New England Psalm Book
Luke 1
The Song of the blessed Virgin Mary, at her meeting Elizabeth
46 My soul doth magnify the LORD;
47 My spirit greatly doth rejoice
In GOD my saviour; whom I praise
With joyful and exulting voice.
48 For greatly He regarded hath
His handmaid in her low estate:
And hence all ages of the world
Shall me as blessed celebrate.
49 Th' Almighty wondrous things hath done,
To me: and holy is his name:
50 To them who fear him mercies flow;
From race to race they ever stream.
51 He with his arm hath shewed strength;
The great and proud hath scattered
In the devices of their hearts
They vainly had imagined.
52 Down from their seats of dignity
The high and mighty put hat He;
And has exalted those on high
Who were before of low degree.
53 The hungry hath with good things fill'd,
The rich has empty sent away;
54 His servant Isr'el greatly help'd,
His mercy minds, and will display.
55 As what He to our fathers spake,
So wondrously perform doth He
To Abraham and to his race,
And will ev'n to eternity.
The Song of Zacharias at the Circumcision of John the Baptist
67 The LORD, the GOD of Israel
be greatly bless'd! for He
Hath now his people visited,
redeem'd, and made them free.
69 Who our salvation's' mighty Horn,
foretold in ancient days,
Out of his servant David's house,
hath now been pleas'd to raise.
70 According to his promises
proclaim'd by holy men,
Who ever since the world began
by Him inspir'd have been.
71 That we from all our enemies
by Him may saved be;
And from the cruel hands of all
who hate us may be free.
72 to grant the mercy promised
our fathers; and to mind
His holy covenant, His oath
to Abraham his friend.
74 That us from fear and foes hand freed,
to serve Him He would give;
75 In holiness and righteousness,
before Him, while we live.
76 And with his prophets, THE MOST HIGH,
dear Child, will number thee;
Before the LORD, to clear the way,
thou shalt employed be.
77 The doctrines of salvation thou
shalt make his people know:
And how He will forgive their sins
thou shalt them clearly show.
77 Thro' tender mercies of our GOD;
whereby the springing day
Begins to rise and visit us,
and chase the night away.
79 To light those who in darkness sit,
and in death's shade reside;
And in the way to endless peace
our foot-steps safely guide.
Luke 2
The Song of the heavenly Hosts at the Birth of CHRIST
All glory to the most high GOD,
on high let glory be:
On earth be glorious peace abroad,
and men his favour see.
Glory be to The most High God,
On high the highest Glory be!
And peace on all the earth abroad,
To men his boundless favour free.
The Song of Simeon, upon taking the Child JESUS into his Arms in the Temple
29 Lord, let me now depart in peace,
who have thy waiting servant been,
According to thy word! for now
30 Mine eyes have thy salvation seen!
31 Which Thou hast wondrously prepar'd,
And shown before all people's face;
32 A light to all the Gentile world,
The glory of thine Isr'els race!
Matthew 4
The LORD's Prayer
9 Our FATHER, who in heav'n art seen,
In brightest love and majesty;
let all the universe conspire
Thy glorious name to sanctify.
10 O let thy promis'd kingdom come
Of grace and glory from above:
And let thy will be done on earth
As 'tis in heav'n with joy and love.
11 Give us this day our daily bread;
12 Our debts to the forgive and blot,
As we our debtors free forgive;
13 Into temptation lead us not.
But us from ev'ry evil save:
For thine the universal reign,
The pow'r and glory always was,
Is, and shall ever be: AMEN.