This shall in writ enrolled be,
For every succeeding race;
That so the people to be form'd
Th' eternal JAH may ever praise.
19 From heav'n his height of holiness,
The LORD looks down on earth to see,
20 To hear the pris'ners dismal groans,
And the bound sons of death to free;
21 JEHOVAH's name in Zion-hill,
His praise in Salem to declare;
22 When people meet to serve the LORD,
And kingdoms to adore Him there.
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23 Weak in the way my strength He made,
And of my life cut short the day.
24 In midst of my few days, I cry'd,
My God, O take me not away.
Thy years throughout all ages stay:
25 Thou hast the earth's foundations laid
In elder time: and heav'ns above
Are works that thine own hands have made.
26 They perish shall: but Thou shalt last,
And they shall old like garments wear:
Thou as a vesture shalt them change,
And they shall changed quite appear.
27 But Thou the same abidest still,
And of thy years no end shall be;
28 Thy servants race continue shall,
Their seed establish'd be with Thee.
Psalm 103
A Psalm of David
Common Meter1 O Thou my soul, JEHOVAH bless,
his praise aloud proclaim,
Let all my pow'rs in me conspire,
to bless his holy name.
2 Still O my soul, JEHOVAH bless,
and ne'r do thou forget
His benefits so undeserv'd
so num'rous and so great.
3 He who most graciously forgives
all thine iniquities;
He all thy sicknesses removes,
and thine infirmities.
4 Who from the pit thy life redeems,
when ready to go down;
Does thee with loving-kindnesses,
and tender mercies crown.
5 Who with good things abundantly
doth satisfy thy mouth;
That like reviving eagles, so
renewed is thy youth.
Part 2
6 Judgment and justice still the LORD,
for all th' oppress'd will do:
7 His ways to Moses, and his acts
to Isra'ls race did shew.
7 Most merciful JEHOVAH is,
most gracious to be found;
To anger He is very slow,
in mercy does abound.
8 Tho' He contend with us a while,
He will not always chide;
Nor keep his anger in his breast
for ever to abide.
10 He hath not dealt with us in wrath
according to our sin;
Nor has He recompenced us
as our deserts have been.
11 But as the heav'n above the earth
in height surpasses far;
His mercy so transcends to all
who Him supreamly fear.
12 As far as east is from the west
in their vast distances,
So far hath He remov'd away
from us our trespasses.
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13 The pity of a father's heart
which he his sons doth bear,
The LORD such pity has for all
Who Him, as children, fear:
14 Because He knows this frame of ours,
He minds that dust are we:
15 Man's days like grass; like a field flow'r,
so flourishing is he;
16 Rut as the wind swift o'er it moves,
so quick away it goes;
And thence the place where it appear'd
no mere it ever knows,
17 But yet on them who fear the LORD,
His mercy ever is;
And on their children's children, so
descends his righteousness.
17 On such as keep his covenant
with strict integrity,
And his commandments bear in mind,
to do them faithfully.
Part 4
19 The LORD hath in the heav'ns on high
established his throne:
And as the world his kingdom is.
He reigns o'er all, alone.
20 O ye his angels that excel
in strength, bless ye the LORD;
Who his commandments always do
and hearken to his word.
21 O all ye armies of the LORD,
to bless JEHOVAH join;
His ministers, who to perform
his will, with joy combine.
22 O praise the LORD, all ye his works,
with which the world is full,
In his dominion every where:
the LORD bless, O my soul!
Psalm 104
Common Meter1 O Thou my soul, JEHOVAH bless;
for Thou art great and high,
O LORD my God, with honour cloath'd,
and comely majesty.
2 With shining robes of purest light
Thou dost thy self array;
And like a curtain to thy throne
Thou dost the heav'ns display.
3 His chamber-beams on waters lays,
and clouds his chariot makes,
And on the wings of mighty winds
his steps serenely takes.
4 His angels active spirits makes,
who glad before Him stand;
His ministers as lightning fly
to compass his command,
5 The deep foundations of the earth
so firmly did he lay,
That never From their fixed place
shall they be mov'd away.
6 As with a robe Thou o'er the earth
didst spread the spacious flood:
Above the mountains highest head,
the mighty waters stood.
7 But then at thy rebuke they fled,
they dare no longer stay,
And at thy thunders dreadful voice
they hasted quick away.
8 As down they rush, the mountains rise,
the vallies sink below;
And to the deeps Thou mad'st for them
tumultuously they flow.
9 There hast Thou set their certain bound,
which they may not pass o'er;
That they to overwhelm the earth
may turn again no more.
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10 He sends the springs and streaming rills
along the vales to glide;
Which running all among the hills,
refresh on every side.
11 Thence drink to the field-beasts he gives,
their thirst wild asses slake:
12 And on their bord'ring boughs the birds
their sweetest musick make.
13 From his high chambers plenteous stores
He waters all the hills;
And with the fruit of those his works
the earth He richly fills.
14 For beasts He makes the grass to grow,
and herbs for human use;
He makes the earth for ev'ry one
their various food produce.
15 To glad man's heart He makes the earth
to bring forth grapes for wine;
Heart-strengthning bread, and suppling oil
to make his face to shine.
16 JEHOVAH's great and lofty trees,
with sap thence filled are;
The cedars of mount Lebanon,
which He hath planted there.
17 Upon their branches cheerful birds
quite fearless build their nest;
And lodg'd aloft on stately firs
the storks securely rest.
18 The tow'ring mountains for wild goats
places of refuge are;
The clefts of rocks for feebler tribes,
who make their dwelling there.
19 The changing moon He constitutes
the seasons forth to show;
The sun his time of going down
exactly makes to know.
20 Thou dost the earth with darkness spread,
and night succeeds the day;
When wild beasts creeping from the wood«,
are bold through fields to stray.
21 Young lions then range here and there,
and hunt for prey abroad:
But when they find no prey, they roar,
and call for meat to God.
22 But when the sun begins to rise,
and makes the shades to fly,
They all retire to hide themselves
and close in dens they lie.
23 Then man goes forth with cheerfulness
his labours to begin;
And plies his work throughout the day,
till evening calls him in.
Part 3
24 How various are thy works, O Lord!
and with what wisdom made!
Thy riches fill the earth within,
and ev'n all over spread.
15 So is this great and spacious sea,
where swarms of creatures creep;
And shoals of fish both small and great,
which traverse through the deep.
26 There sail the ships amidst the waves,
[thy winds give them their way.]
And there's the great Leviathan,
Thou mad'st therein to play.
27 All these on thee submissive wait,
and on thy care depend,
That Thou their Vigour to renew,
may'st food in season send.
27 That which Thou kindly giv'st to them
they gather for their food;
Thy lib'ral hand Thou op'nest wide,
and the7 are fill'd with good.
29 But when from them Thou hid'ft thy face,
they troubled are and mourn;
Thou tak'st away their breath, they die,
and to their dust return.
30 Thou send'st thy spirit forth, and we
a new creation view;
And with fresh animals the earth
dost constantly renew.
Part 4
31 The glory of JEHOVAH shall
last to eternity:
JEHOVAH shall in all his works
rejoice exceedingly.
32 If on the earth He turns his eye,
it trembles at his look:
If He the mountains does but touch,
they rise into a smoke.
33 I'll to the LORD sing cheerfully
throughout my life always;
Yea while I have my being, I
will to my God sing praise.
34 With meditations upon Him
I shall be sweetly fed;
And ever in JEHOVAH I
shall be exceeding glad.
35 Sinners from earth shall be consum'd,
no more the wicked be:
O thou my soul JEHOVAH bless:
sing HALLEUJAH, ye.
Psalm 105
Common Meter1 O To JEHOVAH give ye thanks,
and call upon his name;
Among the people show his deeds
and spread abroad his fame.
2 To Him with raised voices sing,
sing psalms to Him with joy:
In telling ail his wondrous works
your grateful tongues employ.
3 To glory in his holy name
with due respect accord:
And let the hearts of all rejoice
who humbly seek the LORD.
4 Seek ye the LORD mod earnestly,
his saving pow'r implore:
O seek the shinings of his face,
and seek them evermore!
5 Recall to mind what He hath wrought,
each admirable deed,
His wonders, and the judgments which
did from his mouth proceed.
Part 2
6 O ye the seed of Abraham,
his servant and his friend,
And ye the chosen race who from
his Jacob dear descend.
7 JEHOVAH the Almighty is
by covenant our God:
And his most righteous judgments are
in all the earth abroad.
7 His covenant He ever minds,
the word He did command,
Ev'n to a thousand ages down
unshaken still to stand.
8 The covenant which first He made
with faithful Abraham;
And then to Isaac with an oath
did He renew the same;
10 And then to Jacob for a law,
He made it firm and sure,
A covenant to Israel
which ever should endure.
11 Wherein He said, 'I will to you
'the land of Canaan give,
'The lot of your inheritance,
'where you and your's shall live.'
12 And when in number they were small
against their foes to stand;
Yea at the first but very few,
and strangers in the land;
13 When they thro' various nations went,
from realm to realm remov'd;
14 He suffer'd none to do them wrong,
but Kings for them reprov'd.
15 He said to those who sat on thrones,
let no presumptuous arm
Dare touch my dear anointed ones,
nor do my prophets harm.
Part 3
16 He call'd a famine on the land,
and break the staff of bread.
17 But he before had sent a man
by whom they should be fed:
Joseph was into Egypt sold,
and there a slave was made;
18 Whose feet with fetters hurt, his soul
was pierc'd, in irons laid.
19 Till in due time the blessed word
of inspiration came,
A revelation from the LORD
that try'd and clear'd his name:
20 And then the king commandment gave,
that he enlarg'd should be;
The sov'reign of the nation sent
and set him fully free.
21 Yea made him ruler of his house,
the chief of all his land;
And all the substance he possess'd
committed to his hand.
22 With full commission, at his will
his princes to controul,
And teach his wisest senators
the wisdom how to rule.
23 His father Isr'el, with his house
then into Egypt came;
And Jacob was a sojourner
within the land or Ham.
Part 4
24 His people then exceedingly
He multiplied there,
And made them mightier than those
who their oppressors were.
25 Their hearts then turn'd, that they to hate
his people, did arise;
And with his servants craftily
to deal, did they devise.
26 His servant Moses then He sent,
Aaron his chosen too;
27 Who did within the land of Ham
His signs and wonders show.
28 He darkness sent, and made it dark:
all things his word obey:
29 He turn'd their waters into blood,
and He their fish did slay.
30 Great swarms of frogs spread o'er their land;
Yea chambers of their kings:
31 His word ail sorts of flies and lice
in all their borders brings.
32 For rain he pour'd down storms of hail;
flames on their land he sent:
33 When He their vines and fig-trees smote,
yea all their trees He rent.
34 He spake, and caterpillars came,
and locusts swarm'd around;
35 Which eat the herbs of all their fields,
and fruits of all their ground.
36 Then in one dreadful night He slew
their first-born thro' the land,
The chief of all their strength, ev'n by
a mighty angel's hand.
Part 5
37 But thence with gold and silver He
His people made to pass;
Nor had they one among their tribes
that faint 'or feeble was.
38 All Egypt was exceeding glad,
to see them thence depart;
So great a fear of Jacob's race,
had seiz'd on ev'ry heart.
39 By day He for a cov'ring spread
a cloud; and in the night
He made it like a shining fire,
to give them kindly light.
40 He brought them living quails for food,
when flesh they ask'd to have;
And satisfy'd them with the bread
which then from heav'n He gave.
41 He open'd wide the flinty rock,
there gushed out a stream;
Which through the dry and desart land
in rivers follow'd them.
42 He on his holy promises,
and servant Abr'ham thought:
43 With joy his people, and with songs
He forth his chosen brought.
44 And then to them the pleasant lands
He of the heathen gave,
That of the nations labours they
inheritance might have.
45 That they his statutes might observe
in perfect purity;
And in full freedom keep his laws:
Psalm 106
Common Meter1 SING HALLELUJAH! to the LORD
give thanks; for good is He,
Because his mercy doth endure
ev'n to eternity,
2 Who can the LORD's great pow'rs declare,
or set forth all his praise?
3 Blessed are they who judgment keep,
and justice do always.
4 LORD mind me with the favour Thou
dost to thy people bear;
And with thy great salvation me
to visit now appear.
5 That I may fee thy nation's good
which Thou hast made thy choice;
And glory with thy heritage,
and in their joy rejoice.
Part 2
6 We with our fathers sinned have,
have sinned ev'ry one,
Have trespassed exceedingly,
and wickedly have done.
7 The mighty wonders Thou hast wrought
in the Egyptian land.
Our fathers saw, but did not mind
or duly understand:
Nor did they mind the multitude
of thy benignities;
But at the sea, at the red sea,
they made thy wrath to rise.
8 Nevertheless He saved them
ev'n for his own name's sake;
That thereby He his sov'reign pow'r
most manifest might make.
9 For He the mighty sea rebuk'd,
and made before Him fly;
And through the depths He led them safe,
as through a desart dry.
10 From his high hand who hated them
He timely did them save;
And from the hand of mighty foes
a full redemption gave.
11 The waters overwhelm'd their foes,
not one was left alive;
12 Then they his word believ'd, and praise
to Him in songs did give.
Part 3
13 Yet soon did they his mighty works
ungratefully forget;
Nor for his sov'reign counsel would
with due submission wait.
14 But journeying in the wilderness,
they lusted shamefully;
And in the desart would presume
the glorious God to try.
15 And yet the things which they requir'd
He gave them to the full;
But leanness at the same time sent
into their pining soul.
16 They envy'd Moses in the camp,
tho' their great prophet known;
And with him Aaron their high priest,
JEHOVAH's holy one.
17 The earth her mouth then op'ned wide,
and Dathan did devour,
With proud Abiram's company,
and hid with dreadful roar.
18 Among the rest who mutiny'd,
a fire was kindled then,
Whose flame pursu'd and soon consum'd,
those daring impious men.
19 They made a calf of melted gold,
while they at Horeb were;
And stupidly they worshipped
the molten image there.
20 Thus they most foolishly exchang'd
Him that their glory was,
For the base likeness of an ox
that feeding lives on grass.
21 They quite forgot the glorious God,
who had their saviour been;
By whom such mighty things perform'd
they had in Egypt seen:
22 The wondrous works which He had done
in Ham's astonish'd land,
The fearful things at the red sea
wrought by his sov'reign hand.
23 He said then, He would them destroy,
if Moses in that day
Had not stood in the dreadful breach,
and turn'd his wrath away.
Part 4
24 Yea they despis'd the pleasant land,
and would not trust his word;
25 But murm'ring in their tents, refus'd
to hearken to the LORD.
26 To make them in the desart fall,
He lifted up his hand;
27 Among the nations to disperse
their race in every land.
27 To Baal-peor they join'd themselves,
made off'rings to the dead;
29 With these devices Him provok'd;
the plague among them spread.
30 But Phineas rose, and judgment wrought,
whereon the plague did cease;
31 Which to all ages is to Him
accounted righteousness.
32 Yea at the streams of Meribah
they there incens'd Him so,
That ev'n with Moses for their sakes
it grievously did go:
33 Their provocations were so great,
his patient spirit stir'd,
That with his lips he spake in haste
an unadvised word.
Part 5
34 They did not, at the LORD's command,
the impious nations slay;
35 But with the heathen mix'd themselves,
and learnt their works and way.
36 They serv'd their idols, which to them
a fatal snare became;
37 Their sons and daughters sacrific'd
to devils in the flame.
37 The blood of innocents they shed,
to Canaan's idols vile;
Their children's blood they sacrific'd,
and did the land defile.
39 Then with their detestable works
themselves polluted they;
And with devices of their own
a whoring went astray.
40 JEHOVAH's wrath was kindled then
against his people more;
So that his own inheritance
He greatly did abhor,
41 He gave them to the heathen's pow'r,
into their haters hand:
42 Their foes oppress'd them, and they were
enslav'd to their command.
43 He many a time deliver'd them;
but with their councils so
They Him provok'd, that for their sins
again He brought them low.
44 Yet He regarded their distress,
whene'r He heard their cry;
45 And He his covenant for them
recall'd to memory:
46 Yea, in his mercies multitude
did He repent; and made
Them to be pity'd of all those
who them had captive led.
47 O save us in this darksome day,
O LORD our mighty God;
Thy people gather where dispers'd,
in gentile lands abroad:
That so we to thy holy name
may render thanks always,
And all together joyfully,
may triumph in thy praise.
47 The LORD, the God of Israel;
be bless'd eternally;
And let all people say, AMEN;