New England Psalm Book

Book Five

Psalms 107 through 150

Psalm 107

The Goodness of the Lord

Common Meter

1: To Captives and Travellers.

1 O To JEHOVAH give ye thanks,
because most good is He,
Because his mercy doth endure
ev'n to eternity.
2 Let the redeemed of the LORD
thus of his mercy say;
Whom He hath from the hand of foes
redeem'd and brought away.
3 From all the lands wherein they were
dispersed and distress'd,
Hath gather'd from the north, the sea,
the east and from the west.

4 They wandred thro' the wilderness
in an untrodden way;
No habitable town they found,
nor place wherein to stay.
5 With hunger were they famished,
with thirst extremely dry;
Their souls were in them overwhelm'd.
and ready were to die.
6 But then they to JEHOVAH cry'd
in their extreme distress;
And He them set at liberty
from all their anguishes.

7 For then along He led them in
a right tho' trackless way,
Glad to a town inhabited,
where they might safely stay.
8 O that men would JEHOVAH praise
for his great goodness then,
And for his many wondrous works
wrought for the sons of men.

9 For he the thirsty, longing soul
refreshing satisfies:
And He the hungry soul with good
ev'n to the full supplies.

2: To Prisoners

10 Such as shut up, in darkness dwell,
and in death's shade abide;
Who are in great affliction bound,
and fast in irons ty'd.
11 Because against the words of God
they did as rebels rise,
And counsels of the highest One
did daringly despise:

12 Therefore with slavish labour He
their hearts brought wholly down:
Under their burdens down they fell,
and helper there was none.
13 But then they to JEHOVAH cry
in their extreme distress;
And He them sets at liberty,
from all their anguishes.

14 He them out of their darkness brought,
and from death's shade He took;
And all the chains which bound them fast
He all to pieces broke.
15 O that men would JEHOVAH praise
for his great goodness then,
And for his many wondrous works
wrought for the sons of men.

16 For He hath into shivers broke
the gates of solid brass,
Asunder cut the iron bars,
and let the pris'ners pass.

3: To the Sick

17 Fools for their bold iniquities,
and sins, afflicted are:
18 Their souls all meat abhor, and they
to gates of death draw near.
19 But then they to JEHOVAH cry
in their extreme distress;
And He them sets at liberty
from all their anguishes.

20 He sent his word of sov'reign pow'r,
and to them healing gave;
And graciously deliver'd them
from death and from the grave.
21 O that men would JEHOVAH praise
for his great goodness then,
And for his many wondrous works
wrought for the sons of men.

22 And of their thanks the sacrifice
let them with pleasure bring;
And while his works they tell abroad,
with gladness shout and sing.

4: To those who go to Sea

23 All those who down into the seas
in floating ships descend,
And venture on the waters great
their business to attend;
24 They there JEHOVAH's mighty works
with waking eyes behold,
And in the moving deeps they see
his wonders manifold.

25 For He commands, and instantly
the stormy winds arise,
Which drive the swelling waves along,
and raise them to the skies.
26 They mount to heav'n, and down they row!
to dreadful depths again;
Their souls quite faint and melt away
with anxiousness and pain.

27 As drunkards stagger to and fro,
they reel, with tempests toss'd;
They are as men of sense bereft,
and all their skill is lost,
28 But then they to JEHOVAH cry
in their extreme distress,
And He then brings them speedily
from all their anguishes.

29 He turns the storm into a calm,
at his almighty will;
So that the raging waves thereof
grow peaceable and still.
30 Then they rejoice, because at rest
they find themselves to be:
So them He to the haven brings,
which they had long'd to see.

31 O that men would JEHOVAH praise,
for his great goodness then
And for his many wondrous works,
wrought for the sons of men.
32 In all the congregations great
Him let them highly raise;
And where th' assembled elders sit
unite to spread his praise.

5: To Husbandmen

33 He to a desart turns a land,
where rivers did abound;
And where the springs of water flow'd,
into a thirsty ground.
34 A fruitful land to barrenness
He turns because of sin,
For the provoking wickedness
of those who dwell therein.

35 Then He the barren wilderness
with pools enriching fills,
And turns the dry and thirsty land
to springs and flowing rills.
36 And there for dwelling He a place
does to the hungry give;
Where they may social towns prepare,
and pleasantly may live.

37 Where they may fruitful vineyards plant,
and sow the fertile fields,
And may receive the rich increase,
which ev'ry harvest yields.
38 Yea He so greatly blesses them;
He multiplies their race,
And in his goodness suffers not
their cattle to decrease.

39 And when they are diminished,
and for their sins brought low.
Beneath oppression, tyranny
and grief are made to bow;
40 Then He on princes pours contempt,
and causes them to stray,
And wander in a wilderness
wherein they find no way.

41 But He from deep affliction makes
the poor on high to rise,
And like to multiplying flocks
He makes their families.
42 All this the righteous shall behold,
and will rejoice to view:
But all, asham'd, shall stop their mouths,
who wickedness will do.

43 Whoso is wise and will observe
these things attentively,
He shall the goodness of the LORD
with pleasing wonder see.

Psalm 108

A Song or Psalm of David

Common Meter

1 O GOD, my heart is fix'd; I'll sing,
yea with my glory praise:
2 Awake up psaltery and harp;
my self I'll early raise.
3 Thy praise, O LORD, will I proclaim
among the people round;
Among the nations I with songs
thy praises will resound.

4 For thy benignity is great,
ev'n to the htav'ns on high;
And thy eternal truth extends,
up to the cloudy sky.
5 Above the starry firmament
exalt thy self, O GOD;
And o'er the spacious earth display
thy glory all abroad.

6 That those who thy beloved are
may quite deliver'd be:
O do Thou save with thy right hand,
and answer give to me.
7 GOD in his holiness hath spoke,
and I'll triumph with joy;
Shechem divide, and Succoth's vale,
measure for mine will I.

7 Gilead is mine, Manasseh mine,
who both espouse my cause;
Ephraim is of my strength the head,
and Judah gives my laws.
8 Moab I will my washpot make;
my shoe o'er Edom fling;
And over Palestina's land
I will in triumph sing.

10 Who will me to the city lead
so strongly fortify'd?
And who will into Edom's land
me and my army guide?
11 Didst Thou not cast us off, O GOD?
yet still we look to thee:
Wilt Thou not with our armies go,
and GOD our leader be?

12 O from our trouble give us help;
for man's help vain is known;
13 Thro' GOD we shall do valiantly;
and He'll our foes tread down.

Psalm 109

A Psalm of David

Common Meter

1 Hold not thy peace, O GOD my praise;
2 For op'ned wide at me
Are wicked and deceitful mouths,
with tongues of falsity.
3 With words of spiteful hatred they
encompass me around;
And fight against me, tho' no cause
in me they ever found.

4 They for my love became my foes;
yet I for them did pray ;
5 Ill they reward me for my good,
and hate tor love repay.

Part 2

5 But Thou wilt set a wicked one
o'er him to have command;
And at his right hand always shall
the troubler Satan stand.
7 When he to judgment comes, he shall
be wicked found therein;
His pray'rs shall aggravations be
of his presumptuous sin,

7 His days shall be but few; his charge
another man shall take;
8 Thou wilt his children fatherless
his wife a widow make.
10 His children shall be vagabonds
and beg continually;
And from their places desolate
shall seek for a supply.

11 Extortioners shall seize on all
that to him appertains;
And strangers spoil the fruits of all
his labours, care and pains.
12 None to him favour shall extend,
nor to his orphans show;
13 His race shall fail, nor shall their names
the age succeeding know.

14 Their fathers wickedness shall be
remembred by the LORD;
And how their mother did transgress
shall still be on record.
15 They shall before JEHOVAH's face
appear continually,
Until he wholly from the earth
cuts off their memory.

16 Because he did no mercy mind,
but persecute the poor;
That he might slay afflicted ones
Whose hearts were broke before.
17 As he did bitter cursing love,
curses shall on him lie:
As he delighted not to bless,
blessing shall from him fly.
28 As he with curses cloath'd himself;
like water they shall flow
into his bowels, and like oil
into his bones shall go.

19 Like an enclosing garment, they
shall compass him around;
And as a girdle constantly
they shall on him be bound.
20 Thus will JEHOVAH deal with those
my spiteful enemies;
Who evil speak against my soul,
against my life devise.

Part 3

21 But Lord JEHOVAH, deal Thou well
for thy name sake with me:
Because thy mercies tender are,
O set me quickly free.
22 For I afflicted am and weak,
and helpless and oppress'd;
My heart most deeply wounded is,
and pained in my breast.

23 Like to the shadow far declin'd,
so far away I'm gone;
And as the locust with the wind,
am tossed up and down.
24 By fasting long and frequently
my knees are feeble grown;
And so much wasted is my flesh,
that all its fat is gone.

25 I'm a reproach among my foes,
who mock me as forlorn;
And always when they look on me,
they shake their heads with scorn.
26 Help me JEHOVAH, O my God,
in mercy save Thou me.
27 That all may know this is thy hand,
that, LORD, 'tis done by Thee.

27 When me they curse, do Thou me bless:
let them asham'd be made,
When they rise up; but O then let
thy servant's heart be glad.
29 So shall my spiteful enemies
be cloathed all with shame;
And their confusion shall like as
a mantle cover them.

30 But I will greatly thank the LORD,
and with my mouth aloud,
Will joyful praises to Him sing
among the multitude.
31 For at the right hand of the poor
He stands to rescue them
From those who judge unrighteously,
and would their souls condemn.

Psalm 110

A Psalm of David

(The Exaltation, Reign, Priesthood and Victories of CHRIST)

Common Meter

1 JEHOVAH to my Lord hath said,
Sit Thou on high at my right hand;
Till I thy foes thy footstool make,
On which Thou shalt in triumph stand.
2 JEHOVAH out of Zion-hill
The sceptre of thy strength will send;
And in the midst of all thy foes
Thou shalt thy reigning pow'r extend.

3 But in thy day of conqu'ring pow'r
Thy people shall be made most free;
And will most freely Thee obey
In all the joys of liberty.
And as from early morning's womb
The drops of dew shine o'er the ground,
So shall thy num'rous youths be seen
In holy beauties all around.

4 JEHOVAH never will repent
Of what resolvedly He swore;
In likeness of Melchizedek
Thou art a priest for evermore.
5 This fov'reign and almighty Lord
Who sits on high at thy right hand,
Shall in his day of wrath strike through
The haughty kings that Him withstand.

6 He shall among the heathen judge,
And fill their places with the slain,
And wound to death the cruel heads
Who over many regions reign.
7 He, of th' enlivening brook, shall drink,
As in his way to victory;
Then with fresh ardour shall go on
Triumph, and lift his head on high.

Psalm 111

Common Meter

1 Sing HALLELUJAH! praise the LORD
I will with all my mind,
Where upright ones in private meet,
and are in publick join'd.
2 JEHOVAH's works are wondrous great,
and show his boundless might;
And are sought out by ev'ry soul,
who views them with delight.

3 His work is glorious majesty,
and comely honour is;
And to perpetual ages stands
that righteousness of his.
4 His works most marvellous He made
still to be kept in mind:
Full of compassion is the LORD,
most merciful and kind.

5 A portion of fit food He gives
to all who fear his name;
And ever will He bear in mind
his covenant with them.
6 He of his work the mighty pow'r
did to his people show,
In that the heathens heritage
He did on them bestow.

Part 2

7 Unshaken truth and judgment are
the working of his hands,
Sure ail his threatnings, promises,
and sure all his commands,
8 They firmly are established
to perpetuity;
And are fulfill'd and perfected
in truth and equity.

9 He to his flock redemption sent:
that covenant of his
For ever He ordain':: his name
holy and rev'rend is.
10 The LORD's fear the beginning is
of wisdom: they are wise
Who do his will: and evermore
endures highest praise.

Psalm 112

Long Meter

1 Sing HALLELUJAH! O how bless'd,
The man who doth JEHOVAH fear;
Who also takes a great delight
In keeping his commands with care.
2 His seed shall multiply on earth,
Be great and prosper mightily:
The righteous race of righteous men
Shall blessed be abundantly.

3 Riches and wealth shall fill his house;
His righteousness no end shall find;
4 Light in his darkness shall arise;
He's just, compassionate and kind.
5 A good man lends, and favour shews,
And his affairs with judgment guides:
6 Surely he never shall be mov'd;
For ever dear his name abides.

7 Ill tydings shall not him dismay;
His heart fix'd, on the LORD relies;
8 His heart so firm, he never fears
While he looks on his enemies.
8 He kindnesses disperses round,
And gives the poor a meet supply;
His righteousness shall ever last;
His horn in honour rise on high.

10 The wicked this shall see and grieve,
And gnash their teeth and melt away;
While all their ill desires and aims,
Shall fail and utterly decay.

Psalm 113

Long Meter

1 Sing HALLELUJAH! sing his praise,
O all ye servants of the LORD:
JEHOVAH"s great an glorious name
O praise ye all with one accord.
2 O blessed be JEHOVAH's name,
From this time to eternity:
3 From sun-rise to his going down
JEHOVAH's name shall praised be.

4 O'er all the nations of the world
The great JEHOVAH reigns on high:
Yonder his brightest glory shines,
Yonder above the starry sky.
5 To God our LORD who dwells above,
Who ever can compared be?
6 Who all that is in heav'n and earth
Humbles himself to mind and see.

7 Out of the dust he raises up
the slighted man of low degree;
And from the dunghill needy men
Surprizingly lift up doth He.
8 That He may them advance on high,
And even along with princes seat;
Yea those who of his people are
The princes chief in pow'r and state.

9 He makes the barren woman keep
Her house with pleasure, and to be
Of babes a mother full of joy.
Sing therefore HALLELUJAH ye.

Psalm 114

Short Meter

1 When Isr'el Egypt left,
and Jacob's family
Did from a barb'rous people there
march forth triumphantly;
2 Then Judah was ordain'd
to guard his holy place;
But the whole host of Israel
His choice dominion was.

3 The sea it saw, and fled;
and Jordan back did flow;
4 Like rams the mountains, and like lambs
the hills leap'd to and fro.
5 Thou sea! what made thee fly?
thou Jordan-back to flow?
6 Ye mountains leap like rams? ye hills
like lambs leap to and fro?

7 Before the mighty Lord
tremble O earth for fear,
While the dread presence of the God
of Jacob doth appear!
8 Who made the solid rock
melt into pools below;
To springs of water turn'd the flint,
and made the flint to flow.

Psalm 115

Common Meter

1 O not to us, LORD, not to us,
but all the glory take
To thine own name, both for thy truth
and sov'reign mercy's sake.
2 Why should the taunting heathen cry,
"where is the God they own?"
3 Our God in heav'n sits high enthron'd,
and what he pleas'd hath done.

4 Their idols silver are and gold;
men's handy work are they.
5 Mouths have they, but they cannot speak;
and. eyes, but cannot see.
Ears have they, but they cannot hear;
noses, but savour not:
Have hands and feet, but cannot move;
nor murmur in their throat.

7 Such senseless flocks are they themselves
who did these idols frame;
And such are all who to them pray,
and put their trust in them.

Part 2

9 O Isr'el, trust ye in the LORD;
your help and shield is He:
10 O Aaron's house, trust in the LORD;
your shield and help He'l be.
11 Who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD;
He is your help and shield.
12 The LORD hath mindful been of us;
his blessing He will yield.

The house of Isra'l bless He will;
the house of Aaron bless,
13 He will bless all who fear the LORD,
the greater and the less.
14 To you JEHOVAH will, to you
and to your children add:
15 You are the blessed of the LORD,
that heav'n and earth has made.

16 The heav'n's of heav'ns are all the LORD's.
where He his glory shows:
But ev'n on Adam's offspring He
the spacious earth bestows.
17 Not any praise to JAH on high
can from the dead-ascend;
No praise from those who to the place
of silence deep descend.

17 But we th' eternal JAH will bless
who yet alive are seen,
From this time forth for evermore,
sing HALLELUJAH then!

Psalm 116

Common Meter

1 I love, because JEHOVAH doth
My voice and pray'r still hear;
2 And in my days will call on Him,
who bow'd to me his ear.
3 The cords of death on ev'ry side
begirt me fast around:
The pains of hell laid hold on me:
grief and distress I found.

4 Then on JEHOVAH's name I call'd,
and earnestly did cry;
'O LORD! deliver Thou my soul
'in my extremity.'
5 JEHOVAH just and gracious is;
our God most kind also.
6 The LORD the simple keeps, and He
me sav'd when I was low.

7 O now my soul, do thou return
to thy delightful rest,
Because the LORD hath bounteously
Himself to the express'd.
8 Because Thou hast my soul from death
now set at liberty:
Mine eyes from tears, my sliding feet
from falling hath set free.

9 Therefore I'll walk before the LORD,
in his appointed ways,
While in the land of living ones
He lengthens out my days.

Part 2

10 I did believe, and therefore spake,
I great affliction bear;
11 Then in distress and haste I said,
that all men liars are.
12 But O JEHOVAH! what returns
shall I now make to Thee?
For all the many benefits,
Thou hast bestow'd on me.

13 I'll take the cup of saving health
and on the LORD's name call.
14 I'll pay the LORD my vows, yea now,
before his people all.
15 In presence of JEHOVAH is
esteem'd exceeding dear
The death of ev'ry one of those
his gracious saints who are.

16 I verily thy servant am,
thy servant LORD, am I,
I of thy handmaid am the son,
my bands Thou didst untie.

17 The sacrifice of thankfulness,
I'll offer up to Thee;
And I upon JEHOVAH's name
will call continually.
18 The vows which in distress I made,
I to the LORD will pay,
In presence of his people all,
without the least delay.

19 Within Jehovah's courts therefore
I gladly pay my vow,
In midst of thee Jerusalem!
sing HALLELUJAH, now!

Psalm 117


Common Meter

1 O all ye nations of the world,
JEHOVAH praise always!
And all ye people ev'ry where,
set forth his highest praise!
2 For great his kindness is to us,
and flows for ever free;
JEHOVAH's truth will never fail,


Long Meter

1 O all ye nations of the world,
To praise the LORD with joy combine!
And all ye people ev'ry where
To Him in songs of praises join!
2 For his most wondrous grace abounds,
And flows to us for ever free;
JEHOVAH's truth will never fail,
Therefore sing HALLELUJAH ye!

Psalm 118

Common Meter

1 O praise the LORD, for He is good,
his mercies ne'er decay:
2 And that his mercies ever last,
let thankful Isr'el say.
3 Their sense of his eternal love
let Aaron's house declare:
4 And that it fails not, let all say,
all who Jehovah fear.

5 To the almighty JAH I cried
in my extreme distress;
And JAH, on high me heard,and brought
into this happy place.
6 The LORD is for me; I'll not fear
what man to me can do:
7 The LORD is with my helping friends;
and I will face my foe.

7 'Tis better on the LORD to trust,
than trust in man's defence;
8 Better to trust the LORD than place
in princes confidence.

Part 2

10 All nations round environ'd me,
design'd my fatal fall;
But in JEHOVAH's mighty name
I overcame them all.
11 They compass'd me, again, again,
and try'd my utter fall;
But in JEHOVAH's mighty name
I did subdue them all.

12 Like angry bees they round me swarm'd,
rag'd like a thorny flame;
Yet quenched and destroyed were,
but in JEHOVAH's name.
13 When they push'd hard to beat me down,
JEHOVAH helped me.
14 The mighty JAH my strength, my song,
and saving help is He.

15 In tents of righteous men is heard
the voice of health and joy:
The Lord's right hand gives mighty strength
and works most mightily,
16 JEHOVAH by his mighty pow'r
advances them on high:
The Lord's right hand gives mighty strength
and works most mightily.

Part 3

17 I shall not die, but longer live,
and gratefully declare
The works of our almighty JAH,
how wonderful they are.
18 For JAH hath sorely me chastiz'd,
till just of life bereav'd:
But kindly from the gates of death,
my fainting life repriev'd.

19 O set wide open now to me
the gates of righteousness;
And I will enter them, and there
the praise of JAH confess.
20 This gate, JEHOVAH's blessed gate,
into his house doth lead:
The righteous love to enter in;
and entering in are glad.

21 Among these righteous ones I'll be,
and praise on Thee bestow;
For Thou hast heard me, and to Thee
I my salvation owe.
22 The stone the builders did despise,
and utterly disclaim,
Is now the chief and corner stone,
which bares up all the frame.
23 This work JEHOVAH's mighty pow'r
hath brought to pass alone;
And we in great amazement stand,
to see what He hath done.

Part 4

24 This is the great and blessed day
the LORD himself hath made;
And we will all therein rejoice,
and be exceeding glad.
25 JEHOVAH we now Thee beseech
We humbly Thee entreat now send
prosperity, O LORD!

26 He that comes in JEHOVAH's name
O let him blessed be.
Out of JEHOVAH's house to you
a blessing wish do we.
27 God is JEHOVAH, who to us
hath made his light to rise:
Bind therefore to his altar's horns
with cords, our sacrifice.

27 Thou art my God, and I'll proclaim
for evermore thy praise:
Thou art my God, and thy great name
my thankful song shall raise,
29 O to JEHOVAH give ye thanks;
immensely good is He,
Because his mercy doth endure
ev'n to eternity.

Psalm 119

Long Meter


1 How bless'd the upright in the way!
Who in JEHOVAH's law will go:
2 Who keep his records bless'd are they,
With all their heart who seek him too:
3 And who work not iniquity,
But in his ways strict walkers are.
4 Thou hast commanded us to keep
Thy precepts with our utmost care.

5 O that my ways establish'd were
To keep thy statutes heedfully!
6 When I all thy commands regard,
Then be ashamed shall not I.
7 When thy just judgments I mall learn,
Thee with an upright heart I'll praise.
8 Me utterly forsake not Thou;
And I'll thy statutes keep always.


9 By what may youth make pure their way?
Thy word by strict attending to.
10 With all my heart I sought for Thee:
From thy commands ne'er let me go!
11 I hid thy word within my heart,
Lest I should give offence to Thee.
12 O Thou, JEHOVAH, biessed art;
Thy statutes therefore teach Thou me!

13 I all the judgments of thy mouth
Did with my faithful lips declare.
14 My joys more in thy records way,
Than in all earthly riches are.
15 I'll on thy precepts meditate,
And on thy ways mine eyes will set:
16 Thy statutes shall be my delight;
And I thy word will not forget.


17 O to thy servant give this grace,
that I may live thy word to keep;
18 Unveil mine eyes, that I may see
Within thy law the wonders deep.
19 I am a stranger in the earth;
O never hide thy laws from me.
20 My soul is broken with desire,
Thy judgments at all times to see.

21 Thou hast rebuk'd the proud accurs'd,
Who from thy sacred statutes swerv'd.
22 Reproach and shame roll off from me;
For I thy records have observ'd.
23 The great against me sit and speak,
But I thy laws my study make:
24 Thy records are my great delight,
And them my councellors I take.


25 Down to the dust my soul cleaves fast;
After thy word revive me now:
26 I told my ways, and Thou didst hear;
Thy statutes teach Thou me to know.
27 Thy precepts way O learn Thou me;
Thy wonders then will I declare:
28 My soul with grief dissolves away;
O by thy word my strength repair!

29 The way of lies from me remove;
Grant me thy law's enlight'ning aid:
30 For I have chose the way of truth;
Thy judgments I before me laid.
31 I to thy testimonies cleave;
O LORD shame on me never cast:
32 I'll run thy precepts way with joy,
When Thou my heart enlarged hast.


33 O teach me, LORD, thy statutes way;
And I will from it ne'r depart:
34 Instruct me; and I'll keep thy law,
And it observe with all my heart.
35 In thy laws path make me to go;
Because therein my pleasure lies:
36 O to thy records bow my heart,
And leave it not to avarice.

37 From all vain objects turn mine eyes;
Me in thy way revive and chear.
38 O to thy servant keep thy word,
Who is devoted to thy fear.
39 The slander which I fear remove;
Good are the judgments Thou dost give.
40 See how I for thy precepts long;
Me in thy righteousness revive.


41 LORD, let thy mercies come to me;
After thy word, salvation show:
42 So I my sland'rers shall refute;
Because thy word I trusted to.
43 The word of truth keep in my mouth,
For on thy judgments I depend.
44 So I with care will keep thy law,
With constancy, ev'n to the end.

45 Yea I will walk at liberty;
Because I thy commandments seek;
46 And I before the greatest kings
Will boldly of thy records speak.
47 In thy commands which I have lov'd
My self I'll greatly recreate
48 To thy lov'd precepts lift my hands,
And on thy statutes meditate.


49 Good to thy servant make thy word,
By which Thou mad'st me rest on Thee:
50 My comfort in distress is this,-
Thy faithful word hath quick'ned me.
51 Tho' proud ones greatly me deride,
I have not from thy law declin'd.
52 Thy judgments, LORD, which were of old,
1 have review'd, and comfort find.

53 I'm struck with horror, to behold
How impious men thy law forsake:
54 But in my house of pilgrimage,
Thy statutes are the songs I make.
55 By night remembred I thy name,
O LORD, and kept thy laws have I:
56 This comfort I rcceiv'd because
I kept thy precepts heedfully.


57 The LORD my chosen portion is:
I said that I will keep thy word.
57 I sought thy face with all my heart:
After thy word, me grace afford.
59 I view'd my ways and turn'd my feet,
Into thy testimonies way;
60 I hast'ned thy commands to keep,
And made not any more delay.

61 Tho' bands of wicked men me spoil,
Thy laws I think on with delight.
62 I'll rise at midnight Thee to praise,
Because thy judgments all are right.
63 Companion to them all am I,
Who keep thy laws, and rev'rence Thee:
64 O LORD, thy mercy fills the earth,
Thy statutes kindly teach Thou me.


65 O LORD, Thou with thy servant WELL
According to thy word hast done:
66 Good taste and judgment teach Thou me.
For I thy laws have rested on.
67 Before I was chastiz'd, I stray'd;
But now to keep thy word I learn.
67 Both good Thou art, and good Thou dost;
Thy statutes cause me to discern.

69 The proud against me forge their lies;
Thy laws I'll keep with heart upright:
70 Their heart is grown as fat as grease;
But In thy law is my delight.
71 That I might well thy statutes learn,
'Tis good that Thou didst me chastise.
72 Laws of thy mouth I far above
Thousands of gold and silver prize.


73 Thy hands have made and fashion'd me;
Wisdom to learn thy laws afford:
74 Who fear Thee shall see me with joy,
Because I've hoped in thy word.
75 Thy judgments, LORD, are right I know,
And in thy truth Thou chastnest me;
76 After thy word, thy servant to,
Now let thy grace my comfort be!

77 Thy kindness show, that I may live!
Thy law with pleasure I peruse.
77 Shame proud ones who me causeless wrong,
While on thy precepts I will muse.
79 Let such as fear thee, and who know
Thy testimonies, turn to me:
80 My heart make in thy laws entire.
That I may not ashamed be.


81 Looking for thy salvation long,
My soul faints; yet I trust thy word:
82 Mine eyes fail for thy word; and cry,
When wilt Thou comfort me afford?
83 I'm like a skin dry'd in the smoke;
Yet I thy laws do not forget!
84 How long thy servants days? when wilt
Thou judge the men who me beset?

85 For me the proud have digged pits,
Which never would thy law allow:
86 For all thy laws are truth; help me,
Whom they unrighteously pursue.
87 They almost me consum'd on earth;
Yet from thy laws I did not swerve.
87 O in thy mercy me revive;
And thy mouth's records I'll observe.


89 Made fast thy word in heav'n, O LORD,
It doth eternally endure:
90 Thy truth for ever lasts; and Thou
The earth hast founded, and 'tis sure:
91 By thy decree they stand this day;
For they all servants are to Thee.
92 Were not thy law my joy, I soon
had perish'd in adversity.

93 Thy laws I'll never forget; for Thou
By them hast quickning to me brought:
94 O save me; for I'm wholly thine,
And careful have thy precepts sought.
95 To ruin me the wicked watch;
but I thy testimonies mind:
96 Of all perfection bounds I see;
but Thy command is uncofin'd.


97 How greatly do I love Thy law!
It daily my sweet study grows:
97 By thy laws, ever with me, Thou
Hast nude me wiser than my foes.
99 More than my teachers all, I know;
Because thy laws my study are:
100 I know more than the ancient do;
Because I keep thy laws with care.

101 From all ill ways I kept my feet;
That I might well thy word obey:
102 Because thou hast instructed me,
I did not from thy judgments stray.
103 How sweet thy words are to my taste!
More to my mouth than honey they:
104 I from thy precepts wisdom gain;
And therefore hate each lying way.


105 Thy word is to my feet the lamp,
A shining light to show my way:
106 I sware, and to perform, resolve
Thy right'ous judgments to obey.
107 I'm sore distress'd; LORD me revive,
According to thy faithful word:
107 My mouth's free off'rings, O accept;
And me thy judgments teach, O LORD.

109 My soul is always in my hand,
Yet did I not thy law forget:
110 Nor from thy precepts have I stray'd,
Tho' snares for me the wicked set.
111 Thy word my endless heritage
I chuse, as of my heart the joy:
112 My heart to do thy will I bow,
And therein all my life employ,


113 Proud, wav'ring and vain thoughts I hate;
But dearly love thy law do I:
114 My covert and my shield art Thou;
And on thy word I firm rely.
115 Depart from me ye wicked men;
For, keep my God's commands I must:
116 By thy word stay me; and I live,
Nor am ashamed of my trust.

117 Uphold me, and I shall be safe;
And I thy laws will always eye:
117 Who leave thy laws Thou treadest down;
For their deceit is all a lie.
119 Earth's lewd, as dross Thou throw'st away;
To love thy law I'm therefore led:
120 My flesh all shakes for fear of Thee,
And I thy judgments greatly dread.


121 O, to oppressors, leave me not;
I judgment do and righteousness:
122 For good, thy servant's surety be;
and let not proud ones me oppress.
123 Mine eyes for thy salvation fail,
And for thy word of equity.
124 In mercy with thy servant deal;
And all thy statutes teach Thou me.

125 I am thy servant; make me wise,
Thy testimonies all to know:
126 'Tis time for Thee, O LORD, to work,
For men thy law abolish now.
127 Hence above gold, the finest gold,
Thy laws I love and estimate:
127 And all thy precepts right esteem,
And ev'ry way of falshood hate.


129 Replete with wonders are thy words:
Therefore, my soul keeps them with care:
130 The op'ning of thy word gives light;
And makes them wise who simple were.
131 With open mouth, for thy commands
I pant, with longings for the same.
132 Look on; in judgment pity me,
As Thou dost those who love thy name.

133 By thy word, order all my steps;
Let no sin over me bear sway.
134 Save me from being oppress'd by man;
And I will all thy laws obey.
135 Thy face let on thy servant shine,
And me to learn thy statutes cause:
136 While tears in floods run down mine eyes,
To see men violate thy laws.


137 Stedfastly just Thou art, O LORD;
Thy judgments are upright also:
137 Thy records which Thou dost command
Are right'ous and most faithful too.
139 My zeal consumes me to behold
Mine enemies thy words forget:
140 Thy word is most refin'd; therefore
Thy servant's love thereon is set.

141 Tho' I am little and despis'd;
My soul thy precepts yet retains:
142 Thy righteousness for ever lasts;
Thy law eternal truth remains.
143 Distress and anguish on me seize;
Yet great delight thy precepts give:
144 Thy records ever righteous last;
O make me wise, and I shall live.


145 To Thee with all my heart I cry;
LORD hear, and I'll thy word obey:
146 To Thee I cry, O save Thou me;
And I will keep thy records way.
147 Before the morning dawn I cry;
And for thy word in hope I wait.
147 Mine eyes prevent the midnight watch,
Upon thy word to meditate.

149 My voice, LORD, in thy mercy hear,
Revive me in thy judgment too:
150 They who seek mischief near me come;
But from thy law far off will go.
151 But, O JEHOVAH, thou art near;
All thy commands are verity.
152 Of old I know, thou founded hast
Thy records for eternity.


153 My griefs consider, and me save;
For I do not forget thy laws:
154 For thy word's sake revive Thou me,
Deliver me, and plead my cause.
155 Salvation is from sinners far,
Since for thy laws they will not strive:
156 Thy tender mercies, LORD, are great;
After thy judgments me revive.

157 Many my persecuting foes;
Yet from thy laws I do not swerve:
157 I sinners see, and greatly grieve;
For they thy word do not observe.
159 Consider how I love thy laws;
In mercy LORD revive Thou me:
160 Thy word is ever perfect truth,
Thy judgment just eternally.


161 Great men me causeless persecute;
But more thy word o'er awes my mind;
162 And yet I in thy word rejoice,
As they who stores of riches find.
163 I falshood utterly abhor
But dearly love thy law always:
164 And for thy right'ous judgments I
Ev'n seven times a day Thee praise.

165 Great peace have they who love thy law;
No stumbling stone shall them offend:
166 For thy salvation, LORD, I hope;
And thy commands with care attend.
167 My soul thy testimonies keeps;
And them I love exceedingly.
167 I keep thy records and commands;
For all my ways before Thee lie.


169 O let my cry, LORD, come to Thee;
After thy word me prudent make:
170 Let my request before Thee come;
And save Thou me for thy word's sake.
171 To Thee my lips shall utter praise,
When Thou thy statutes teachest me:
172 My tongue shall forth thy word resound.
For all thy laws are just, I see.

173 O help me by thy mighty hand;
For I thy precepts make my choice.
174 LORD I for thy salvation long;
And greatly in thy law rejoice.
175 Let my soul live; and I'll Thee praise;
And from thy judgments succour find:
176 Thy servant seek, who like stray sheep
Am lost; yet I thy precepts mind.

Psalm 120

A Song of Degrees

Common Meter

1 I in distress cry'd to the LORD;
and kind, He heard my cries.
2 LORD, save my soul from guileful tongues,
and lips inur'd to lies.
3 What shall to thy false tongue be done?
or giv'n, thou slanderer?
4 Sharp arrows of the Mighty one,
and coals of Juniper.

5 Ah! wo is me, that I am forc'd
in Meshech to reside ;
And must in the ungodly tents
of Kedar still abide!
6 My soul has long been forc'd to dwell
with them who peace abhor:
7 I am for peace; but when I speak,
they all declare for war.

Psalm 121

Common Meter

1 I to those mountains lift mine eyes,
from whence must come mine aid:
2 Mine help must from JEHOVAH come,
who heav'n and earth has made.
3 He will not let thy foot be mov'd,
nor slumber who thee keeps:
4 Lo, He who keeps his Israel,
He slumbers not, nor sleeps.

5 The LORD thy keeper is; the LORD
thy shade on thy right hand:
6 The sun shall not smite thee by day,
nor moon by night offend.
7 JEHOVAH will preserve thy soul;
he'll keep thee from all ill:
8 Thy going out and coming in,
the LORD keep ever will.

Psalm 122

A Song of Degrees of David

Common Meter

1 It was my joy to hear them say,
come to the LORD's house go:
2 O dear Jerusalem, our feet
thy gates shall pass into.
3 Jerusalem is builded up
into a city frame:
Quite uniform and beautiful
and compact is the same.

4 Whither the tribes, the tribes of JAH
to Isr'el's witness go;
That there they to JEHOVAH's name
their thankfulness may show.
5 And there the thrones of judgment rais'd
established remain;
The thrones that to the royal house
of David appertain.

6 Pray for Jerusalem firm peace:
they prosper who love thee:
7 Be in thy walls and palaces
peace and prosperity.
8 Now, for my friends and brethren sake,
I wish thee perfcect peace;
8 And for our God JEHOVAH's house,
I'll seek thy happiness.

Psalm 123

A Song of Degrees

Common Meter

1 O Thou who in the heavn's dost dwell,
I lift mine eyes to Thee.
2 Behold, as servants eyes intent
their master’s hand to see;
As maids eyes to their mistress hand;
to Thee our eyes are so;
To Thee the LORD our God, till Thou
wilt mercy on us show.

3 O LORD, be merciful to us,
to us, O gracious be!
For filled with contempt and scorn
exceedingly are we.
4 Our souls are fill'd exceedingly
with scoffs of men at ease;
And with the scorns of proud men who
from scoffing never cease.

Psalm 124

A Song of Degrees of David

Common Meter

1 Had not the LORD been on our side
may Isr'el now confess;
2 Had not the LORD appear'd for us,
in our extreme distress;
3 When men against us rsfe, inflam'd
with rage and cruelty;
Like rav'nous beasts they us alive
had swallow'd instantly,

4 Or like ore'flowing waters, they
had rag'd without controul;
5 The waters proud, the mighty streams
had overwhelm'd our soul.
6 Then ever praised be the LORD,
who sav'd from instant death;
And would not give us up a prey
to their devouring teeth.

7 Our soul escap'd is as a bird
out of the fowler's snare:
The snare asunder broken is,
and we escaped are.
8 Our sure and alsufficient help
is in JEHOVAH's name;
Who all the glorious heav'ns around,
and all the earth did frame.

Psalm 125

Common Meter

1 All those who in JEHOVAH trust
shall like mount Zion be;
Which shall not be remov'd, but stands
to perpetuity.
2 See how around Jerusalem,
the mountains stand on high;
The LORD his people so surrounds
hence to eternity.

3 For, sinners rod upon the lot
of just men shall not lie;
Left righteous men stretch forth their hands
to do iniquity.
4 To all who are sincerely good
thy goodness LORD impart;
And Jet it freely flow to all,
who are of upright heart.

5 But those who turn to crooked ways,
the LORD will make to go
With workers of iniquity,
but Isr'el peace shall know.

Psalm 126

A Song of Degrees

Common Meter

1 When from captivity the LORD
his Zion did redeem:
We in an extacy of soul
were like to them who dream.
2 Then were our mouths with laughter fill'd,
our tongues with shouts did sound:
'The LORD hath done great things for them'
the heathen freely own'd.

3 Great things and marvellous for us,
the LORD hath done indeed;
In the surprizing view whereof
our hearts with joy exceed.
4 LORD, our remaining, captives bring
home from the barb'rous foe.
Like cooling streams which in the south
to thirsty regions flow.

5 Who sow in tears shall reap in joy,
6 Who going forth, did mourn,
Baring choice seed; shall fill'd with joy,
bringing full sheaves return.

Psalm 127

A Song of Degrees of Solomon

Common Meter

1 Unless JEHOVAH builds the house,
vain is the workman's pain:
Unless the LORD the city keeps,
the watchmen watch in vain;
2 'Tis vain for you to rise betimes,
and late from rest to keep,
Or eat the bread of care: 'tis He
gives his beloved sleep.

3 Lo, children are an heritage,
the LORD alone bestows:
Posterity is a reward
which from his bounty flows.
4 As arrows in a mighty hand
when enemies are near;
So children grown up in their youth
to their glad parents are.

5 How happy is the man who hath
his quiver full of those!
For he undaunted in the gate,
will speak to all his foes.

Psalm 128

A Song of Degrees


Common Meter

1 How greatly blessed is the man,
how blessed all his days,
Who fears JEHOVAH, and who walks
uprightly in his ways.
2 For thy hands labour thou shalt eat
and happy shalt thou be:
In all the changes of thy life,
it shall be well with thee.

3 Thy wife shall like a fruitful vine
by thy house side be found
Thy children like fair olive plants
adorn thy table, round.
4 Lo thus the man who fears the LORD
shall greatly blessed be!
5 Yea more, the LORD from Zion will
his blessing send to thee.

The good of our Jerusalem,
her great felicity,
Thou shalt thro' all thy lengthened life
with raised pleasure see.
6 Yea of thy children's children thou
shalt see a glad increase,
And our dear land of Israel,
in all the joys of peace.


Long Meter

1 How bless'd is he who fears the LORD
And walks in his appointed ways.
2 For thy hands labour thou shalt eat,
And shalt be happy all thy days.
3 Thy wife shall like a goodly vine
By thy house side be fruitful found:
Thy children like fair olive plants,
Adorn thy cheerful table round.

4 Lo, thus the man who fears the LORD,
With earthly good shall blessed be:
5 Yea more, the LORD from Zion hill
Will heav'nly blessings send to thee.
The good of our Jerusalem,
Thou all thy happy life shalt view.
6 Thy children's children thou shalt see,
And peaceful times on Isr'el too.

Psalm 129

A Song of Degrees

Common Meter

1 Oft from my youth they me distress'd,
may Isr'el say with joy;
2 Oft from my youth, they me distress'd,
but never could destroy.
3 My back as ploughers, oft they plough'd,
and furrows long did make;
4 But the just LORD, the wicked's cords
did all asunder break.

5 All those who Zion hate shall be
confounded and o'erthrown;
6 Shall be as grass on houses tops,
which fades before 'tis grown.
7 Whereof enough to fill his hand
the mower cannot find;
Much less can he his bosom fill,
whose work is sheaves to bind.

7 Nor those who pass by say--'On you
'JEHOVAH's blessing rest!'
Nor these reply - 'In the LORD's name
'we wifh you to be bless'd!'

Psalm 130

A Song of Degrees


Common Meter

1 LORD! from the deeps I cry to Thee!
2 My voice Lord do thou hear!
And to my supplications voice,
O give attentive ear!
3 Lord, who can stand, if thou, O JAH
shouldst mark iniquity?
4 But with Thee there forgiveness is
that feared thou may'st be.

5 Therefore for Thee, O LORD, I wait,
my soul still waits for Thee;
And on thy known and faithful word
I hope continually.
6 My soul looks out more for the Lord,
than watchers in the night;
Yea more than watchers wearied out,
look for the dawning light.

7 Let Isr'el then wait hopefully,
and on the LORD confide;
For boundless mercies with the LORD
continually reside:
8 Yea plenteous redemption is
eternally with him;
And Isr'el He from all their sins
will perfectly redeem.


Long Meter

1 LORD, from the deeps I cry to Thee;
2 My voice, Lord, do Thou kindly hear!
And to my supplications voice,
O give Thou an attentive ear.
3 O JAH! if Thou shouldst mark our sins,
Who can before Thee stand, O Lord?
4 But there forgiveness is with Thee,
That Thou may'st humbly be ador'd.

5 I for the LORD wait; my soul waits,
And I hope in his faithful word:
6 Than watchers for the dawning look,
My soul more looks out for the Lord.
7 Let Isr'el then wait hopefully,
And ever on the LORD confide;
For boundless mercies with the LORD
To perpetuity abide.

7 Yea plenteous redemption is
Ev'n to eternity with him;
And Isr'el He from all their sins
Will to eternity redeem.

Psalm 131

A Song of Degrees of David


Common Meter

1 JEHOVAH, see my open heart,
if it is haughty grown;
Or if mine eyes are rais'd aloft,
unless to Thee alone;
If I in any things too great
and high for me aspire,
To exercise my self; or if
too high is my desire.

2 Or if I do not now compose
my soul to quiet rest,
Ev'n as a young and weaned child,
wean'd from the mother's breast.
3 Let Isr'el then look to the LORD,
and his kind aid implore;
And on his tender care rely,
henceforth and evermore,


Short Meter

1 My heart's not haughty, LORD,
nor lofty are mine eyes:
In things too great or high for me
is not mine exercise.
2 I as a child behave
wean'd from the mother's breast:
My soul ev'n as a weaned child,
submits and lies at rest.

3 Let Isr'el on the LORD,
rest therefore quietly:
Yea henceforth ever hope and wait,
his saving help to see.

Psalm 132

A Song of Degrees

Long Meter

1 David, and all his troubles, LORD,
O do Thou kindly think upon:
2 How to the LORD he sware, and how
He vow'd to Jacob's mighty one;
3 Into my tent I will not go,
Nor to my bed for sweet repose;
4 No sleep will to mine eyes afford,
Nor slumber shall my eye-lids close;

5 Until I for the LORD have found
And for his ark a dwelling place;
For Him who is the mighty One,
Of Jacob, and his favour'd race.
6 Behold at Ephrata we heard
The place of its retir'd abode;
And search'd till it we found with joy,
In a dark field enclos'd with wood.

7 We'll go into his sacred tents
Our worship at his footstool pay.
8 Arise, O LORD, into thy rest,
And with thine ark of strength there stay.
8 Let righteousness thy priests adorn,
Thy saints with shouts their joy display:
10 And for thy servant David's sake
Turn thy MESSIAH not away.

Part 2

11 The LORD to David swore in truth;
The oath he never will disown;
"I one descended from thy loins
"Will surely set upon thy throne:
12 "And if my covenant and law,
"That to thy children teach shall I,
"They always keep, then shall their race
"Sit on thy throne perpetually.

13 "Because the LORD hath Zion chose,
"And there desir'd to have his seat;
14 "This is my rest for ever; here
"I'll dwell, for I desired it;
15 "I'll here provision greatly bless
"And satisfy her poor with food:
16 "Her priests with my salvation cloath,
"Her saints with joy shall shout aloud.

17 "There David's horn I'll make to spring
"There my MESSIAH'S lamp ordain:
18 "With sham I'll cloath his foes: on Him
"His crown shall flourish and remain.

Psalm 133

A Song of Degrees of David


Short Meter

1 Behold, how good it is,
and what a joy to see,
When brethren with each other dwell
in love and unity.
2 'Tis like the precious oil,
they pour'd on Aaron's head;
Which down his hair and garment flow'd.
and fragrant odours spread.

3 Or as refreshing dew,
on Hermon's mount distills;
Or like the pearly drops that shine,
on Zion's joyful hills.
For there the LORD commands,
and doth his blessing give,
The foretaste of that blessedness
which shall for ever live.


148th Meter (

1 Behold how good it is,
and what a pleasing sight.
When brethren dwell in love
and cordially unite;
When all agree
to act their part
as with one heart
In charity.

2 'Tis like the precious oil
that gave a fragrant smell;
Which pour'd on Aaron's head,
adown his locks it fell;
From whence it shed
along his breast
down to his vest,
And odours spread.

3 Or as refreshing dew
on Hermon's mount distills;
Or like the drops that shine
on Zion's joyful hills.
The LORD on high
there blessing gives,
and bliss that lives

Psalm 134

A Song of Degrees


Short Meter

1 Behold, bless ye the LORD,
ye the LORD'S servants all,
Who in the LORD's house stand by night,
and there upon Him call.
2 Lift up your hands; the LORD
bless in his holy place.
3 The LORD, who heav'n and earth has made,
thee out of Zion bless.


148th Meter (

1 Ye servants of the LORD,
who in the LORD's house wait,
And keep your watch before
the threshold of his gate;
The LORD's praise sing
by silent night
'till cheerful light
Of morning spring.

2 Lift in his holy place,
your joyful hands on high;
And say, the LORD we bless.
who made the earth and skie/
3 And may he still
thee greatly bless
with joy and grace,
From Zion-hill.

Psalm 135

Long Meter

1 O sing ye HALLELUJAH now,
And praise JEHOVAH's holy name;
O all ye servants of the LORD,
His praises all abroad proclaim.
2 Ye who within the house do stand,
Wherein the LORD has his abode;
And in the court-yards of his house,
Who is by covenant our God.

3 Sing HALLELUJAH; for the LORD
Is good: sing praises to his name;
For it is sweet to be employ'd
His praife in singing to proclaim.
4 For the eternal JAH hath chose,
Jacob for his propriety;
And his peculiar treasure hath,
He taken Israel to be.

5 For well we know, the LORD is great,
And that this sov'reign Lord of ours
Transcends all that are called GODS,
And reigns o'er all created pow'rs.
6 In heaven and earth the LORD hath done,
Whatever his own mind did please;
In the deep caverns of the earth,
And in the great and swelling seas.

7 From the wide surface of the earth
He makes the vapours to arise;
He makes the lightning for the rain,
And winds brings from his treasuries.

Part 2

7 Egypt's first born, both man and beast
8 He slew: and wondrous tokens He
On Pharaoh and his servants sent,
O Egypt in the midst of thee.
10 Great nations smote, great kings he slew,
11 Sihon, who was of Heshhbon king,
And Og of Bashan; and to nought
All Canaan's kingdoms he did bring.

12 And gave their land an heritage,
To his own people Israel.
13 O LORD, eternal is thy name,
LORD, endless thy memorial.
14 JEHOVAH will his people judge,
And for his servants turn again.
15 The heathen idols silver are
And gold; the handy work of men.

16 Mouths have they, yet they cannot speak;
And they have eyes, but never saw;
17 Ears have they, yet they nothing hear;
Their mouths no breath can ever draw.
18 Such senseless flocks are they themselves,
Who did these senseless idols frame;
And such are all who to them pray,
And put their confidence in them.

19 O house of Isr'el bless the LORD:
The LORD bless - who of Aaron's are:
20 The LORD, O house of Levi bless:
The LORD bless ye, the LORD who fear.
21 From Zion-hill his sacred seat,
O let JEHOVAH blessed be;
Who dwells within Jerusalem:
O sing, sing HALLELUJAH ye.

Psalm 136

Long Meter

1 O thank the LORD; for he is good,
For ever are his mercies sure:
2 Thanks give ye to the God of GODS;
His mercies evermore endure.
3 Thanks give ye to the Lord of Lords:
For ever are his mercies sure:
4 Him who alone does wonders great;
His mercies evermore endure.

5 To Him whose wisdom made the heav'ns;
For ever are his mercies sure:
6 Who o'er the waters spread the earth;
His mercies evermore endure.
7 To Him who made great lights to shine;
For ever are his mercies sure.
The sun to guide and rule the day,
His mercies evermore endure.

9 The moon and stars to rule the night;
For ever are his mercies sure.
10 Who the first born of Egypt smote;
His mercies evermore endure.
11 Who from among them Isr'el brought;
For ever are his mercies sure.
12 With a strong hand and stretch'd out arm;
His mercies evermore endure.

13 Who the red sea asunder clave;
For ever are his mercies sure.
14 And thro' the midst made Isr'el go;
His mercies evermore endure.
15 But there drown'd Pharoah and his host;
For ever are his mercies sure.
16 His people thro' the desart led,
His mercies evermore endure.

17 To Him who mighty kings did smite;
For ever are his mercies sure.
18 And famous kings in battle slew;
His mercies evermore endure.
19 King Sihon of the Amorites;
For ever are his mercies sure.
20 And Ogg of bashan mighty king;
His mercies evermore endure.

21 And gave their land an heritage:
For ever are his mercies sure.
22 To his dear servant Israel;
His mercies evermore endure.
23 Who minds us in our low estate;
For ever are his mercies sure.
24 And who redeems us from our foes,
His mercies evermore endure.

25 Who to all flesh gives proper food;
For ever are his mercies sure.
26 O to the God of heav'n give thanks,
His mercies evermore endure.

Psalm 137

Long Meter

1 As by the streams of Babylon
We captives sat with anxious fears;
Then we dear Zion thought upon,
And melted into streams of tears.
2 Our harps, our instruments of joy,
Which us'd with chearful songs to sound,
We hung upon the willow trees
Which on the shaded banks abound.

3 Because our foes, who all conspir'd
To triumph in our slavish wrongs;
Musick and mirth of us requir'd;
'Come sing us one of Zion's songs.'
4 But, ah! how cou'd we guide our hands
To play, with hearts so full of woes?
Sing Zion's songs in heathen lands,
JEHOVAH's hymns to chear his foes?

5 O dear Jerusalem! if I
Ever of thee forgetful grow;
Let me the skill of my right hand
For ever wholly cease to know.
6 Let my tongue to my palate cleave,
If thee remember should not I,
Or don't prefer Jerusalem,
Above my highest earthly joy,

7 LORD, Thou remembrest Edom's son,
Who on Jerulalem's sad day,
'To the foundation raze her!' cried;
'Raze, raze her!' out aloud cried they.
8 O Babel's daughter! doom'd to fall!
That conqueror shall blessed be,
Who, just as thou hast done to us,
Will do in righteousness to thee!

9 Yea, he shall blessed be by heav'n,
Who shall by heav'n employed be,
Upon the stones to dash thy face,
And end thy cruel progeny.

Psalm 138

(A Psalm) of David

Common Meter

1 With all my heart I'll Thee confess,
to Thee my thanks will bring,
And openly before the GODS,
I'll praises to Thee sing.
2 Towards thy house of holiness
I'll bow and worship Thee;
And thy great name to celebrate,
shall my employment be.

But chiefly for thy love and truth
thy praises I'll proclaim;
For over all, Thou, by thy word,
hast magnify'd thy name.
3 The very day I cried to Thee,
Thou kindly didst reply;
And Thou didst fortify my soul
with strength in full supply.

4 All kings throughout the joyful earth,
shall give Thee praise, O LORD,
When of thy mouth they come to hear
the true and faithful word.
5 Yea, they with raised joy shall sing
along JEHOVAH"s ways;
For great the glory of the LORD,
and great is all his praise.

6 The LORD, tho' high, yet kindly looks
on those who lowly are;
But those exalted high with pride,
he knows and keeps afar.
7 Although I walk amidst distress,
Thee quick'ning me I have:
Thine hand shall smite my raging foes,
and thy right hand me save.

7 The LORD will perfect what I want:
thy mercy ever stands;
JEHOVAH, O forsake thou not
the works of thine own hands.

Psalm 139

A Psalm of David

Common Meter

1 O LORD, thou dost me search and know:
2 Thou know'st my sitting down;
My rising up, and all my thoughts,
to Thee far off are known.
3 Thou compassest my path and bed,
and knowest all my ways:
4 And ev'ry word that moves my tongue,
O LORD, thine eye surveys.

5 Thou hast best me round about,
and on me laid thy hand.
6 Such knowledge wondrous is to me,
too high to understand.
7 Where shall I from thy spirit go;
or from thy presence fly?
8 If heav'n I climb, lo, Thou art There;
There if in hell I lie.

9 If morning wings I take, and dwell
where utmost sea coasts are;
10 Ev'n there thy hand shall lead me on,
and thy right hand me bear.
11 Or if I say, the darkness shall
conceal me from thy sight;
The darkest night shall then to Thee,
around me, all be light.

12 For darkness darkens not to Thee;
but night as day shines clear:
Thick darkness and the shining light
to Thee alike appear.

Part 2

13 Because thou hast possessed my reins,
and safely cover'd me
Within my tender mother's womb;
14 my praise shall be of Thee;
For fearfully and wondrously,
Thou didst my frame compose;
Thy works in me are marvellous;
and that my soul well knows.

15 When first I was in secret made,
my substance Thou didst know;
While I most curiously was wrought,
as in dark caves below.
16 Thine eyes my shapeless substance saw
and written in thy book
Were all my members tho' not made,
which after fashion took.

17 How precious also to my soul
are thy sweet thoughts become?
O God, how numerous they grow,
how vast their growing sum?
18 If I should number them, their sum
more than the sand would be:
And still whenever I awake
I present am with Thee.

Part 3

19 O God, Thou surely wilt them slay,
who wicked persons are:
And therefore all ye men of blood,
depart from me afar.
20 For they against Thee wickedly
speak out with tongues profane:
And they who are thine enemies,
take thy great name in vain.

21 JEHOVAH! hate I not all those,
who hatred show to Thee?
And those who up against The rise,
am I not griev'd to see?
22 Yea I abhor them utterly,
who up against Thee rise;
And all who show themselves thy foes,
I count mine enemies.

23 O gracious God, I beg Thee make
a thorough search of me;
And know my heart, me strictly try,
my thoughts within me see.
24 And see if any way of sin
in me indulged be;
And in thy way to endless bliss
for ever lead Thou me.

Psalm 140

A Psalm of David

Common Meter

1 Lord, save me from malicious men,
such as injurious are;
2 Who mischief in their hearts contrive,
and daily meet for war.
3 Like serpents they make sharp their tongues
for piercing calumnies;
Conciev'd beneath their guileful lips
the adder's poison lies.

4 LORD, keep me from ungodly hands,
from vi'lent men me save;
Who to o'erthrow me in my steps
a wicked purpose have.
5 The proud for me have hid their snares,
and cords to draw their net,
Which they have spread across my paths
and traps for me have set.

6 O LORD, Thou art my God, I cried;
whom I love, chuse and fear;
O to my supplications voice,
LORD, give a gracious ear.
7 O Lord JEHOVAH, thou the strength
of my salvation wast;
And in the day of battle Thou
my head safe cov'red hast.

Part 2

7 Grant not, O LORD, what wicked men
desire unrighteously;
Nor further Thou their ill designs,
lest they triumph on high.
8 But for the leading heads of those
who round encompass me;
Ev'n with the mischief of their lips
they quite shall cover'd be.

10 On them shall burning coals be cast;
and He will make them fall,
Into deep pits and glowing fire,
to rise no more at all.
11 The man of evil tongue shall not
at peace on earth arrive:
Evil shall chase the violent
and to destruction drive.

12 The LORD, I know, for the oppress'd
and poor will judgment give.
13 Surely the just shall praise thy name,
and in thy presence live.

Psalm 141

A Psalm of David

Common Meter

1 O LORD, to Thee I call aloud!
O make Thou haste to me,
And hearken to my earnest voice,
Now while I cry to Thee!
2 O let my pray'r before thy face
as fragrant incense rise;
The lifting of my hands accept
as ev'ning sacrifice.

3 O let a constant watch before
my hasty mouth, O LORD;
And of my lips keep Thou the door.
against each evil word.
4 Let not my heart incline to ill;
nor let me ever share
With evil men in evil deeds;
nor on their dainties fare.

5 Me, let the righteous kindly smite,
and that I'll kindly take;
Their just reproofs shall fail so soft,
my head they shall not break.
But as an oil of great esteem,
I shall it highly prize;
And in requital pray for them
in their calamities.

6 And when by judges they shall be
in stony places cast;
My kind words they shall hear, and they
shall sweet be to their taste.
7 About the grave's wide open mouth,
our bones are scatter'd round,
As wood which hewers cut and cleave,
lies scatter'd on the ground.

7 But O JEHOVAH, Lord, to Thee
directed are mine eyes:
My soul, O leave not destitute,
On thee my hope relies.
8 O keep me from the hands of those
who snares have laid for me;
And from the secret nets of those
who work iniquity.
10 Into the nets which they have set
shall the ungodly fall;
While I, for whom they were prepar'd,
pass and escape them all.

Psalm 142

A Maschil of David: A Prayer when he was in the Cave

Common Meter

1 I to JEHOVAH with my voice
express'd aloud my cry;
In supplications to the LORD,
I rais'd my voice on high.
2 Before his face I poured out
my sorrowful complaint;
Before his presence I declar'd
the grief I underwent.

3 In me my spirit was o'erwhelm'd;
my path was known to Thee:
And in the way I was to go
they hid a snare for me.
4 On my right hand I look'd and view'd,
but none would know me there;
All human refuge failed me;
none for my soul would care.

5 Then to the LORD I cried, and said;
Thou shalt my refuge be,
And in the land of living ones,
my portion is in Thee.
6 Because I'm brought exceeding low,
O listen to my cry;
Me from my persecutors save,
who stronger are than I.

7 From out of prison bring my soul,
to sing loud praise to Thee;
The just will circle me with joy,
when Thou shalt favour me.

Psalm 143

A Psalm of David

Common Meter

1 LORD, hear my humble pray'r to Thee,
and to my cries attend;
And in thy truth and righteousness
a gracious answer send.
2 O with thy servant enter not
in judgment me to try;
For in thy sight no man alive,
himself can justify.

3 The foe pursues my soul, my life
down to the ground doth tread,
In darkness makes me dwell as those
that ages have been dead.
4 Therefore my soul is overwhelm'd
with great perplexity;
My heart, of joy and comfort is
made desolate in me.

5 I call'd to mind the days of old,
on all thy works I thought;
I meditated on the deeds
thy mighty hands have wrought.
6 And now I earnestly to Thee
reach mine out-stretched hands;
My soul for Thee with ardour longs,
like dry and thirsty lands.

Part 2

7 LORD hear with speed, my spirit fails:
hide not thy face from me;
Lest I like those who in the grave
descend, should quickly be.
8 Let me thy kindness early hear;
in Thee my hope I place:
Shew me the way wherein to go;
my soul to Thee I raise.

9 JEHOVAH, from mine enemies
quickly deliver me:
To hide me safe beneath thy wings
in haste I fly to Thee.
10 Teach me to do thy will, because
Thou art my GOD indeed:
Let thy good spirit to the land
of uprightness me lead.

11 Yea for the sake of thy great name,
O LORD, revive Thou me;
And in thy right'ousness do Thou
my soul from trouble free.
12 Yea, in thy mercy Thou my foes,
wilt quite suppress; and them
Thou wilt destroy who vex my soul,
for I thy servant am.

Psalm 144

(A Psalm) of David

Common Meter

1 O let JEHOVAH blessed be,
who is my rock of might:
My hands he teaches how to war,
my fingers how to fight.
2 My goodness, fortress, my high tow'r,
saviour and shield is He;
In whom I trust, and who subdues
my people under me.

3 LORD, what is man, that Thou of him
shouldst any knowledge take;
Or son of man, that Thou of him
so great account dost make?
4 For man is like to vanity,
uncertain here to stay;
His days like shades of flying clouds
pass hastily away.

5 LORD, bow thy heav'ns above, come down;
and with thy thunder's stroke
Do Thou but once the mountains touch,
and they will rise in smoke.
6 Cast fort thy lightnings, and disperse
thine enemies around;
And make thy piercing arrows fly,
and all their pow'r confound.

7 Thine hand O send Thou from above,
redeem and rescue me;
From mighty waters, from the hand
of strangers set me free.
8 Whose evil mouths are wont to speak
falshood and vanity;
And whose right hand a right hand is
of fraud and perfidy.

Part 2

9 O God, new songs I'll sing to Thee,
upon the psaltery;
And on a ten-string'd instrument
to Thee sing praise will I.
10 It is He only who to kings
salvation doth afford;
And who his servant David saves
from the destroying sword.

11 Free me from bands of strangers sons,
whose mouths speak vanity,
And whose right hand a right hand is
of fraud and perfidy.
12 But let our sons in youthful age
as thriving plants appear;
Daughters like polish'd corner stones
which grace a palace fair.

13 That to afford all kinds of stores,
our garners may be fill'd;
Our cattle thousands in our streets,
yea may ten thousands yield.
14 Our oxen for their labour strong;
no enemy invade;
No leading captive; no complaint
in all our streets be made.

15 O happy people they, who are
in such a case as this;
But far more happy people they
whose God JEHOVAH is.

Psalm 145

David's (Psalm of ) Praise

Common Meter

1 My God and king, I'll Thee extol,
thy name I'll ever bless;
2 For ever will I praise thy name
in daily thankfulness.
3 Great is the LORD, most worthy praise;
his greatness search exceeds:
4 Age shall to age extol thy works
and show thy mighty deeds.

5 Of thy transcendent comeliness,
thy glory, majesty,
And of thy admirable works
with pleasure speak will I.
6 Yea, they shall of thy mighty works
discourse, which dreadful are;
And I will thy magnificence
to all the world declare.

7 The mem'ry of thy goodness great
they largely shall express;
And shall in joyful hymns of praise,
sing of thy right'ousness.

Part 2

7 Most gracious our JEHOVAH is,
most merciful is He;
Slow is to anger, and He is
great in benignity.
8 The LORD is good, and ev'n to all
his goodness does appear;
And over all his works behold
his tender mercies are.

10 LORD, all thy works shew forth thy praise;
and Thee thy saints shall bless:
11 Shall of thy kingdom's glory speak,
and thy great power express.
12 That so the sons of men abroad
thy mighty acts may know;
And that thy kingdom's majesty
and glory they may show.

13 Thy kingdom firm establish'd is,
never to know an end;
And thy supreme dominion shall
through ev'ry age extend.

Part 3

14 Those who just ready are to fall,
JEHOVAH doth sustain;
And those he sees are bowed down
He raises up again.
15 All eyes wait on Him, and their food
He in fit season gives:
16 His open hand fills the desire
of ev'ry thing that lives.

17 The LORD is just in all his ways,
his works ae holy all:
18 He's near to all who call on Him,
in truth that on Him call.
19 He will of them who Him revere,
the just desire fulfill;
And He will hear their cry to Him,
and save them then He will.

20 All who the LORD sincerely love
his safe-guard shall enjoy;
But He all those who wicked are
will utterly destroy.
21 My mouth the praises of the LORD,
shall gratefully express:
And let all flesh his holy name
ever and ever bless.

Psalm 146

Long Meter

1 Sing HALLELUJAH! praise the LORD,
2 I'll praise JEHOVAH all my days:
O thou my soul! I'll to my God,
While I a being have, sing praise.
3 Trust not in princes, nor mens sons,
Who can no succour to you send;
4 Their breath expires, to earth they turn,
And all their thoughts that moment end.

5 O bless'd is he who hath the God
Of Jacob for his constant aid;
Whose lively confidence upon,
The LORD his God is firmly stay'd.
6 Who heav'n, earth, sea, all in them made;
Who ever doth his truth make good;
7 Who for th' oppressed judgment does;
And kindly gives the hungry food.

7 JEHOVAH sets the pris'ners free,
JEHOVAH sight gives to the blind,
The LORD lifts up the bowed down,
The LORD is to the righteous kind.
8 The LORD the strangers doth preserve,
The widows and the orphans raise;
But He of them who wicked are
Entirely overthrows the ways.

10 The LORD shall reign for evermore;
Thy mighty God, O Zion, He
To generations all shall reign:
Therefore sing HALLELUJAH, ye

Psalm 147


Common Meter

1 Sing HALLELUJAH: for 'tis good
praise to our God to sing;
for the employment is most sweet,
and praise a comely thing.
2 The LORD Jerusalem rebuilds,
though level'd with the ground;
And Isr'el gathers tho' dispers'd
through all the nations round.

3 The broken hearted ones He heals,
binds up their breaches all:
4 The number of the stars He tells,
and each by name doth call.
5 Great is our Lord, and great in pow'r;
his knowledge has no bound:
6 The LORD lifts up the meek; but casts
the wicked to the ground.

7 With thankfulness then to the LORD
your cheerful voices raise;
And on the harp to Him our God,
sing grateful hymns of praise.
8 Who over-spreads with clouds the sky;
who for the earth below
Prepares his rain, and makes the grass
upon the mountains grow.

9 To all the beasts of fields and woods
He gives a full supply;
Yea sees and hears the ravens young,
and feeds them when they cry.
10 In horses strength or fortitude,
is none of his delight;
Nor in the sprightly limbs of men,
most active in the sight.

11 The LORD in all who fear him takes
a pleasure very great;
And in all those who humbly hope
and on his mercy wait.

Part 2

12 The LORD praise, O Jerusalem,
thy God, O Zion praise;
13 Who made thy gates and bars so strong,
and bless'd in thee thy race.
14 Who causes in thy borders peace;
thy store so rich to be,
He gives the finest flower of wheat
a full supply to thee.

15 He forth on earth sends his decree,
his word is swiftly past.
16 He gives the snow like wool, and doth
hoar frost as ashes cast.
17 His ice in hail, like morsels down,
He casts as with his hand:
Before the sharpness of his cold
who can endure to stand?

17 But then sends forth his mighty word,
bids his warm wind to blow,
Which soon dissolves the parts congeal'd
and makes the waters flow.
19 To Jacob He, as his belov'd,
his heav'nly word hath shown:
His statutes and his judgments He
to Isr'el hath made known.

20 With none of all the nations round
so kindly dealt hath He:
For they his judgments have not know;
sing HALLELUJAH, ye.


148th Meter (

1 Loud Hallelujah sing;
for to our God 'tis meet;
Praise is a comely thing,
and is exceeding sweet.
2 The LORD doth rear
and gather them
That outcasts are.

3 The broke in heart he heals,
binds up their breaches all;
4 The stars by number tells,
and each by name doth call.
5 Our Lord we bless,
is great in might,
and infinite
In wisdom is.

6 The LORD the meek doth raise
the proud brings to the ground:
7 O to the LORD sing praise
on harps our God's praise sound:
8 Who clouds the skies,
rains on the ground;
on mountains round
Makes grass to rise.

9 Ev'n beasts and ravens young
He feeds whene'er thy call:
10 In horse or foot-men strong
takes no delight at all:
11 The LORD dot place
His pleasure where
men with his fear
Hope in his grace.

12 Salem and Zion praise
The LORD your God in song;
13 Who blesses your lov'd race
and makes your gates so strong.
14 Thy borders stills
with peace so sweet:
with finest wheat
Thy stores He fills.

14 On earth his orders go
his word is swiftly past:
16 Like wool doth give the snow,
hoar-frost as ashes cast.
17 His ice doth send
like morsels too:
in his cold who
Can steady stand?

17 His word sends, and them thaws:
blows winds, and water flows:
19 Jacob his word, his laws
and judgment Isr'el shows:
So done hath He
to nations none
his judgments shown.
JAH, then praise ye.

Psalm 148


Common Meter

1 Sing HALLELUJAH: praise the LORD
ev'n from the heav'ns high:
Ye in the heights his praise resound
above the starry sky.
2 O all his angels, gladly join
your voices Him to praise,
And all ye heav'nly host conspire
his glorious name to raise.

3 Praise Him ye shining sun and moon,
that rule the day and night:
Praise Him in all your various orbs,
ye glittering stars of light.
4 Praise Him ye heav'ns of heav'ns, which all
the rest in height exceed;
And all ye wat'ry clouds above
the airy heav'ns out-spread.

5 O let them all conspire to praise
JEHOVAH's glorious name:
For He commanded, and at once
they into being came.
6 He hath establish'd each of them
for ever in its place:
And He has made a firm decree,
which none shall ever pass.

Part 2

7 O praise JEHOVAH from the earth,
ye dragons, deeps and seas;
8 Fire, hail, snow, vapour, stormy wind;
fulfilling his decrees.
8 All mountains, hills, and fruitful trees;
and all ye cedars high:
10 Wild beasts, all cattle, creeping things
and all ye fowls that fly.

11 Kings and all people on the earth,
princes, earth's judges all;
12 Young men and maidens, ev'ry where,
old men and children small.
13 Let all the LORD's name praise, because
his name alone, on high
Exalted is; his glory shines
above the earth and sky.

14 His people's HORN, the praise of all
his saints, exalt wilt He;
Ev'n Isr'el's SEED to Him most near,
sing HALLELUJAH, ye.


148th Meter (

1 Loud HALLELUJAH sing
from heav'n JEHOVAH praise
On high his honours ring,
and with his highest lays.
2 Ye angels lead;
and all his hosts
round heav'ns wide coasts
His glory spread.

3 Praise Him ye sun and moon,
to whom ye owe your light:
Praise Him ye stars, who run
your glitt'ring course by night;
4 His praise declare
ye heav'ns on high,
ye clouds that fly
On fluent air.

5 Let all in this accord
to praise JEHOVAH's name;
For He but spake the word,
and they from nothing came:
6 And from the place
where fix'd they be
by his decree
Thy cannot pass.

Part 2

7 On earth all praise the LORD:
ye dragons from your caves;
And deeps that none can ford,
with all your roaring waves:
8 Fire, hail and snow;
and misty air;
and storms that where
He bids them, blow.

9 All hills and mountains high,
trees that with fruit are crown'd,
Cedars that touch the sky;
10 wild beasts that range around;
All cattle tame,
things low, and high,
that creep, that fly,
His praise proclaim.

11 Kings who on earth preside,
and all of meaner birth;
Princes who nations guide,
and judges of the earth;
12 Ye young men strong,
and virgins fair,
heads with grey hair,
And children young.

13 Let all JEHOVAH"s name
with praises celebrate;
His name alone proclaim
as excellent and great:
His glories far
above earth rise,
yea utmost skies,
And ev'ry star.

14 Yes He on high doth raise
His people's horn of might,
And thus inspires with praise
his saints, his soul's delight.
Bless'd Isr'el's race,
a people near
and to Him dear:
To JAH sing praise.

Psalm 149


Common Meter

1 Sing HALLELUJAH: to the LORD
a new song to Him sing:
In the assembly of his saints,
make ye his praises ring.
2 Let Isr'el in his makers be
exceeding glad and sing:
And all who Zion's children are,
exult in Him their king.

3 O let them with a leaping joy
give praises to his name;
The harp and timbrel join and sing,
aloud his praise proclaim.
4 For in his people whom He chose
JEHOVAH pleasure takes;
And with salvation all the meek
most beautiful He makes.

5 In glory let his holy ones
triumphantly rejoice;
And ev'n aloud upon their beds
in songs lift up their voice.
6 Let the high praises of our God,
their mouths with gladness yield;
And let a two-edg'd sword be put
into their hands to wield.

7 Vengeance and judgments to dispense
among the heathen lands;
8 To bind their haughty kings in chains,
and peers with iron bands.
8 The judgment written in his word
justly on them to bring:
This honour is for all the saints:
then HALLELUJAH sing.


Long Meter

1 Sing Hallelujah to the LORD,
Let Him for ever be ador'd:
Amidst the saints assembled sing
New songs of praise for mercies new:
2 Joy in his maker, Isr'el shew;
And Sion triumph in their King.

3 Exult in Him ye sacred Quire,
With the sweet timbrel and the lyre
Sing forth and sound aloud his praise.
4 The LORD doth in his flock delight,
Will save with his resistless might
The meek, and them to honour raise.

5 Triumph ye saints with cheerful voice,
With shouts for glory gain'd rejoice,
And on your beds express your joy:
6 To God your mouths high praises yield,
A two edg'd sword let your hands wield
7 His foes and heathen to destroy.

7 To bind their haughty kings in chains,
In iron-bands their noble trains;
On them his wrath decreed to pour.
8 The saints shall this great honour have
To quell his foes and Zion save.
Sing HALLELUJAH evermore.

Psalm 150

Long Meter

1 Sing HALLELUJAH! praise ye God
Within his place of sanctity;
Praise Him all round the firmament,
Which shows his wondrous pow'r on high.

2 O praise Him for his mighty deeds:
Praise for his greatness without bound,
His excellencies infinite.
3 Praise Him with trumpets lofty sound.

Praise with the pleasant psaltery,
And with the harp's melodious noise:
4 Praise Him with timbrel's virgin airs,
And pipes exciting leaps of joys:

With harpsichords and organs praise:
5 Praise, praise, with cymbals loud and high.
6 Praise JAH, O ev'ry living thing:
And HALLELUJAH shout for joy.